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Everything posted by axelnojutsu

  1. I guess I’ll miss it after all then... I won’t be home for another hour at least
  2. I’ve seen people on twitter talk about rewatching the whole competition from olys on the anniversary, maybe we could do that as a streaming party?
  3. I'm not ready for Javi to be in this thread
  4. Javi, please..are you trying to kill me
  5. It's not serious, I don't think. There's a little step at the entrance to the rink, we were going to get something to drink and while I was putting on my guards one of the kids pushed me from behind with their stupid sled thingy and made me trip off the step.. got my toepick stuck on the matt but fell backwards and ouch I haven't had it checked out yet because I'm hoping it'll go away on its own if I just leave it alone. But I'm definitely staying off the ice for a while
  6. I sacrificed my right foot to Yuzu, I hope he enjoys it and it didn't even happen on the ice but when I was leaving it
  7. It’d be shocking if true but it is being put forward by the defense so I’m taking it with a grain of salt
  8. I was feeling a bit frustrated with my progress this season but my coach just pulled me aside after the lesson and said how much I visibly improved since last year and that he’s proud of me excuse me while I cry
  9. I finally managed somewhat decent backwards cross rolls of course, whenever I try to do cross rolls Seimei plays in my head so thank you, Zu
  10. @hunny The livestream links (if available) usually get added to the very first post in the thread for the event that’s being broadcast. They’re in a little box with instructions. Other than that there’s https://www.eurovisionsports.tv/ or paid services like NBC Gold and Eurosport Player.
  11. thank you that was absolutely wonderful! Happy birthday, Yuzu! May you be happy and healthy
  12. if we do the whole 3 hours we need another streaming marathon badge
  13. It looks like the last time slot is winning and if I counted right that’s right before the first jgpf event starts, right? Figure skate marathon
  14. Dusting off this old thread! I was wondering if anyone was interested in reviving streaming parties on Yuzu’s birthday? Maybe a series of videos from his baby mushroom days to today?
  15. I just completely gave up on points and "predicted" what I want to happen instead
  16. @LadyLou I thought he was gonna use Prometo as his SP
  17. Why would you not skate at nationals when you are there to skate the gala Javi It's not like he has to worry about competition there
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