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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Jordan's pose...he looks exactly like a hockey player trying to chase a breakaway. It looks difficult.
  2. Are they? Until Yuzu, I had never heard of them or Monkey Majik
  3. I had no idea Monkey Majik had a Canadian connection. That's pretty cool! Strange coincidence: the Yoshida Brothers have a Canadian apprentice who is also a videographer and YouTuber, who I follow on YouTube. That's where I first heard about the Yoshida Brothers, actually.
  4. Try swiping the picture. It's set up like one post with multiple photos to swipe through.
  5. When you consider that that was when he was still in Juniors and long before he started winning everything in sight.... it's really kind of brilliant. You can see the genius ready to come out. I would not complain if he brought this music back again, with upgraded choreography that reflects the skills and mastery he has now. A little shamisen would liven things up, and I bet he'd make it spectacular.
  6. This is great! I was LOL'ing at their conversation about the challenge of keeping up with Yuzu while filming...and the crew cheering Tanaka-sensei on. And Yuzu finally admitting that it would be impossible to keep up unless he filmed it himself.
  7. Didn't the local police in Florida re-open their investigation also? So there must be some evidence, or they would not have done so.
  8. Swipe left. The text is posted in chunks, like photos.
  9. Isn't the Chinese pronunciation of his name also supposed to have some kind of significance that implies beauty as well? I recall reading something about it once but not exactly what they said.
  10. Here lies the remains of one satellite, killed dead by the gorgeousness of Yuzu skating. Let all know by these presents, that said satellite died very happily.
  11. Breathe, @Hydroblade, breathe! (Sorry, there's no 'smelling salts' emoji! )
  12. I noticed that, also the hydro into flying sit spin. I wonder how much time he's spent experimenting with the hydroblade because he does so much with it. Those deep outside forward edges look amazing no matter who does them, but Yuzu really sets the bar. His body lines are perfect. It's almost more fascinating watching him do that stuff than watching his jumps.
  13. I wasn't expecting the shots of Yuzu with Dylan Moscovitch...that really cracked me up!
  14. Thanks for these! They're great. Makes me wish there was an English edition...maybe someday!
  15. No, as his short program music for this year (it's a game here on the Planet; we couldn't possibly guess what he's going to do, so we make wild and silly guesses). I'm sure Rick has been played millions of times at all.kinds of occasions... it's that kind of song.
  16. A little bit Rickrolled. I wanted to play a prank on the Planet, but I also genuinely like the song and think it would be something very fun and light-hearted for Yuzu to play with.
  17. So, are we ready to play 'make wild guesses about Yuzu's new music' yet? I'd like to submit the following for your consideration, as an SP: https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ Don't you think it would make a great tribute to Ice-chan, or skating itself, or winning gold medals, or insanely difficult elements, or, you know, any of the other wonderful things Yuzu is so passionate about? While at the same time being all poppy and upbeat? It would definitely make people smile...
  18. The reality of CCRA border agents is that they have discretion over who they let in to Canada, even in normal times. In theory, you could have all your papers correct and be a white farm boy born and raised in Cochrane, Ont, or what have you, and the border agents don't have to let you in if they think there's reason to keep you out. In practice, that's not how it works, but that 'having discretion' thing is a wide net. One hopes its not being used to discriminate in a racist fashion, but the possibility is always there.
  19. Yeah, that's how I see it too. They'll figure out a way to do it without allowing spectators. Good thing Skate Canada got in all that practice livestreaming competitions online last year. If they do hold any events this year, they'll at least be ready to share online. And while I'm not a fan of pay-per-view, I would gladly chip in a few bucks for a good online stream if helps SC run a COVID-safe event.
  20. If you're stuck try creating an album for them in the PH Gallery and uploading there, then post the link here
  21. He's starting to look grown up. So handsome!
  22. Yes, even my local paper has interviewed several so-called 'longhaulers', who caught it back in March, thought they had recovered, but still test positive and have weird and debilitating recurring symptoms periodically. Everything about this virus is nasty. I wouldn't be surprised if it wrecked some survivors health permanently.
  23. I thought Rika was supposed to be at TCC right now...guess she went to Switzerland instead? Or maybe b/c of quarantine still being in effect here?
  24. Yes of course! One thing about these commercials...I noticed it with the old Ghana CM footage too... Yuzu always uses his program choreo for them or else sneaks in a partial run-through while the crew is doing other stuff. He really never wastes an opportunity to practice a bit, does he? It's really smart.
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