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Everything posted by BWOZWaltz

  1. Just because I needed. Post this here. He skates so soft and gentle. He spins slower than in his comp programs and that gives me a feeling of kindness and healing effect. Not sure if I can explain properly but his elements really changes its impression depending on how he performs. I watch this video when I want to cry and feel somehow healed afterwards.
  2. Yeah the exact photo I was thinking bout when I was reading @rockstaryuzu's comment. But I didn't want to disturb innocent fanyus so I didn't post but you did! Btw, Australians call speedo budgie smuggler and don't side eye me that's true!
  3. There's no direct flight out from Toronto to Turin/Torino so no direct flight return from Turin to Toronto either. No airline seems to operate direct flights between these cities.
  4. Apparently, the same thing happened at gpf 2015 So history repeats itself then?
  5. I think eager beavers are working hard and clicking away I have tried and tried but I couldn't finish voting for all categories. I will have to go back again.
  6. Oh I see...ISU is like Yuzu then. Wake up and become active at 12 noon!!! ETA: Dasani had uploaded NBC broadcast version of NHK fs
  7. I'm watching it on an endless loop...I have an assignment that I suppose to finish by Tuesday and I still have heaps to do... Death on two legs he is
  8. So I tried to vote for the ISU award thing but being ISU, the voting hasn't opened yet though it suppose to start 1st of December which is today including the Swiss where their headquarters is. Oh well...
  9. I have registered with few different names and nationalities so we'll see I don't think ISU would mind if you're Japanese and vote for Yuzu. But they'd be interested to know if you're going to stick around for other skaters and that's something nobody would know. One thing I'm sure is BY (Before Yuzu) figure skating and AY (After Yuzu) figure skating cannot be the same. People have realised that complete package skater can achieve both, high technicality and high artistry at the same time. However, if you are just tech junkie and only interested in anything quad, you won't care who perform what program. So ISU may just need to ask which road they should take in order to keep the majority entertained (so that they bring ISU the dosh they want).
  10. I have sent my opinion about NW9 to NHK through viewers voice online form. I just put it as we want fair and true information about events. I have asked them why they didn't dig deeper and find out about why the audience expressed their feeling the way they did. I told them that they have duty to the viewers/tax payers (well...my parents surely pay them enough ;D) to broadcast the truth and not fabricated version of the event. I believe many of the fanyus did the same thing as the way they tried to twist things to hurt both Yuzu and his fans is not right.
  11. Oh this is so sweet The OP said: 3yr old was asked about what she's wishing to Santa for Christmas. "Sparkly sparkly, twirly whirly! High high jumping! Twirly whirly! Kicking high and jumping! Here we go! Sparkly! Poohs, lots and lots!! He IS so COOL!" Is it: "Hanyu Yuzuru" I want to wish that too!!
  12. I saw a tweet referring to your video so no wonder I love the quality of your video
  13. Yes. You are right. I as a fanyu got caught up in the pain and worry for Yuzu NHK2017 but Ghislain had to go through with the whole thing with Yuzu at that time without Brian and Tracy. How relieved and be proud Ghislain must be now. I am so grateful and thankful for having TCC team as Yuzu's support. No... you're making me cry now.
  14. I'd say the dish was too salty for one's taste...
  15. Have just sent 30 Euro through Paypal Thanks for keeping this place open for all fanyus!!
  16. *watching at the lady watching Yuzu in the screen, *burning envy appears in the eyes, *surrenders to the power of rolling over bby and sobs This particular issue of the magazine will have freebies for the readers. Planned freebies are 美ST limited design of phiten beauty power tape and Sekkisei beauty skin care trio set. Also the special feature of the issue will be "How to turn back the clock of your skin" targeting people in 40's & 50's. Oh what a fanyu trap The OP got other posts speculating about what kind of Yuzu pic they're planning. One of the previous covers was Shou Hirano (King & Prince) appearing topless...say no more
  17. The title of this 12 something song could be this one. https://www.amazon.co.jp/十二国記-S-T-1-十二幻夢組曲-TVサントラ/dp/B000068WE1 It's an anime OST so I definitely think this would be more for Yuzu than Chopin...
  18. He said "There were people who speculated that either I or Hanyu crashed into the other on purpose but those who talk such things do not know about figure skating" "We responded immediately and tried to avoid collision but we're moving too fast and we collided" "Nobody wants that kind of accident to happen to anybody so I was glad that Hanyu could still perform (after the crash)" "Hanyu and I have been around the competitions with each other since we're still very young. He went up to junior circuit before me and he also started to do well in senior comps before me. He is one of the people whom I aspire to be and has many things that I can learn from" Through the hardships of the past years, it seems Han Yan has really matured as a person as well as a skater. At CoC this year, he's showed truly beautiful skating and gave us moving performances. I've seen many people tweeted/commented about his come back on several different sns or blogs. I'm really happy that we can still get to see skaters like Yuzu and Han Yan. ETA: @Sukigirl and @happy_fishhad already posted it. I didn't check the last page!!
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