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while i dont think he would wear something like this, i do think he will go with something blue and gold. Because he love those colors.


Omg Yesss I think he'd look so royal in blue and gold too!

That recent photo of Mura's simplified blue shirt with gold embellishment really opened my mind to this possibility


I'd be surprised if none of his costumes for the next season turn out to be blue. It's his color and he has history with it :)

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I'd be surprised if none of his costumes for the next season turn out to be blue. It's his color and he has history with it :)


Yeah same. He'd look lovely with all shades of blue, and the possibilities of combo options are limitless :pbow:

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Blue or gradients would suit yuzu perfectly, and I love the ruffles in the sleeves in his POTO costume, in the end everything looks great on him so I won't complain what he will wear :)

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Yeah same. He'd look lovely with all shades of blue, and the possibilities of combo options are limitless :pbow:


Gold perfectly matches any shade of blue... and I'm not just talking about fabric and embellishment here :devil:

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My fav : chopin 2.0, Seimei, chopin 1.0, phantom 2, etude

Okayish : HL, white legend(young yuzu wearing this looks soo cute!), PW

Notokayish : hana ni nare (I'm imagining old shoujo style manga ala rose of versailes that draw exessive flower imagination on male characters, idk) seimei1.0 (all i can think is The Armpits)

NO: boobskirtRJ2.0, time traveler (looks loke my mom's gown T_T), lettuce, strawberry, tanktop over white mesh (horror!!), notte stellata (shoot me please, i know its beautiful and all but when i see yuzu in this, all i can think is: yuzu, you have boobs?T_T)


But even i cannot swallow his costume sometimes, his skating is more than enough to make me forget about the costume. Looovee hiim!! Never change yuzu, all sparkles,all glitters and rhinestones and questionable choices of costume XD

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I don't really care about Yuzu's costume because he can make me love it even though it's so horrible :love:

as long as it won't fall apart during his skating that can result in -1 deduction like with Daisuke Takahashi :nono: we don't need any unnecessary deduction again after all :rofl2:

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I don't really care about Yuzu's costume because he can make me love it even though it's so horrible :love:

as long as it won't fall apart during his skating that can result in -1 deduction like with Daisuke Takahashi :nono: we don't need any unnecessary deduction again after all :rofl2:

yea i agree feather is too dangerous for competition costume, i remember Shizuka had to change her Olympic costume cuz the crystals are too heavy on the skirt and it influence her jump, so i wish something very light from Yuzu.

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I don't mind what his costume looks like as long as it has lots of sparkles and it can blind off all those haters :devil: .. lol joking :rotfl:

But honestly i think that he'd suit a dusty pink, the material would be satin like and flowy :love: :love: :love: He'd look amazing while skating

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fluffypooh said:
chiraya said:
I don't really care about Yuzu's costume because he can make me love it even though it's so horrible :love:

as long as it won't fall apart during his skating that can result in -1 deduction like with Daisuke Takahashi :nono: we don't need any unnecessary deduction again after all :rofl2:

yea i agree feather is too dangerous for competition costume, i remember Shizuka had to change her Olympic costume cuz the crystals are too heavy on the skirt and it influence her jump, so i wish something very light from Yuzu.


he seems very concern about the weight of all the rhinestones on his costume too, I remember he pointed out that the stones on the wrist part of his notte stellata costume are a little bit heavy..

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chiraya said:
fluffypooh said:
chiraya said:
I don't really care about Yuzu's costume because he can make me love it even though it's so horrible :love:

as long as it won't fall apart during his skating that can result in -1 deduction like with Daisuke Takahashi :nono: we don't need any unnecessary deduction again after all :rofl2:

yea i agree feather is too dangerous for competition costume, i remember Shizuka had to change her Olympic costume cuz the crystals are too heavy on the skirt and it influence her jump, so i wish something very light from Yuzu.


he seems very concern about the weight of all the rhinestones on his costume too, I remember he pointed out that the stones on the wrist part of his notte stellata costume are a little bit heavy..


maybe that's why a lot of men wear plain costume these days since there are jumping quads

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maybe that's why a lot of men wear plain costume these days since there are jumping quads


It could be a possible explanation.


But somehow, no matter a SP or a LP, both of these are performances for me, and I kind of expect them to wear something more than just a plain shirt with plain pants (the same with ladies). Maybe I'm just too spoiled by Yuzuru for years and years of lovely costumes (I can say that I like every single one of them... some more than others).

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