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  On 6/10/2017 at 4:50 PM, Yatagarasu said:

I believe this is something like gofundme only for Japan? It would be great for ID in Japan if all the plans worked out!



Hopefully they can reach their goal! Wakababy also RTed the tweet, really nice of her!



( @sallycinnamon maybe we could too? It won't hurt!)



It seems to be something similar to gofoundme. I'm crossing my fingers for them as well.

I retweeted it. :smile:

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I don't think this has already been shared ? There's a new very good intevriew of Shoma from the JOC Olympian magazine 2017: here in english.


I particularly liked this part :


– Have you always thought that way?

S: My feeling of not wanting to lose against anyone is honestly so strong. However, I want to win based on pure ability rather than just winning coincidentally. I don’t like winning because of the other skaters’ mistakes. I’ve always wanted to become someone who continues to stand at the top even when everyone does their best.

– Wow, those sound like positive rivalries.

S: Yep. Nobody really uses the word ‘rival’. Maybe some people might think from deep within their hearts that they don’t want to lose to specific skaters and such, but prior to that, I think everyone thinks, “I don’t want to lose against myself”. I must respect my rivals who have been great motivation for me and have contributed in my growth.

– Yuzuru Hanyu is an Olympic Champion, who is also Japanese like you are. This season, I think there were many instances of mutual growth and accomplishment between you two such as finishing first and second at Worlds. How do you personally feel about his presence?

S: He is a senpai who treats me with a lot of care, and I really look up to him. He is someone I would like to win against someday. I’ve said that he is my ultimate goal, and his presence gives me a lot of motivation.

– In what aspects do you look up to him for?

S: I gradually started facing figure skating seriously, but Yuzu-kun’s ambition towards skating since the very beginning has been something I was astounded by since I was young. The way in which he gives off the impression that he doesn’t have any points of weaknesses and that he is good at everything is spectacular. I look up to him in that way and in every other way.



It seems that neither Shoma nor Yuzu want to fall in the "rival" mediatic nonsense.

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Guest turquoiseblue
  On 6/10/2017 at 4:50 PM, Yatagarasu said:

I believe this is something like gofundme only for Japan? It would be great for ID in Japan if all the plans worked out!




Their crowdfunding campaign has just ended and they have raised 1,888,000 yen :68556365: 


Google translate:


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