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Higher than any BV iteration Yuzu might have with his 4Lz, actually.


With 4 quads or 5 quads?

Both. [link=http://www.planethanyu.com/topic57-160.html#p7605]The highest BV I could come up with[/link] without going into -3Lo combos was:

4Lz 4Lo 3F // 4Lo3T 4S 3A2T 4T1Lo3S 3A - BV: 113.13

Technically he could replace the 3F for a 3Lz and gain 0.70 more BV but that's very unlikely.

Edit: This is, of course, because Shoma has a 4F, which is higher BV than Yuzu's 4S, the only quad neither shares.

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Gio said:
I honestly doubt she'll change in general, she recently said she feels great with her current team, so I don't see it happening anytime soon. Which is a shame, all she needs is a better layout. Agree re: programs, her SP was my favourite SP of the season among ladies, and her LP wasn't bad at all. I'm curious about music choices for next season...these programs really highlighted how mature she is as a performer :grin:


Yes, ladies with a 3A :love: her 3A looked super impressive, I do hope she'll land it in competition soon. It could be a great push for her too, especially since Japanese ladies have only 2 spots. (Rika is just unreal tbh :love: )


Maybe if she would have a really, really bad season? Which I hope she won't, so kind of by extension I guess I can't really hope for her to change teams ^^" but if they get their stuff together, I wouldn't mind her staying there either... I just hope she has the right surroundings to fully develop her potential. And yes, when they said at worlds that Waka is the youngest competitor I went :omg: because from her skating you could have never told. I hope she chooses something that fits her powerful skating style :love:


And then there is Kaori, who is also training 3As, and looking at her 2A I could see her getting it (hello, the entry? :grin: ) 3 lovely Japanese ladies going for the 3A at the same time = my dream come true :love:

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Maybe if she would have a really, really bad season? Which I hope she won't, so kind of by extension I guess I can't really hope for her to change teams ^^" but if they get their stuff together, I wouldn't mind her staying there either... I just hope she has the right surroundings to fully develop her potential. And yes, when they said at worlds that Waka is the youngest competitor I went :omg: because from her skating you could have never told. I hope she chooses something that fits her powerful skating style :love:


And then there is Kaori, who is also training 3As, and looking at her 2A I could see her getting it (hello, the entry? :grin: ) 3 lovely Japanese ladies going for the 3A at the same time = my dream come true :love:


Yeah, my biggest problem with them is their layout tbh...Yep, she's soooo young, it's pretty incredible how mature she looks, she's a really great performer, considering how young she is. I just hope she'll have an easier season in terms of health, so that she can be a bit more consistent. I'd give her higher PCS than Mai already, but we all know you need consistency and results to get good PCS now. And Wakaba is one of the most underscored skaters when it comes to that. (ot: in her junior days I loved her 3lz3lo :love:)


Yep, I definitely see Kaori with a 3A she's such a powerful jumper. Actually both Kobe girls have really great potential, they just need to polish it a bit, but they have great technique which is always a good sign :love:

I hope they won't have any problems, I always get too attached to junior skaters.

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Yeah, my biggest problem with them is their layout tbh...Yep, she's soooo young, it's pretty incredible how mature she looks, she's a really great performer, considering how young she is. I just hope she'll have an easier season in terms of health, so that she can be a bit more consistent. I'd give her higher PCS than Mai already, but we all know you need consistency and results to get good PCS now. And Wakaba is one of the most underscored skaters when it comes to that. (ot: in her junior days I loved her 3lz3lo :love:)


Yep, I definitely see Kaori with a 3A she's such a powerful jumper. Actually both Kobe girls have really great potential, they just need to polish it a bit, but they have great technique which is always a good sign :love:

I hope they won't have any problems, I always get too attached to junior skaters.


That 3Lz3T in the 2nd half made me facepalm so hard all season... a 2A3T instead would have been so much better - it would have even fit the choreo and music better IMO. Her 3Lz3Lo is never OT, it's always relevant :love: (I love -3Lo combos so much more than -3T's... shame so few ladies can do them that well).

Regarding the PCS, I agree (don't get me started on Wakas WC SP, I was ready to flail judges personally :hachimaki: ). I think the only Japanese lady who maybe deserves higher PCS than Waka is Satoko... and if Wakaba makes another jump in Skating Skills and performance quality like she did over the last season, I'm not sure Satoko would keep up for me (especially since she has this horrible injury to fight through - which she hopefully will). Mai (and Kaori) need more complex programs, but I love her genuine joy for skating + her amazing speed. Yes, it was "juniorish", but it made me smile watching her all season ^^


They do! And as a stickler regarding technique, I'm so happy we have more Japanese girls with great basics (*side-eyeing Yamada*). I'm quite optimistic Kaori and Mai will both have bright futures. Japan has many talents, so who knows how far they can go, but I don't see either disappearing into the ether.

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That 3Lz3T in the 2nd half made me facepalm so hard all season... a 2A3T instead would have been so much better - it would have even fit the choreo and music better IMO. Her 3Lz3Lo is never OT, it's always relevant :love: (I love -3Lo combos so much more than -3T's... shame so few ladies can do them that well).

Regarding the PCS, I agree (don't get me started on Wakas WC SP, I was ready to flail judges personally :hachimaki: ). I think the only Japanese lady who maybe deserves higher PCS than Waka is Satoko... and if Wakaba makes another jump in Skating Skills and performance quality like she did over the last season, I'm not sure Satoko would keep up for me (especially since she has this horrible injury to fight through - which she hopefully will). Mai (and Kaori) need more complex programs, but I love her genuine joy for skating + her amazing speed. Yes, it was "juniorish", but it made me smile watching her all season ^^


They do! And as a stickler regarding technique, I'm so happy we have more Japanese girls with great basics (*side-eyeing Yamada*). I'm quite optimistic Kaori and Mai will both have bright futures. Japan has many talents, so who knows how far they can go, but I don't see either disappearing into the ether.


Yep exactly. Considering how easy Wakaba's 2A is (and goe) a second 3lz3t is just plain stupid. She basically hit that jumping pass only at WTT, otherwise it's pretty much a pop most of the time. Yes loop combos are lovely to look at, her 3lz3lo was gorgeous tbh. :love:


Mmmm, I have not see Wakaba live (please be in Milan next year and thank you), while I've seen Satoko...imo the field in which Satoko is clearly the best is TR. I think Wakababy can keep up in SS, already. If she keeps improving I agree re: IN and PE.

Yes Mai was so cute all season, I loved that she managed to rise through the ranks, especially considering that she spent the second half of the season hospitalised last season. Her jumps are really effortless, Kobe looks great in terms of technique now. Hamada is better at polishing talent imho (while I like Marin her technique isn't exactly great on toe-jumps .-.) so I think Rika is in the right place to improve a lot too.


I'm curious to see the new juniors/novice. (Yamada...I'm just surprised she hasn't destroyed Yamashita's lutz already tbh. But then again, I haven't seen her since jgp so who knows :acceptable: )

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Gio said:
Yep exactly. Considering how easy Wakaba's 2A is (and goe) a second 3lz3t is just plain stupid. She basically hit that jumping pass only at WTT, otherwise it's pretty much a pop most of the time. Yes loop combos are lovely to look at, her 3lz3lo was gorgeous tbh. :love:


Mmmm, I have not see Wakaba live (please be in Milan next year and thank you), while I've seen Satoko...imo the field in which Satoko is clearly the best is TR. I think Wakababy can keep up in SS, already. If she keeps improving I agree re: IN and PE.

Yes Mai was so cute all season, I loved that she managed to rise through the ranks, especially considering that she spent the second half of the season hospitalised last season. Her jumps are really effortless, Kobe looks great in terms of technique now. Hamada is better at polishing talent imho (while I like Marin her technique isn't exactly great on toe-jumps .-.) so I think Rika is in the right place to improve a lot too.


I'm curious to see the new juniors/novice. (Yamada...I'm just surprised she hasn't destroyed Yamashita's lutz already tbh. But then again, I haven't seen her since jgp so who knows :acceptable: )


While I have seen both ladies live, it was at different events - Satoko in Barcelona 2015, Wakaba now in Helsinki. Direct comparison between that, I thought Wakaba was better. But Satoko improved quite a bit between the last 2 seasons too, so that comparison is rather meaningless. And I agree, Satoko has better TR as of now (although Wakas aren't bad), they're SS are on a similar level for me (though they have different strengths in that regard). Regarding CH, it depends on the programs... this season Waka wins the SP, Satton the LP for me. Both IMO have great potential to have great choreo again next season (I love Shae working with Waka and Tom D. with Satoko!), but I couldn't say who I expect to be ahead between them. The main point going to Satoko is her consistency, Wakabas is the technical potential. Honestly, I'm pretty lost trying to predict the ladies Oly team.


I always feel like a party pooper saying this, but I'm not too fond of Marin. She has some really great qualities, but her kind of scary jumps always make me want to be careful with her. She's also not "my type" (I like powerful skaters generally more ^^). But Hamada is the right home for Rika, I agree - she has the jumps down but needs to work more on PCS and all. She has the potential though. I'm super excited to see her next season :love: (Eteris girls are amazing too, but I hope Rika slays!)


(And I ignore everything Yamada. Yamashita? Never heard of that name. Can't imagine who that would be :devil: )

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While I have seen both ladies live, it was at different events - Satoko in Barcelona 2015, Wakaba now in Helsinki. Direct comparison between that, I thought Wakaba was better. But Satoko improved quite a bit between the last 2 seasons too, so that comparison is rather meaningless. And I agree, Satoko has better TR as of now (although Wakas aren't bad), they're SS are on a similar level for me (though they have different strengths in that regard). Regarding CH, it depends on the programs... this season Waka wins the SP, Satton the LP for me. Both IMO have great potential to have great choreo again next season (I love Shae working with Waka and Tom D. with Satoko!), but I couldn't say who I expect to be ahead between them. The main point going to Satoko is her consistency, Wakabas is the technical potential. Honestly, I'm pretty lost trying to predict the ladies Oly team.


I always feel like a party pooper saying this, but I'm not too fond of Marin. She has some really great qualities, but her kind of scary jumps always make me want to be careful with her. She's also not "my type" (I like powerful skaters generally more ^^). But Hamada is the right home for Rika, I agree - she has the jumps down but needs to work more on PCS and all. She has the potential though. I'm super excited to see her next season :love: (Eteris girls are amazing too, but I hope Rika slays!)


(And I ignore everything Yamada. Yamashita? Never heard of that name. Can't imagine who that would be :devil: )


Yes agree about their SS (personally prefer Wakaba too) and choreo. Satoko's problem is Lori's bland empty program...she doesn't know how to work with Satoko's skating at all (but the again, imho Lori works for very few skaters and not always). If she ends up changing both programs I hope she'll get the SP from Lori, at least the damage will be a bit limited. I quite liked Massimo's work with Wakaba, but I would like to see her with a program by Jeff in the seasons to come. Shae really worked for her yes.


Marin isn't my favourite japanese lady (I like Wakaba more) but I love her SS, her skating is so soft and fluid :3 Not a fan of her jumps either, but I don't see her losing them, as she grew quite a lot this season, I think her growth spurt happened this year. I'm really curious about her sister (Sara, not Miyu) because she's apparently really talented (but she's like 9, so don't mind me xD). Rika is my favourite junior, though I'm pretty excited about Trusova and Eunsoo. I think she's already improved a lot especially since her novice days, so I hope she'll keep the trend there.


(lol Yamada-who-shall-not-be-named then :s_wink I've always wondered how Mao's jumping technique could have been if she had not started with yamada tbh.)

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What impressed me so much about Kaori at Junior Worlds, it being the first time I actually watched her, was her incredible speed! She was just flying.


That, and her counter 2A. :love:

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It's unfortunate that combos aren't rewarded better, then we might see people like Shoma attempt his 3A+4T in competition over a probably questionable 4Lz, or we could see Yuzuru's second half 4+3 combos rewarded more than the men who plan 4+2s. Much like the debate over Sotnikova's uncalled flutz at Sochi (I'm not starting that argument, just saying it was a point of debate), it invites controversy to seemingly get passes from the technical panel at big events, especially if it helps decide podium placements at the Olympics.

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Marin has lovely presentation skills but I find her performance shallow. She does not interpret anything deep. I find her performance monotonous. But of course, I think that is asking too much from that age. Her jumps though... not a fan.


Wakaba is... can they give her better package? Shorter dress, boot cover, and some programs less generic.


Mai does not act anything but she is like a breath of fresh air. I think she is the fastest Japanese girl right now.

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Yes agree about their SS (personally prefer Wakaba too) and choreo. Satoko's problem is Lori's bland empty program...she doesn't know how to work with Satoko's skating at all (but the again, imho Lori works for very few skaters and not always). If she ends up changing both programs I hope she'll get the SP from Lori, at least the damage will be a bit limited. I quite liked Massimo's work with Wakaba, but I would like to see her with a program by Jeff in the seasons to come. Shae really worked for her yes.


Marin isn't my favourite japanese lady (I like Wakaba more) but I love her SS, her skating is so soft and fluid :3 Not a fan of her jumps either, but I don't see her losing them, as she grew quite a lot this season, I think her growth spurt happened this year. I'm really curious about her sister (Sara, not Miyu) because she's apparently really talented (but she's like 9, so don't mind me xD). Rika is my favourite junior, though I'm pretty excited about Trusova and Eunsoo. I think she's already improved a lot especially since her novice days, so I hope she'll keep the trend there.


(lol Yamada-who-shall-not-be-named then :s_wink I've always wondered how Mao's jumping technique could have been if she had not started with yamada tbh.)


Haha, yes, Lori is definitely not worth her money for Satoko... she doesn't really manage to catch what's special about Satoko the way Dickson does. She gives her the generic pretty stuff and it's not horrible, because Satoko does pretty well, but it's not something worth talking about either. Dickson really works well with Satokos attention to detail, which is one of her biggest strengths, IMO. Agreed about Lori in general (I was surprised she managed to give me Boyang programs I liked... I was very worried about that. OT, oh no :ban: ) And I would love to see Wakaba with Jeff too. But then, I would love to see many skaters with Jeff, I have to confess.


Her SS are super amazing, that's for sure. And I don't necessarily think Marin will lose her jumps, but quite often she's a lands-around-90°-short jumper, and that always makes me nervous (Maria Sotskova is another candidate). And I can't even decide a favorite junior (it was Polya last season, but I'm assuming she'll move to seniors). The Korean babies are amazing, and I lost count regarding Eteris wunderbabies but I'm just assuming all are awesome little jumping jack world conquerors with nerves of Adamantium. So Rika won't have it easy, but I do think she can keep up. (I haven't seen either of Marins sisters, tbh. I'm just slowly getting more into Juniors in the first place :grin: )


Ah, one of these things I will forever wonder about too. What (even more) Mao could have been with solid basics regarding her jumps. So much of her talent was wasted there, IMO.

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Haha, yes, Lori is definitely not worth her money for Satoko... she doesn't really manage to catch what's special about Satoko the way Dickson does. She gives her the generic pretty stuff and it's not horrible, because Satoko does pretty well, but it's not something worth talking about either. Dickson really works well with Satokos attention to detail, which is one of her biggest strengths, IMO. Agreed about Lori in general (I was surprised she managed to give me Boyang programs I liked... I was very worried about that. OT, oh no :ban: ) And I would love to see Wakaba with Jeff too. But then, I would love to see many skaters with Jeff, I have to confess.


Her SS are super amazing, that's for sure. And I don't necessarily think Marin will lose her jumps, but quite often she's a lands-around-90°-short jumper, and that always makes me nervous (Maria Sotskova is another candidate). And I can't even decide a favorite junior (it was Polya last season, but I'm assuming she'll move to seniors). The Korean babies are amazing, and I lost count regarding Eteris wunderbabies but I'm just assuming all are awesome little jumping jack world conquerors with nerves of Adamantium. So Rika won't have it easy, but I do think she can keep up. (I haven't seen either of Marins sisters, tbh. I'm just slowly getting more into Juniors in the first place :grin: )


Ah, one of these things I will forever wonder about too. What (even more) Mao could have been with solid basics regarding her jumps. So much of her talent was wasted there, IMO.


Imo Dickson's choreo also works for her because it usually seems to challenge her to break out of her shell a bit. I think most of Satoko's growth when it comes to pe/in might be due to programs like Firedance/The Planets, since they were out of her comfort zone in a way. (lol I liked her programs for Mao this season and Sui/Han)


Mmm, I see what you mean. But I do think that's something they can work on, she grew a lot this year (if you look at jwc 2016 and this year it's pretty shocking) so she's probably still adjusting to that. Technique is still questionable, but Satoko has improved a lot in the last two seasons, so I think Marin could too. What I noticed about Hamada's team is that they're not as terrible as other Japanese teams when it comes to strategy, so I think they'll probably do well. Polya was my fave as well, but her physical problems... :cry:


Yes I think Rika can keep up too. (oh well, I'd skip Miyu, she's much more interested in acting, so I honestly don't get the hype about her. She would be age eligible for juniors, but does not have many triples yet, so I don't really think she'll ever be competitive tbh. Sara is nine, so it's really too early to say something, but I think Hamada said she was the most talented of the three so...I'm curious. The older novice girls haven't piqued my interest yet. I think only Moa Iwano is age eligible this year, but I'm not sure if I'm wrong)


Yep, pretty amazing that she managed to have a successful and long career in spite of that jumping technique. Speaks volumes about her talent.

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Today at some Osaka competition TWO girls tried 3A!


One of them of course was Rika Kihira, who presented new FS to "La Strada" with oh so many tanos

3A (fall), 3Lz-tano+2T+2Lo, 3F-tano // 3F-tano+3T, 3Lo-tano (stepout), 2A+3T-tano (hand), 3S



Reports 1, 2


And another one was Takino Riko with her old "Les Mis"

3A (fall), 3F+3T, 3Lo // 2A+3T 3F+2T+2Lo, 3Lz, 3S



Reports 1, 2

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Today at some Osaka competition TWO girls tried 3A!


One of them of course was Rika Kihira, who presented new FS to "La Strada" with oh so many tanos

3A (fall), 3Lz-tano+2T+2Lo, 3F-tano // 3F-tano+3T, 3Lo-tano (stepout), 2A+3T-tano (hand), 3S



Reports 1, 2


And another one was Takino Riko with her old "Les Mis"

3A (fall), 3F+3T, 3Lo // 2A+3T 3F+2T+2Lo, 3Lz, 3S



Reports 1, 2


I remember Riko from Japanese nationals. Interesting that she's trying 3A.

I don't think that's Rika final plan tho, she wanted to go for 2 3A, so...I guess that was a first layout to try. I don't like tanos but I think it's right for her to try, she knows that she needs to step up her game to win (and I like that she tries to xD)...La Strada tho :acceptable:

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