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Everything posted by Pammi

  1. ..........actually what Id really like to ask him is would he sing a song for me.............I'd love to hear him sing
  2. Yuzuru, What are your plans for further Continues with Wings shows?(......will you bring it to Europe? Pleeeeeeease! Every year!! Helsinki's good? You like Barcelona?)
  3. Gosh, it looks like YOU are the closet psychologist/psychiatrist !!
  4. BUT WHAT IF HE LOOKED AT YOU LIKE THIS?? ....Where’s your suitcase love? Gloves? Toe socks? Love you 😘 Photo: PJ Kwong @skatingpj on tw
  5. I cant imagine a mum who would argue with that sentiment! Buuuut, our Overlord is very honest about his shortcomings - he said recently he has noticed he always has to win arguments with his family, so just imagine the exchange between mum and son after Glovegate!! ... especially after that 150 something score 😱 If I was a betting woman I think I’d put my money on Yuzu, as Javi says “he REALLY REALLY likes to win” .... I bet mum is still packing his bags! Maybe the compromise is that Yuzu has to do the glove packing?! Edit: oh and toe sock packing too!! 😂 Edit number 2: this is a lighthearted comment by the way, I am not supposing I know the relationship between Yuzu and his mother, apart from a certainty they love each other!
  6. @Dreamer I think that’s a definite - just look at his face!! Even Javi looks scared !!!! Aww I know he loves his mum really ♥️ Her life has been about supporting him to realise his dreams, and her rewards are great, seeing her son at the pinnacle of his sport, absolutely adored and honoured by his people, and loved by so many beyond his nation’s borders. Maybe it’s been her dream too. Photo 1: sportymags @ ACI17 Photo 2: apologies, source unknown
  7. Here’s the lift - have we seen it already?
  8. This is so lovely, the artist has some more beautiful Yuzuru fan art (amongst other works) on her IG account 👏💕
  9. In the TV item about 24 hour tv, Yuzu, Hokkaido earthquake, HYK etc, apparently Yuzu indicates his mum loves Yuming and Yuzu said the song was released in 1994 and he probably heard it whilst he was still in the womb .... so was HYK for his mum last season I wonder? He must be so grateful to her for the years of support she’s given him (though she is his mum, and that’s pretty much what mum’s do!!). I’d say that apart from the gloves at ACI, he thinks she’s done a good job
  10. It always seems to me that someone somewhere knows how (not!) long it takes for us to start missing Yuzuru!we talk about a “drought” in the off season, but in reality we don’t usually have to even go a month before there is some Yuzu news to keep us going !Long may it continue!I Can’t wait to see Haru-chan accompanied by vocals and piano, all done for the benefit of others who will appreciate the message of hope I am sure, as well as donations. I wonder WHO is the someone though??
  11. Pammi

    Fan project

    @Veveco what a wonderful, personal tribute to Yuzuru, from fans, skaters, coaches, commentators - I loved reading it so much (and wish I could see all the quotes in "if it wasnt for Yuzu"). Yuzuru will know how fortunate he is to have such amazing fans who love, value and respect him so much, and get so much joy and inspiration from his skating and from he himself as a human being - your beautiful work putting it all together is an integral part of that love and care for him. My favourite quote is from a (newish??) big, big fanyu, Alexei Yagudin "OK I am making an announcement. If Yuzu decides to compete in Beijing I will try my best to become a flower boy so that I can in that way at least get physically close to him!" I had not heard it before, it made me laugh! I love how much he loves Yuzu!! THANK YOU for your wonderful work and effort
  12. Awww thanks, glad you like it! It never seems enough though, somehow...... he is MORE than I can say it seems!
  13. Yuzuru is so articulate, expressive with words as well as with movement, and his words have a poetic quality too I think. Truly a creative spirit!
  14. After seeing this, I forgive him totally for that blog!
  15. There is no way on this earth that Yuzu believes having good skin makes days more fun ......... is there??
  16. Trying to capture the feelings of going to watch Yuzuru skate live in competition - it’s hard to put into words really! Here’s an attempt: To our beloved Yuzuru 😊 Dreams of Feathers and bowstrings... The pull on our heartstrings, It’s you! We’re anticipating Just watching and waiting For you! And the moment that comes When you walk in the space that we share, It’s full of excitement, Electricity hums in the air. Your presence delights us! We check out your costume, Your hair! (It might appear shallow, But it’s part of our love and our care♥️) And it’s part of YOUR love and your care that you spend precious time, Making sure that every detail is perfect, Just fine. We wait for the moment of truth; You stand and prepare, All eyes are on you (but I try with my might not to stare!) You glide out on your stage And the audience cheer loud and high, The starting position, A hush descends now, Watch us die!! We get lost in the story The feelings you show, they’re a truth, And we’re right there beside you We feel the emotion with you. Of course we’re in love with you I can’t see how else it could be, For the beauty and grace and the power, that’s what we all see. As the music approaches the climax of your heartfelt dance, There’s not a dry eye in the house, we’re caught up in a trance! The stadium rings out in applause, and then up from above the Poohs they rain down on the ice as we show you our love 💕 Watching you skate like this, ever a joy, feelings true! And that, Yuzuru, is the wonder, the Magic that’s You ✨⚡️💓
  17. Gambatte!! (is that right???! I must learn some hiragana too......)
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