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I exhibit no surprise whatsoever. You put a Dutchman in charge of the ISU, and next thing you know, they want to have multiple medal events: events where you focus on one particular thing (read: distance!) and even an all-round (!!!) event.


I hate speed skating. To see its influence show up is the worst news imaginable to me.

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21 minutes ago, SSS said:

why do flip jumps have lowest reduction...

They either could not reduce it any further without going to 0...or they decided not enough people are doing it so yeah, leave it as is and once people do it enough times, we can reduce it to nil....

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3 minutes ago, Xen said:

They either could not reduce it any further without going to 0...or they decided not enough people are doing it so yeah, leave it as is and once people do it enough times, we can reduce it to nil....

The logic does not make sense...

Can I start dreaming 4F...

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Just now, SSS said:

The logic does not make sense...

Can I start dreaming 4F...

Well I didn't expect the BV changes to really make sense...the COP system actually consulted skaters, but I wonder if the recent BV changes did. If not, we can tell ISU, we can tell.....

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2 minutes ago, Xen said:

Well I didn't expect the BV changes to really make sense...the COP system actually consulted skaters, but I wonder if the recent BV changes did. If not, we can tell ISU, we can tell.....

if not 18, please maintain 15..12 is like a joke...

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The article was pretty upsetting (both from the bias exhibited by Ice Network, and from the proposed changes on the part of the ISU). I'll probably write a longer post about it on my blog but ultimately I think I'm going to send my feedback through the form on the ISU website. It's not likely just my feedback will change anything, but it's not like they're going to read my blog so I may as well try. I would recommend anyone else with objections to it try doing this as well or sharing your feedback via social media, and maybe they can at least come to their senses that their approach to balancing technical and non-technical parts of this sport is extremely misguided, and that despite all the quads, figure skating is clearly very popular and thriving in certain countries. After all, which event sold out the quickest at NHK Trophy, GPF, and the Olympics? If they ignore those signs then clearly they are too ignorant and disconnected to realize that the ISU is the problem, not the quads.

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I recall somewhere someone said that ISU seriously considered condensing men's and ladies' programs to just 1 program (1 single long program). Is this the reason behind this separation? To see if one of the programs (long or short) can be killed?


Edit: if we assume most rules changes are due to politics, someone needs to explain to me the politics behind this recent change. The BV decrease hurts everyone equally, let's be honest here. But the technical and artistic program separation is...well does anyone really benefit from it? By the time this is in place, Beijing 2022 is over, and who exactly can the US and Europe field on the technical side. Artistically, well if this change happens Russia and Japan will also move to have more "artistic" skaters in place to dominate. Politically this doesn't change the landscape much. The issue, as mentioned over in the Spanish Skaters thread in Igloo world, is funding funding funding. It all comes down to resources, which ISU is not doing a thing about. The change to 2 programs and multiple medals may even hurt resources more, because now federations need to decide if they will gun for one category, or both, and maybe costs will double if they gun for both. No ISU, just...please spend more time and energy in doing judges trianing, coaching training and figuring out how to help smaller feds help their skaters. Not this....

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7 hours ago, SSS said:

It depends on who will be in the competition...As we all know about the reality of ticket selling...ISU please don't make someone disappointed otherwise you will be sad and crying.

Yes, it results from my point 4. I should've write it in different order but I was half asleep :embSwan:

6 hours ago, meoima said:

They will, it has been in the talk since 2015 when Yuzuru broke 300 barrier. Actually ISU vice president mentioned the same thing in an email to my friend's coach. We thought they're just playing something in the ground but they're truly bringing it.

I know they were talking about changes since then (I especially remember Lakernik's interview), but even in my worst thoughts I never thought they are ready to kill this sport just to show people that they are the ones with power. And I can be a very dramatic pessimist :facepalm:


Yesterday I was just angry. Today I want to cry. 

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I slept on this but I'm still mad as all hell. It just makes no sense, especially when you see they claim the changes are to try and get more people into the sport. Who have they consulted about this? Have they asked audiences (who pay for their event tickets and can spread awareness by word-of-mouth), or skaters and coaches (who have to live and compete with the system)? Because it doesn't seem like it :facepalm:


Still, I took comfort in reminding myself that this is just the beginnings of a proposal, that it is not yet set in stone, but what @meoima et all are saying about it being on the works for years is very discouraging. They took all this time to sit down and think about positive changes and only came up with this? Wow. Just... wow.


And they say the quads are killing the sport; the quads are just an organic trend that came about because the way they've been applying their own rules makes it the fastest way to the top by upping the TES and dragging the PCS up with it just because. The CoP system, while not perfect, actually works when you use it correctly; why not focus on fixing that instead of this chaos :animated-smileys-angry-052:

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The  quads aren't killing this sport's popularity in the USA by the way.. what's killing it is "exclusivity." Ice network would be the best example (so coincidental then that the news of a radical change by ISU is first brought up in an article by Ice Network instead of ISU itself). You need to subscribe and pay to get content otherwise you'd have to wait for NBC to broadcast anything (usually a week later and not even the whole competition). Whereas you go to Japan and it's being promoted by companies/advertisers, if there's any FS news then they talk about it during the sports segments of news broadcasts, etc... I'd take a wild stab that FS in the USA was much more widespread publicly before the existence of Icenetwork. So until FS is more accessible to everyone then you're never going to get FS back to it's height of popularity in the US (unless they've got another 'scandal' or 'golden girl' that they can promote).

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