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I am just soo incredibly jealous of those who had great dreams about Yuzu. All of my dreams about him were literally nightmares. I had recurring dreams about him getting injured, losing to Nathan...etc. I think I had mild anxiety esp after worlds19 and he got injured. For those months when fantasy on ice was going on I kept getting nightmares about the same things..either he lost or he got injured and i would wake up in cold sweats, checking my phone to see if he was still in one piece after FaOI because he was doing quad lutz. It stopped for a while after he hadnt competed for 10 months. But after he competed at nationals, as mentions of worlds and beijing popped up again, these nightmares are BACK! So far I had two nightmares already. The first was him getting silver at Beijing. The second was last night. I had a dream he couldnt even do his sp clean and then Nathan skated after him clean. I dont want to sound dramatic lol but I sorta cried from my dreams to reality. Anyone else had these nightmares?

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On 1/5/2021 at 3:08 AM, makebelieveup said:

I am just soo incredibly jealous of those who had great dreams about Yuzu. All of my dreams about him were literally nightmares. I had recurring dreams about him getting injured, losing to Nathan...etc. I think I had mild anxiety esp after worlds19 and he got injured. For those months when fantasy on ice was going on I kept getting nightmares about the same things..either he lost or he got injured and i would wake up in cold sweats, checking my phone to see if he was still in one piece after FaOI because he was doing quad lutz. It stopped for a while after he hadnt competed for 10 months. But after he competed at nationals, as mentions of worlds and beijing popped up again, these nightmares are BACK! So far I had two nightmares already. The first was him getting silver at Beijing. The second was last night. I had a dream he couldnt even do his sp clean and then Nathan skated after him clean. I dont want to sound dramatic lol but I sorta cried from my dreams to reality. Anyone else had these nightmares?

I haven't had such nightmares, but I really hope they subside soon and you gain peace. 

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1 hour ago, yuzuru_hanyu_is_an_angel said:

I haven't had such nightmares, but I really hope they subside soon and you gain peace. 

Thank you :10742289: I hope so too! it is def hard being a Yuzu fan sometimes but at the same time I feel like I am also the beneficiary of the things he did for us. 

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I dreamt that he did a quad axel but bombed his other jumps and hurt his ankles again, and I was in front of the computer screen crying in shock.....

Then I woke up. That felt funny...it felt strangely realistic. 

I'd rather him not to do that quad axel in exchange of an injured foot, thinking back now



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  • 3 weeks later...

I've dreamt of Yuzu! He was wearing a cap and we were time-travelling?! Lmao. I considered it a date, and it was nice having his company with him seated in front of me in the "time machine train". We didn't talk but it was nice anyway. It was a pleasant dream which I had more than a year ago. Sadly, I haven't dreamt of him since then. 

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  • 2 months later...

Nice dreams you all had !

A few days ago I dreamt that me and my sister were in the backstage at the gala (or opening ceremony?) of the World Championship in Stockholm.

Many skaters were there waiting for their turn to skate. I remember Satoko, Anna, Alexandra,... and Yuzuru of course :-) . Surprisingly, there was also Javier hihi.

I think we tried to ask Yuzuru if we could take a picture with him...  (and in the end he said he would like to once he had skated...).And then I woke up... so no picture but Yuzu still talked to us. :-) :tumblr_inline_mqt4graWWO1qz4rgp:

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Fanyuness must be contagious. My husband is not very receptive to bodily expression, so he won't watch many programs (but still has seen several programs by Yuzuru Hanyu, he feels what is truly excellent so could watch them). But fanyu vibes must be contagious, because last night he dreamed of him (not only of him in fact, some other skaters too). I wouldn't tell the dream itself though, it is his not mine. I feel nevertheless I can say it was somehow escape-from-Stockholm. I hope his journey back will be fine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Today when I slept I dreamt of Yuzu's fs element sheet and he was gonna include a 4A and no 3A was found... and on the sheet it wrote that he was gonna skate to Origin...... I hurriedly woke up in the middle of nowhere and checked twitter late midnight to see if it was true......

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Oh  I just came across this thread... many interesting dreams you guys have. I hope  those of you with nightmares won't be troubled by it!


Actually the past few weeks I got 2 dreams yuzu related..  the first one is like almost sci-fi I think?? or not idk but it's an adventure some  sort.. and I'm not sure if I was  there or just in the viewer  pov, but I remember there's a group of men (that look like soldiers or some agents) sort of observing and preparing for what's to come (I'm trying to describe as simple  as I  could  because it's blurry now), the  setting is outside (or around)  this  huge castle-like house (lol)  and after a while a yuzu  showed  up and idk I  guess they're  trying to protect him?? the next thing I know there's an attack.. guns blazing or that villain avengers-like attack on them from above and those men were shooting (?) at whatever it was with Yuzu smacked in the middle of them.. I can't remember if he's also attacking back but I  guess they're trying to shield him from it that's all I remember it's kinda wild. :embSwan:


The  second  one is totally different vibe. I don't  think it's nightmare but it's a bit gloomy.. I only remember the part where he, dressed in his kimono like outfit (maybe it's the H&E outfit?) sitting next to this.. what looks to be a grave/tomb-like object?? but there were few people  around him too and idk what's happening but he's half splayed over it and he's crying he had his face down and someone did something to him but I  can't rememberrrr I was rather shocked by the view and was all noooooo what's wrong.. :(

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On 4/20/2021 at 1:15 PM, hananistellata said:

The second dream noooooooooo. :crybaby:It sounds so sad, I hope it's not a bad omen. 




I knooooww..... fingers crossed it'll be the opposite and more happy times!!  :tumblr_inline_mg16hfnAAr1qdlkyg:


I think the thing with dreams it's often not how it's supposed to be.. or that it tells impending bad luck or something. It can also mean that whoever it is showing up in our dream, we care about (even if we've never seen them in person.. yet), or is concerned about.. sometimes our state of mind is taken into account as  well. So if any of you happened to have not so good dream, I hope you don't worry too much!

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  • 1 month later...

I had a dream where I was drinking afternoon tea with Yuzu, in a beautiful garden beside a lake :tumblr_inline_mzx8txTRzl1r8msi5:

So I have been reading a lot of web comics with historical Western settings, and for some reason I dreamt that I was in a garden, plucking flowers and such to make tea. Then Yuzu just appeared out of nowhere, talking and asking me all sorts of things about tea. We were having a full-on discussion about tea! I remember he said that tea was one of his hobbies and he enjoyed it very much. Then I invited him to sit down with me. We drank tea, chatted happily and he ate scones and sweets, and strawberries! When we parted way he said he would like to have tea with me again and ta-da, I woke up :tumblr_m9gcrtET5W1qzckow:

I should have written this as soon as I woke up, it has been a few days and the details are becoming fuzzy. But I still remember the incredulity I felt when I met him at the garden, because even in my dream he was still someone famous and hard to meet in real life. When he said he wanted to meet again I was on cloud nine :tumblr_inline_mzx8zzarLt1r8msi5:

Anyhow, now I'm not envious of people who dreamt of Yuzu anymore :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp: It was certainly very wild waking up to that dream though.

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Recurrent dream lately: 

I spent the whole of May dreaming of Yuzu winning OG22, I was seeing him with the gold medal around his neck and him smiling like never before. This picture showing up constantly in my mind when I was falling asleep. And with no picture of the other medalists. Javi was there in the stands beside general public. I hope this becomes true, I will cry tears of pure joy.

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I just had such a weird dream on Yuzu (...could be borderline bad dream to other satellites honestly 😥😥), so I'll write it down in spoilers...



I saw Yuzu in arena (yeah I watched him in person!), it was a gala practice(?), an open one and many people attended to watch him, press photographers could be seen by the rinkside. There were objects placed on the ice (...this is the bad part 😩), and worse thing was that a lot of them were placed quite far from the rink side 😫😫.


Yuzu didn't seem to mind this though, in fact he could skate around those objects easily (he even hopped above one). I think he rehearsed Notte Stellata for the exhibition(?), but halfway through the program he slammed onto one of the on-ice objects and he fell head first onto the ice 😫😔🙈. Strangely enough he laughed while he fell head first...


Thankfully the dream ended right after that 😩😫😫


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