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2018/19 Coaching changes

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54 minutes ago, yuzupon said:

NBC mucking the water. Murica, can't help but meddling.:10640793:


NBC a bit behind the news? And despite being behind the news, clearly haven't done their research to update themselves of the whole story (eg to realise that an official statement was forthcoming, or to even wait for that official statement)? Or did they just buy the story off the TASS translation?

This is journalism nowadays...and the free media is supposed to be one of the last bastions of democracy...:headdesk2:



53 minutes ago, katonice said:

I thought her Olympic free skate was wonderful, and might have been the first time I really liked her performance. Looking forward to seeing what her working with Brian will produce! 


Bear in mind that Mr Orser has himself stated that it takes time for his group to see their work with a skater come to fruition (I seem to recall a year and a half was what he was quoted as saying). So Zhenya may have a rough time results-wise over the next year or two. Let us not set expectations too high...

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Только что, kaeryth сказал:


Nooooooooooooooo!!!!! While I'm neutral about everyone, I really love this girl. Leave now Natsya! And please be healthy :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid:

It's only a rumor but nowadays rumors are scary oO

2 минуты назад, Nuitsuki сказал:

I’m crying oh my god i’m so happy for her! Been following her for a while, reading her interviews and stuffs. i can only say, while i respect Eteri team for what they’ve brought to her and I understand that her injuries are main reasons why she didn’t progress much, I can’t help but feel like she was receiving less attention, esp during last season where Eteri is busy with Olympics and juniors.

Polina said that coaching team encouraged her to stay, but what i gain from the tone, it seems more like general encouragement than an continuous, passionate support. She also said that the one who changed herself is her mindset, that she got inspiration from Aljona Savchenko. 

I don’t want to blame on Eteri for everything, i just want to say that, as a Polina fan, I have my reasons to support her move.

I read today that all interviews from all Sambo-70 pupils and coaches need to be approved by Eteri so xDDDDDDDDDD

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22 minutes ago, Lilona said:

Polina officially out


Polya... Can't she come to TCC too? 😢


4 minutes ago, Lilona said:

There's a rumor that Nastya Tarakanova also leaving. She has anorexia T___T Yikes...

What?! Oh no Nastya... our wild child... What has Eteri been doing? 

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2 minutes ago, Lilona said:

I read today that all interviews from all Sambo-70 pupils and coaches need to be approved by Eteri so xDDDDDDDDDD


No surprises. Eteri's recent comments are a fantastic exhibition of her authoritarian streak. And what happens when she perceives a threat to that.

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Javi liked an IG post about Zhenya leaving Eteri - He knew? LOOOOOOOOOL!

3 минуты назад, Sombreuil сказал:

For the non Russian speakers/readers - Polina is out but do they say what she will do?

No. There are no news... 

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3 minutes ago, katonice said:

Polya... Can't she come to TCC too? 😢


I'm reminded that someone today posted (?in the Memes sub-forum) about Yuzuru being told by Mr Orser to go away and play more (ie do more FaOI shows) so that Mr Orser could have the time to sort out everything to do with all of Yuzuru's friends that Yuzuru was inviting across to TCC...:smiley-laughing021:

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3 minutes ago, Lilona said:

Javi liked an IG post about Zhenya leaving Eteri - He knew? LOOOOOOOOOL!

No. There no news... 

1) Well Javi can keep quiet on the important stuff, and yeah he must of known, I suspect this all went down in secret between PC and worlds.

2) Polina to Plush, any chance of that? I imagine he is the one coach in Russia who doesn't give a flying F*** and Polina is still a good grab

3) Tarakanova: could she possibly go back to Panova? Just heal up, recoup and go back and slay?

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2 minutes ago, Sammie said:

Poor Brian. :laughing:

Poor Brian's hair....:laughing: All of these issues cannot be good for it!


1 minute ago, yuzupon said:

I... am going out for a walk. Planet better not be on fire when I come back. I mean, we just put this one off.

Russia FS fandom, can't you chill just for a minute?:13877886:


I suspect the Planet is resilient enough to be ok. Whether all the satellites will still be here, and whether any of them may be engulfed in solar flares is a different matter! :rofl:



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1 minute ago, yuzupon said:

I... am going out for a walk. Planet better not be on fire when I come back. I mean, we just put this one off.

Russia FS fandom, can't you chill just for a minute?:13877886:

It is the home of Tolstoy and "War and Peace"- did you expect less?

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