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Everything posted by BWOZWaltz

  1. If this happens, productivity of fanyus during and after the comps would decline even more. Fanyus survival rate would drop to zero and withdrawal symptoms would become more severe. It's a true weapon of mass destruction but I want it...
  2. Or ISU finally realises Yuzu is the icon of this sport and literally uses his image to represents their fs videos...?
  3. Funny I was thinking this too! The commentator is talking about this program being an EX pro from when Yuzu's in junior circuit.
  4. Can you imagine the horror if a torn piece of the costume had fell on the ice ending 1 point deduction for Yuzu? Not this time but what if his score didn't reach a new WR because of it?
  5. I believe Yuzu doesn't accept any offers of sponsorship unless he agrees with the company's concept or finds they have some sort of connection with the things he values or uses. I don't think Yuzu is willing to get more sponsorship if that means he has to sacrifice a lot of his time for fulfilling sponsor's requirement while he's still competing.
  6. OP said the hotel should pay 10% commission to Yuzu on the income that they've made from Hanyuconomy. Also not sure if it's true but the OP suggested that they had to upgrade the airplanes from small propeller ones to bigger ones for the flights to Kelowna.
  7. Wait...I thought Russian girls are using Yuzu's quad vids as their reference so if Yuzu is referencing these girls then this is called...circular reference!!
  8. Packed full of fav. From top to bottom On the left: Bangs above eyes, sparkly nose tip, Mt Fuji lips, shoulder bag On the right: Aho-ge (antenna), shiny/glossy round head (hair), Adam's apple-kun, shiro-jasu (white jersey jacket), pushed up sleeves Basically the original poster Monjiro-san is listing up what she likes about the way Yuzu looks in the outfit. I have to agree Yuzu is the perfect package that packed full of good stuff!! Now I've been wondering why they call the white jersey jacket (team japan/ANA official jacket) 白ジャス / shiro-jasu. So I have googled it and found that the word "jasu" is used to call school gym/PE clothing only in Miyagi prefecture! In many other areas in Japan, they are called ジャージ (jersey). ETA: Sekkisei clear file is in high quality!! Puts Xylitol ad materials to shame
  9. True sign of greatness appears when the presence of the person is acknowledged without he/she actually being there. I won't give toss about T*L's unasked opinions about anyone let alone the great G.O.A.T. Happy goat sunday!
  10. From top left to right: Bug 1 and 2 - "we are the ones that you've rescued from the ice rink" Bottom left to right: Shoes (skating boots) - "you're always taking care of us" Ice rink - "you're always caressing gently" The OP on the top says: There are still many more "children" (子たち) who are wishing to repay his kindness one day.
  11. Oh no Misha... I really really hope this operation finally fixes the issue for him.
  12. Oh well, it's not ungodly hours but early in the morning for me...getting up 5:30am on Sat morning and 6:30 on Sun morning is not the end of the world... and gala is at 2:00am Monday early in the morning. It's a good job I'm taking Monday off as I'm not going to miss Yuzu's EX program reveal (though I've got a feeling he may be keeping HYK)
  13. I've seen a better coaster in a pub before
  14. I'm not following ID so haven't got a clue about the scoring either. But Dai certainly will be able to help the field to develop more depth if Jpn TV can get more viewers for ID/pairs.
  15. Dai probably felt after last season that he's too old to be competing as single but knowing Japan lacks skaters in ID/pair fields, seeing an opportunity there. But going to Beijing 2022 is just wow...
  16. Yaaay Keiji's photo But honey darling, I thought you've won a gold medal...that does not look like gold...?
  17. My heart goes out to the Messing family. Three young children with no father...just terrible.
  18. Oto-chan 2.0 is examining Ori-chan 2.0's costume and found a little birdy and Pooh-san jotted down the finding
  19. I know what you're saying is not serious suggestion but Yuzu's love for his country and for figure skating is beyond all these created hype around US for their up & coming young skaters. Yuzu has a manner that his objective comes as a whole and genuine. Sport comes from the sporting spirit which supports fair competition. Yuzu has plenty of it and he won't have it in any other way. His stubbornness and passion is the driving force of this mad rollercoaster. It's not going to stop until he gets it...
  20. Yuzu is trying to tap into papa bear Ghislain's jump knowledge that is held somewhere within his...tummy? ETA: got YT video
  21. I'm pretty sure this has already been posted somewhere on the planet but just in case. So basically after Yuzu said "I'm not going to retire yet. Never!" then as his last comment, in here 「本当にきれいなの跳んでやるからな。見とけ、世界!」 "I'm going to jump the truly beautiful one. Watch it WORLD!" That's our boy!! I've been exhausted over the weekend and am a bit too tired to say what I feel and think right now. But one thing I know is Yuzu is going to aim for something truly beautiful (performances/jumps) that knock everyone out including the judges. Shady scoring can happen when there's shadow or grey area. What Yuzu wants is a perfect performance and that hasn't changed since...forever. His skating spirit is very much like a wild beast that cannot be tamed. Fire and ice boy. Passionately pursued but calmly calculated. Perfect Hanyu cannot be beaten. That is still the case.
  22. What type of watch tho? If he's designing a dress watch for ladies, he can use lots and lots of crystals
  23. One of the guys is from Ajinomoto Victory project team (the guy* sitting next to Yuzu). He must be a nutritionist or something. Others are probably much the same - part of the team that supported Jpn athletes during the olympics. Ajinomoto Victory project: https://www.ajinomoto.co.jp/sports/vp/201802figureskating/
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