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21 hours ago, ruruzest said:


@Xen happy belated birthday !!!!!

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Mine last year fell on the cursed day of NHK, I was rude as hell kept checking the news during lunch with friends and family and then cried so much at WD news and several days after that ! Worst bd ever !!!


Thanks! My wish came true, JPN got its 3 spots per singles discipline. =)

Now to see if the other one of my 3 wishes comes true...but I have to wait 3-5 months. =( patience, patience....

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Guest turquoiseblue
2 hours ago, Sammie said:

This is really really random but anyone know who is watching zu at 4:15? He look so familiar but I can’t put my finger on it   :scratch2:



Shawn Sawyer?

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I did the college entrance exam in one whole month. Only 2 days after we've finished the final subject they say that the paper was leaked and so we have to do it again :13877886: I srsl can not go through this againnnnnnn.

I haven't been able to play around on the planet for centuries  :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid: I missed the streaming parties boohooo...

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9 hours ago, VyVy99 said:

I did the college entrance exam in one whole month. Only 2 days after we've finished the final subject they say that the paper was leaked and so we have to do it again :13877886: I srsl can not go through this againnnnnnn.

I haven't been able to play around on the planet for centuries  :tumblr_inline_ncmif7esGm1rpglid: I missed to streaming parties boohooo...

That sucks so much! :/ Hopefully all the prep you did will make it easier this time.

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31 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

That sucks so much! :/ Hopefully all the prep you did will make it easier this time.

I srsl don't feel like I have anything left in the bank for this :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw: I didn't even have enough energy for celebration, just slept like crazy in those 2 days (and watched some Yuzu on pain-killers). Everyone should only have to experience this type of hell once in their lives.

I need some Yuzu power, did anything sparkly happen during this week that kills us in bliss??? You know like the blue Aera kind of murder... But consider he's in ninja mode... :headdesk2:

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2 minutes ago, VyVy99 said:

I srsl don't feel like I have anything left in the bank for this :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw: I didn't even have enough energy for celebration, just slept like crazy in those 2 days (and watched some Yuzu on pain-killers). Everyone should only have to experience this type of hell once in their lives.

I need some Yuzu power, did anything sparkly happen during this week that kills us in bliss??? You know like the blue Aera kind of murder... But consider he's in ninja mode... :headdesk2:

There were TCC photos and one was definitely throwing some shade, apparently the harness training guy (not confirmed but sparklesalad's eagle eyes spotted it) with Stephen and Yuzu, captioned current and future quad kings. :biggrin: Somebody ran into Yuzu (wearing dark clothes) buying groceries in Toronto, too. I think that's about it, though... No sparkly stuff.

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@VyVy99 Repeating exams is the worst :( I really feel for you. You've done the hard work to prepare for it, so you've just got one more hurdle left. Congrats on getting through the whole month- college entrance exams are so stressful and you've done really well to get through it :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: 


Not much is happening on my end at the moment! I just finished my paediatrics rotation and managed to avoid getting sick, so yay for my immunity :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


Also just found out that my local rink is holding a mini ice show, and Brendan Kerry (an Australian Olympian figure skater) is going to be there. I've never seen an Olympian skate so this will be a good primer, and I'm keen to see some triples and quads in real life :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:


Tomorrow is my first skating group lesson ever, and I'm terrified but also very excited :tumblr_inline_ncmiffG34Z1rpglid: 


Other than that, I've got this week off so I'm going to chill, and maybe make some Yuzu fanart :tumblr_inline_mueoe3Yabh1qdlkyg:

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No. 2 son moved out last week - but not before he ( finally!) linked up the connection that next season should enable me to watch the stuff I can get on my iPad on the big tv.  The various leads have been sitting there since ACI - though I must admit I stopped nagging after NHK  practice....


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1 hour ago, MajaHled said:

We were discussing our trip to Scotland with my mom and sister and we were talking about if we'll see Nessie there ...and my mind immediately went to 4A :13877886::smiley-laughing021:


Ooh, I'm going to Scotland too at the end of this year!! Whereabouts are you planning to hit up?

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Since Sammie said about her fear of bugs I'm kinda curious if anyone else in the Planet have fears or phobias of their own?? (It's not Yuzu related so I didn't ask in the General Chat)

I have a light to average case of Nyctophobia which is fear of the Dark :tumblr_inline_mm2wbbdJC51qz4rgp: It's not too bad but enough for me to unconciously hold my breathe when I'm in the dark, or never sleep without night light (preferably not sleeping alone) :peekapooh:

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20 minutes ago, VyVy99 said:

Since Sammie said about her fear of bugs I'm kinda curious if anyone else in the Planet have fears or phobias of their own?? (It's not Yuzu related so I didn't ask in the General Chat)

I have a light to average case of Nyctophobia which is fear of the Dark :tumblr_inline_mm2wbbdJC51qz4rgp: It's not too bad but enough for me to unconciously hold my breathe when I'm in the dark, or never sleep without night light (preferably not sleeping alone) :peekapooh:

Claustraphobia, and I'm tiny so it's some degree of fear of being smothered.

if you want to scare me, just chase after me with a very big person trying to get a hug-it'll freak the living daylights out of me.

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