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29 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:

I was absolutely certain this would happen really soon, so I am not surprised in the least. In a way, I feel like it's perhaps the end of a very bad time for her, finally, and yes, perhaps quitting skating all together is what is necessary for her to truly shake off the shadows of the past that obviously continued to haunt her. I am sadder than I thought I'd be, as I figured I'd made peace with it, but I guess not because I can't stop thinking how much we lost because she was never allowed, and I do think that's the right word, to become a fully mature skater. But ultimately, sod that. Be happy Yulia, fly high!

 Exactly. In her last season's lovely lyrical SP I thought I saw a new Yulia break out and win our hearts again, but fate wouldn't have it. 

Wishing nothing but health and happiness in whatever she chooses to do from now on! 

The national and international response to her retirement is astounding!

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ah, this is so sad :cry: i hope that her recovery goes well, and that she's successful in whatever she decides to do next :7938863: she's so talented, and she'll always be remembered for her beautiful performances. i was wishing she'd break out and make an astounding comeback this season, but her health and wellbeing is so much more important :10636614: thank you, yulia! 

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Can't say I'm surprised, but at the same time I was hopeful she'd stage an epic comeback. Shame to see another talented skater gone to health problems :tumblr_inline_mn41rkfu9v1qz4rgp: 


Anyway, hope she's happier now, she deserves that much after all the sh*t she went through. Godspeed Yulia.

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Yesterday I didn't know what to say because I was too sad. Today I just wish that she can finally find her own happiness and peace far from all the media and journalists. This illness is very serious and I'm happy that she has all the support and help needed. She already gave so much to her fans and country. Now it's time to concentrate on her own life and health. Stay strong, Yulia!

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On 8/30/2017 at 8:59 PM, Hannah said:

Alena Kostornaya from Tutberidze team just won the Moscow Open Junior Championships.


This is the same competition where Plushenko had his first students appear, right? I saw the vids on his insta. Not a bad start for him either!

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