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Happy 23rd Birthday Yuzu! A map from us


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7 minutes ago, fireovertheice said:


Yesss!!! Now is working at least on iPhone :smiley-happy085:. The bar with the messages for me is still blank on Firefox and Chrome too. But, as I said, i trust our Hydro  :hachimaki: ...and the Force of Pooh:angrypooh:

Did you just refresh the page?
In my case closing the tab and trying to access the page again from the link provided on the first page worked.
(If you’ve already done this, sorry)

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3 minutes ago, sweetwater said:

Did you just refresh the page?
In my case closing the tab and trying to access the page again from the link provided on the first page worked.
(If you’ve already done this, sorry)


Thank you so much for the suggestion: I already tried but still not seeing the stripe with the messages. But really I don't want bother too much. Just saying because really we don't know if and how Yuzu will have access to this map, but hopefully he could see in all its richness and its beauty (I like this "solar" and potentially fluffy world !).


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23 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

:rofl:omg you have to zoom in a lot to see Japan underneath the Poohs

If anyone's curious, there are 2946 messages at the time of writing this, and it keeps growing :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

I sent this link to a Japanese lady I met at ACI and she left a message for Yuzu !

comp is such a perfect opportunity to meet face to face with other great fans :10742288:

i also sent this link to Vietnamese Facebook and now I saw more Viet messages ! 

I said it but want to say it again 

thank you Hydro :thanks:

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