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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Dance lifts tend to be a little....hmm...risque. Not sure Yuzu'd want Scott to do that kind of thing with him. It's not the same as pairs.
  2. Okay, now I'm sure this guy lurks, I said almost exactly that about H&L a couple days ago. In which case: Hi Jack! More intense, competition-mode Yuzu in the Today's Yuzu feature please. Show us his inner dragon...:)
  3. Yes, but on the ice, he's playing a character, depending on the program. If he did a tango (or any other Latin dance) , he'd act the part and the sexy would suddenly be there. Some people are just naturals like that.
  4. H&L also had touches of green & sparkle.
  5. I'm sure it would be a thing of beauty, if he did. A whole new side of him.
  6. Maybe? Considering it's probably a record no one's attempted before, you probably wouldn't need that many people...but if you did need the space, you'd probably have to pick an outdoor surface like the Rideau Canal.
  7. I can see it now: Guinness World Record attempt for the most number of people doing simultaneous 1A...when Yuzu said he wanted to do a quad axel, he never did specify that he would be the one doing all four rotations, did he? Technically this is also a 'quad' axel....
  8. How are V&M ever gonna be satisfied with regular ice dance after this? See what you started, Yuzu?
  9. I may be mixing up my terms, but what I'm referring to is the fact that all the charts of deductions they showed had "fall: -5" at the top. .
  10. The main thing I take away from that is that a fall is always -5 GOE... not sure how different that is from before. And speaking as a scientist, 'very good height' and 'very good length' are not concrete descriptors by any manner or means...they need to start quantifying what 'very good' means. Does it mean the skater can jump up to half their height or fly 1/4 the width of the rink, or what? And with modern computer analysis, they could create algorithms to come up with reasonable (ie based on empirical data of past performances) numbers for these...
  11. Even he had to change the jumps b/c of his injury, it doesn't suffer at all. You can how he changes his timing slightly to make sure the jumps still fit the music. Both are amazing. I personally feel like H&L at WC Helsinki is the most perfect figure skate the world has seen to date. Everything about it was right.
  12. I hear you. However, I suspect that in the Tohoku region, people Yuzu's age who lived through 3/11 probably share his attitudes regarding donating to reconstruction efforts. He just happens to be the one with the resources to actually do something about it. But I was alluding to the fact that when you're still young enough to have idealism and energy, sacrificing so much and giving selflessly comes more naturally than when you're older, disillusioned, and cynical. I hope Yuzu never loses his idealistic outlook. That is all
  13. As you get older, you start to realize the kind of dedicated selflessness and giving Yuzu is doing is only possible when you're young. He's able to do it because he's 23. Also, adding in to the general discussion re: his potential to earn, Yuzuru seems like the kind of kid who'd always worry about whether his parents had enough, so even if he were raking it in in endorsements, I bet they'd be the ones getting most of it. @KatjaThera To answer your question about Toronto living: Compared to Tokyo it's cheap. Compared to Sendai, it might be expensive.
  14. That would be so darn funny! It's the new Canadian industry!
  15. ....aaannnddd now it's back to normal. Oy. Anyway, every time I see Yuzu with kids, he seems like such a natural with them, that I think he must have younger relatives of some sort. He's exactly like a cool big brother or young uncle.
  16. Anyone else have this issue? Every time I go to the last page of the thread to reply to the comments about Yuzu and kids, the forum kicks me out and I have to sign back in. But I can post as normal from the second-to-last page.
  17. I feel like all this is going to have a lot to do with basic physical conditioning before he even steps on the ice. The more fit he can get himself to be, and the more strong his legs , the better a chance he has. Speaking as someone who's witnessed older athletes totally kill it over the young whipper-snappers, it comes to down to training smart and being very, very specific in what you do to achieve the goals. With younger athletes, it's different; the type of physical training done is less important than just doing enough of it because they have youth on their side to make up for the rest. (said the former swim coach. not the same sport, but some of the issues are similar.)
  18. Agreed, and I'm finding it somewhat weird, but on the other hand it's not like Brian doesn't have experience long-distance coaching as he and Yuzu have done things that way for years, so maybe that's what is going on here for now.
  19. I can see why Yuzuru chose to pay a visit there.
  20. You know, I'm sure one day about 10 or 15 years from now, we'll all be watching some Japanese phenomenon who's winning everything in sight and giving interviews that start with "When Yuzuru Hanyu came to my school that time". Champion-ness is hereditary, just not by blood. We inherit it from the people we admire who inspire us.
  21. Don't mind me, I'm just pausing to start my day by admiring the wonder that is Yuzuru in hakama. It looks so perfect on him. Everything looks perfect on him. How does he do it? Yuzu-sensei teach me your secret.
  22. What a beautiful thing to say. I too sometimes wonder if it's possible for him to live up to everyone's expectations...but he keeps on doing it. As for Yuzu living as a normal person... I'm sure one day he will, some time in the distant future, after he no longer skates.
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