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Everything posted by Pammi

  1. Rousing stuff!! "Don't you underestimate me..."
  2. Well even if we dont get to see him on a bike, I think the lycra outfit is a pretty good idea!
  3. This isn’t in answer to the last post btw!! 😂 but I thought it was funny and might make you laugh
  4. it’s cheaper from HMV folks - too late for me, but maybe not for you! (See links, one for blue ray, one for DVDs)
  5. And look at that face - I believe him! Everything...
  6. I think so too - numbers are important and have meaning to Yuzuru (and also to many of us, me included!) an example: after the Olympics I discovered an interesting fact about Yuzu's birthdate: 07 + 12 = 19 1+9+9+4= 23 the ages he won his Olympic Gold Medals - always written in the stars ⭐
  7. Interesting 🤔 Yuzu does like numbers ... or is it just coincidence??
  8. I read in some interview or other that he said he is not an idol and everyone will forget about him once he retires anyway.... but I am not so sure! Maybe that's what he hopes for, bless him.... (but then..... how is he going to get used to NOT being the centre of attention, after all these years of striving to be such??......oh I suppose I also worry about him too much @faeline!!!!) Whatever, I'm sure he'll face the challenge, and try his very best.
  9. ...and I am sure many of us are just as, if not more dedicated to showing care and compassion towards vulnerable people, but we don’t have the advantage of fame and power to keep issues in the public eye or on political agendas the way Yuzuru does - some of our countries are severely lacking in moral leadership at present - that’s why we need a Yuzu Hanyu!!
  10. Just look at Yuzuru’s face - he’s so annoying!! ... I love him ....(So does Nobu!)
  11. He is beloved isn’t he ... And not only by Japan .... many of us from whatever country love him for these qualities too, showing such compassion and care to people who have suffered/survived disasters. We need a Yuzu Hanyu in every country please 🙏💕
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