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2 hours ago, LadyLou said:
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searching for what had exactly happened to make Yagudin scared of Nessie, I've tripped into a post-2014OWG thread in the other place, discussing Yuzu and 4A :10640793:

I haven't found what I was searching for but the discussion weirded me out...It looks from another era entirely but it's only 4 freakin years ago :tumblr_inline_mzx91uuLRI1r8msi5: The world moved so fast! Still no 4CC Gold for Yuzu, tho :4:

also Zuzu's Lo one of his poorer triples?

And someone thought Zuzu was more of a toe jumper than a edge jumper..

Maybe at that point in time it looked like that? :peekapooh: I bet it was 4S fault...but it worked hard to redeem itself! :67638860:





Definitely the 4S :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp: He landed it 4 times(?) of 11(?) attempts in the '12-13 and '13-14 season at international competitions.

His 3Lo (no 4Lo yet that time) has a 100% success rate though. Higher that beloved 3A.


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11 hours ago, quadaxelwin said:

I think he might need to work on 4A in harnesses for a while before he can attempt adding an extra rotation without harness, to be safe. 


He has already practiced 4A with a harness since at least last season. Not only that, but Brian told the press that the harness guy told him he "didn't have to do much" as in, help Yuzuru jump the 4A. :peekapooh:



edit: I always come late for discussions. Why. 

Ps: That lace tying tho. Secsi. 

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15 hours ago, quadaxelwin said:

If not harnesses, I hope he wears butt pads during Nessie trainings. Apparently they absorb alot of impact and shock when you fall. But I can't really imagine Yuzu wearing anything other than those tight leggings whilst training. He really prefers those leggings (And he looks fabulous in them so why not?).

I love how Yuzu is the first guy ever not embarassed to wear tight leggings in front of millions of cameras. He made leggings look cool on a guy. :knc_yuzu2:

No, leggings are like these: Cross-country skiing: Men in tights outside in the cold

Scroll down to the picture of the three winners at the bottom. I guarantee you they're not embarassed.

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Oh, I was about to address the admin-edited quote. Geez, if wearing leggins had anything to do with it, I wouldn't be seeing dozens of guys doing their daily running in leggins. Or cycling. Or... you know, half of the sport. They all look quite cool, actually. And it's even possible some of them are gay. Still looking cool.


Edit: The site went down for me for a few moments, does anyone know what happened? Not gonna lie, the perspective of not having access to Planet is scary.

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