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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Textbook publishers are totally missing out here.
  2. You're welcome and it's only high school physics. You can do a couple simple tests with a spinning top or some such object and try it for yourself. Yuzu's becoming a regular physics teaching aid. A textbook company should endorse him.
  3. Now you've got the physicist in me thinking: 1. The more homogenous and solid a rotating object is, the easier it will turn. Therefore, compact muscle and bone, which can be controlled consciously, would offer less resistance than fat, which is a non-rigid and effectively inanimate mass. Think of a glob of jelly clinging to a spoon. If you jerk the spoon, the momentum you impart makes the spoon move quickly, but the jelly doesn't transfer momentum well so it moves slowly and falls off the spoon. Likewise with human fat. 2. The more muscle fibers, the more power. Therefore a more muscled body can generate greater speed and momentum. It also means Yuzu can resist the centripetal force of the rotations better, which is the force that pulls rotating object outwards. So he can hold a tighter, faster rotation for longer. 3. Higher mass means more power is needed to make the jump. But it also means that it generates more momentum once in motion. 4. The distribution of the mass matters and will affect rotational speed and (I'm guessing here) stability in the air (jump position). But I can think of ways in which it benefits as well as ways in which it detracts, so maybe it's a wash? In short, I think the benefits of having more muscle power outweigh the negatives of being heavier. But Yuzu must be carefully monitoring every aspect of this to make sure it works out.
  4. I feel more like an envious sister wishing I was Ice-chan, though!
  5. And we love him for it! Joking apart, I had thought he got stronger there but wasn't sure. It's nice he confirmed it.
  6. No, it'll be 'Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?' and my eyes are not ready...
  7. Come on now, the love between a boy and his ice is always pure! Although he does occasionally make me think we should let him and Ice-chan have their alone time....
  8. Knit in the wee small hours of the morning, before new Yuzu videos get posted?
  9. This bit: ' Really...Now I have chest muscles. They really concentrates in this place *touch chest*(Interviewer goes: hee)Then, what's that...and *touch upper arm* the muscles are here too (In:sugoii) Yuzu: uhmm... I can feel my body is changing' Aw. That's just kind of endearing. It's like he never thought he'd be a muscle-y guy and is just as surprised by them as the rest of us.
  10. Oh, but I thought his one true love is Ice-chan? I mean, he did that hydroblade kiss and everything....
  11. It's laughable, really. I hope my friends and family like lumpy handknits because I can only afford to make Christmas gifts this year. My dollars have been exclusively reserved for Yuzu viewing.
  12. I can't help but wonder how many times he fell for his hand to end up like that. I mean we could all see it on video...it looked so painful.
  13. Of course it would be an organizational nightmare, but on the other hand Finlandia Trophy has already organized a way for people to send virtual flowers via SMS this weekend. I'm sure sooner or later someone will try it with charitable donations. Maybe not for an ISU competition but perhaps things like Japan Open.
  14. I think it would be safe to say that most of us are YOLO-ing our Yuzu spending. Celine Dion may come and go but Yuzu's only going to skate competitively for so long.
  15. If I recall correctly, that area was hit with more earthquakes a couple of years later, no? Your country has suffered a lot.
  16. I've always thought it would be cool if, instead of throwing plushies or flowers on the ice, fans could make instant online donations to the skater's charity of choice instead. Basically showering them with cash, but without the actual cash. Could you imagine? The average Pooh is what? 10 - 20 bucks? Imagine a 'Pooh rain' of cash going to the Tohoku rebuilding efforts on Yuzu's behalf every time he finishes a program.
  17. Wow, @micaelis. You've put so much work into this. One thing I would add is that Yuzu has on more than one occasion expressed his feelings about continuing to skate after 3/11, and, along with that guilt, expressed his sense of duty to do whatever he can to help the recovery efforts. For example, there is the video of him returning to a rebuilt high school shortly after winning his gold at Sochi, where prior to going in, he tells the TV interviewer with him that he's afraid the students will accuse him for leaving, that they will say 'how dare you!' And then he is completely surprised and totally overwhelmed when they welcome him with screams and cheers and are excited to see him. In fact, it's not until he pays the craft-making grannies he met in that same 2014 visit a second call, in 2018 after PyeongChang, that he seems to start letting go of guilt, because the grannies even tell him 'You don't have to carry that burden. What you're doing gives us hope and makes us happy." It seems to me that since that particular time, he's carried himself a lot lighter.
  18. The clear files are great, but I like the product boxes with his full-length image on them. How would you like to bet that at least some of those clear files are going to turn up as giveaways at SCI? The Japanese ladies are so nice about those kinds of things.
  19. I haven't calculated a percentage, but "all my disposable income from now until World's is over" pretty well covers it.
  20. They have a luxe image to uphold after all. But Citizen might give them a run for their money...those watch photos were things of beauty!
  21. Happy Birthday Toshl, fanyu extraordinaire!
  22. At least that means he's warm for once!
  23. ...didn't a satellite do the very same thing not too long ago? It even came up in this thread...
  24. And how! Every time he opens his mouth about Yuzu and Nathan, all I hear is a wily coach saying things calculated to fire up his own skater. let's face it, it's got to sting to be Nathan and hear Raf say "I'm his fan" about Yuzu, and ask for Yuzu's autograph. It's exactly what I'd do as a coach if I had a skater with that level of potential who needed a slight prod in the buttocks to get moving. . . . Maybe it's a good thing I'm not a coach.
  25. I think everyone in that group got pretty loud cheers just because, but Jun definitely got his share of screaming. And it wasn't unwarranted. Even though Yuzu was on the ice, Jun occasionally stole my eyes away.
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