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1 時間前, fireovertheiceさんが言いました:

I doubt also very much that Chan will be a podium contender...it depends on what he will be able to produce from Nationals on.


If you're assuming this based on a scenario where everyone skates clean, then are you only saying this because he hasn't had a clean FS in a while? And because he seems less than prepared mentally this season? Because if he produces a clean performance of both his SP and FS in a competition where all the others are present, I'm pretty sure he'll get very impressive scores that may sway the judges to be more level-headed with their judging of other skaters with clearly inferior quality (but are somehow being scored as though their skating is very near to being as good as it gets--something that I think is happening mainly because the ones with clearly superior quality haven't been delivering clean skates lately, much less consistently). He *is* the only one other than Hanyu to score above 100 in his SP with a single quad, and the one with the lowest value no less, although he did do it in combination. And among the two, he's the one with the higher score (again, probably thanks to his quad triple combo).


If a miracle happens and he's able to deliver clean programs at the Olys, I think he'd still have a very decent chance for the gold, even if most of the younger half of the top 6 were to skate clean. Because he'd have delivered a very clear point of comparison for PCS scoring and judges may be more hesitant to score the younger contenders in the same league once they have perfection delivered right to their doorstep.


If that happens, his placement on the podium would be dependent on how Hanyu and Fernandez both perform, because if Chan delivers two clean performances, the only ones who can beat him are still only Hanyu and Fernandez, and only if they skated clean or very close to clean, as well. And perhaps Uno, if Uno skates clean and they don't suddenly begin to penalize him on his weaknesses (not sure if they can at this point without seeming too obvious what they're trying to do), just cos even if they were to scale him back down in PCS a bit, it likely won't be below the 90 mark (since suddenly dropping him to below that despite a clean skate when he's been hitting above it would, again, raise a lot of eyebrows) and his BV will do the rest of the work, even if he doesn't get awarded very high GOEs...*


*Yeah this would sadly mean that even if Chan skated clean with all his superior strength and quality, he may still lose to a clean Uno whose only edge against Chan is in the fact that he has more quads, even if they aren't necessarily high quality ones. If judges haven't painted themselves into a corner and instead left themselves room for fair judging if this scenario were to happen, then Chan would still win, hands down. But because politics made it so that they have to remain within a certain bracket regardless of a clear difference in what was actually presented...well...you really can't fault Hanyu for being paranoid (regardless of whether or not he may be using paranoia as an excuse to simply do what he wants and that is a 5-quad FS, preferably with a new jump >_<) even though his safety net of 5-to-6 quads in total is a lot sturdier than Chan's 3-quad total one. 


On 2017/11/21 at 午前7時0分, katoniceさんが言いました:



Thanks for this! Do you know where I could find the rest of this article?

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Frankly I say so, not only for the issues Patrick showed in the first part of this season (but also in the second part of the last one, in a certain degree), but because this season it will be the FS to make the difference and mostly for the TES. It's because of this that Yuzuru introduced the 4Lz and backloaded a little bit both his programs.

The SP will be important to stay in the first positions and not losing to much/gaining something, and for order of skating the FS. But with the actual  jumps layout of Chan (i.e. without a 4S in the FS), I doubt that he really could win. For Javi is different because he have something more to play in TES with in case of bad skates of the others in the FS, as in part we have seen at IdF.


And also if for the SP he is capable to go around 100 or little more with a single quad, he never had the cushion that Yuzu or Javi could have with a clean skate and two quads. And I think that a clean skate in the SP is more reachable for everyone of the top men with min difference: in fact for now almost all have topped the 100s (Uno - a couple of times - Fernandez, Chen  and Yuzu).

More: last season Chan had a clean SP only at GPF scoring 99.76, and at WC, where he gained a 102.13 score; and this at WC is the same layout he presented at the only competition of this season. In Helsinki he had already good GOEs: 2.43 for the combo, 2.00 for the 3Lz and 2.00 for the 3A (that rarely he lands clean...). And he earned excellent PCS, for a total of 48.02. Also being generous and giving him all +3 on jumps, and a couple of points more on spins and one point (I think the max) in PCS, he can be scored max around 107/108. Without  a second quad he will not score much more than that.

At the last WC in the FS he scored 193 and something because he had the 4S, but still was not enough because the others were clean or just cleanish and the cushion from the SP not so high.


So, if he want be really competitive: 1) he have to introduce a second quad in the FS and better a second quad in the SP; 2) then he has to be foot perfect in both segments of the competition ; 3) he has to hope that Yuzuru, Javier, Shoma and Nathan had not good skates at least in one of the segments, better the FS.

For these reasons at the moment his win seems not so easy and probable, also if I agree with you that is not impossible at all. As I said, it depends on what he will shows at Nats, in terms of layouts/TES as well as of psycological and phisical form.

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Not necessarily all of Team Canada, but Team Cricket Club... I have a huge soft spot for them:tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp:Never would I thought to follow this one junior (he is definitely no Hanyu) but talk to someone enough for realizing... I follow him now solely based on his being a nice person :tumblr_m9gcraReGL1qzckow:They all seem like such nice people there!

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Marine Zueva mentions Patrick Chan in a new article "Figure skating is 50% sport and 50% art"



At that moment, American journalists approached Marina to clarify the situation with her other skater – Patrick Chan.


– You should ask Patrick himself. He’s in Vancouver now. He must decide everything for himself. I adore him, I’m ready to start working at any time. He is the best “performer” in the world. This was him who began a new era in men’s single skating. Patrick is still young, he should continue to skate, as long as possible! I experience his problems together with him, fatigue, all this is not easy … But his skating is unique, unforgettable, no one can compare with him.



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Uh uh uh. 


That doesn't sound good. At all. At all. It may sound a long way off, but the Canadian Nats are Jan 8-14 and that's a little over a month. And if he's not motivated now, I am not sure that he'll suddenly perk up, or have enough time even, to PC. 

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6 hours ago, kaeryth said:

Marine Zueva mentions Patrick Chan in a new article "Figure skating is 50% sport and 50% art"




Should we uhm,.do anything for him, like a banner or something? Doesn't he have any fanclubs willing to write a get well card or cheer banner for him?

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