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Last night I watched a Channel 4 documentary on the Tsuname.  If anyone gets the chance to watch it was very well done but a harrowing watch.


You can watch 'Japan's Tsuname Caught on Camera' via: www.channel4.com 


There is another documentary 'Japan's Tsunami - How it Happened' also available via the same link.  (Just type Japan in the search box if you can't find it).


I think both have been screened previously.





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 Not directly related to Yuzuru, but...

"A Future For Memory: Art and Life after the Great East Japan Earthquake"

current exhibition at the MOA in Vancouver, BC, Canada. 





"Some of the most startling things are the least expected, such as the tiny blue flowers of indigenous plants, sprung from the tsunami’s upheaval of the seabed, that blossomed in the aftermath of the destruction"


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Hanyuten Shrine (Osato, Miyagi) tweeted (google translation) : “I think it's been 10 years since the sad Great East Japan Earthquake. Each and every word of this person touches my heart and encourages me. Even though he himself was affected by the disaster and suffered. "Together, forward" Thank you We also have to work harder.”:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:






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here's our chat, thank you for joining today's stream <3

be sure to check out bit.ly/ph110311 (the OP of this thread) for donation suggestions <3 


[0:00:03] <sally_cinnamon> hi!
[0:00:11] <yuzulegend> Hi everyone!!
[0:00:15] <cutepets95> Hello!
[0:00:17] <henni147> Hi!
[0:00:19] <fayfalcon> Hit
[0:00:20] <anjaheyheyhey> hello!!!
[0:00:22] <hiitachins> hi!!
[0:00:23] <fayfalcon> hiya!!!
[0:00:30] <yuzulegend> Nice to have you all here!!
[0:00:36] <wildswanyu> Hi everyone
[0:00:39] <blue_maxis> hello
[0:00:43] <~PlanetHanyu> hello
[0:00:49] <xkaykayox> hihi everyone!! <3
[0:00:54] <sally_cinnamon> thank you for today's stream.
[0:00:55] <yuzuyokoi> hi!! :)
[0:00:56] <argonavigator> KonCha
[0:00:56] <fayfalcon> HYK is so comforting.
[0:00:58] <yuzuuwuu> hello~!
[0:01:00] <937314214> hi everyone
[0:01:01] <anjaheyheyhey> bit.ly/ph110311
[0:01:01] <starlight_shining> hi everyone!
[0:01:05] <kenixlawkx> hyk!!!!
[0:01:08] <moonchildhanyu07> Hi guys
[0:01:12] <Anni_2607> Hello everyone
[0:01:12] <sally_cinnamon> I love Haru Yo Koi
[0:01:29] <fayfalcon> I love it as a piano piece more tha a song
[0:01:33] <ysssa_2001> Not me tearing up when I heard Haru Yo Koi 😭😭
[0:01:35] <kenixlawkx> my first stream hehe
[0:01:55] <yuzuuwuu> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311  (tw: @m_art_)
[0:01:59] <sally_cinnamon> @fayfalcon it's more calming as a piano piece I think...I love it!
[0:02:04] <fayfalcon> I can see Yuzu skating now...
[0:02:05] <yuzuisart> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110211  (my twitter @yuzuisart )
[0:02:05] <hiitachins> hyk is such a healing piece
[0:02:07] <wildswanyu> the piano HYK is beautiful
[0:02:19] <TwoXElle> hi everyone, LadyLou here! #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 first of all, I wanna thank the team that made this streaming possible, thank you <3 <3 <3
[0:02:28] <marinaa_013> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (Twitter: @angelmarynax)
[0:02:30] <yuzuuwuu> i'm ready to watch with one tissue box.
[0:02:32] <alessandra_amel> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311  (tw: alessandra_amel)
[0:02:43] <~PlanetHanyu> it was @anjaheyheyhey @yuzulegend and the translators!!
[0:02:48] <anjaheyheyhey> @PlanetHanyu pls repost for more visibility, thx! bit.ly/ph110311
[0:02:50] <~PlanetHanyu> @TwoXElle responding to this
[0:02:51] <~PlanetHanyu> haha
[0:02:52] <starlight_shining> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (PH vd_turnan)
[0:02:59] <~PlanetHanyu> thanks for making this stream posisble <3
[0:03:10] <yuzulegend> @TwoXElle thanks to you for always helping with all streams!!
[0:03:11] <~PlanetHanyu> @anjaheyheyhey just repost in the chat?
[0:03:15] <nadjasakura> @yuzuuwuu with just one?
[0:03:16] <anjaheyheyhey> @anjaheyheyhey yes
[0:03:18] <yaseinohana> Hello everyone ! thank you so much for this special stream @ Planet Hanyu 🌸🙏🌸
[0:03:19] <~PlanetHanyu> ah okay
[0:03:20] <xkaykayox> #PlanetHanyu
[0:03:22] <anjaheyheyhey> you're highlighted
[0:03:26] <pricessaugust> hello everyone...  #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (tw: @PrincezaAugust)
[0:03:27] <TwoXElle> @TwoXElle <3
[0:03:27] <starlight_shining> thank you guys for this stream! <3 <3 <3
[0:03:28] <937314214> :)
[0:03:30] <hiitachins> thank you for the stream <3
[0:03:32] <nadjasakura> hallo everybody ☺
[0:03:32] <yuzuuwuu> @nadjasakura haha maybe i should prepare more XD
[0:03:33] <wildswanyu> Listening to this I can see Yuzu's skating in my head <3
[0:03:44] <~PlanetHanyu> Oh i changed the stream tag
[0:03:47] <kenixlawkx> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (twt: kenixlawkx)
[0:03:58] <eruchan_desu> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311  (tw: @Eruchan_desu)
[0:03:59] <diandrxlesmana> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311  ( twt: @deeelesmana )
[0:04:03] <~PlanetHanyu> bit.ly/ph110311 <-- please visit for 311 donation ideas!
[0:04:15] <937314214> :D
[0:04:22] <yuzulegend> @PlanetHanyu thank you!!!
[0:04:23] <ysssa_2001> #PlanetHanyuCommemorated110311 (twt: @parYSSSAwalkway)
[0:04:40] <alessandra_amel> @planethanyu Thank you.
[0:04:50] <xkaykayox> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (Twitter: @xkaykayox) <3
[0:04:53] <hiitachins> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (twt: quadaxelz)
[0:04:57] <yuzugoat7323> Hello everyone!😊
[0:05:03] <avtoreen> Hiiii
[0:05:09] <alessandra_amel> thank you also for this stream to all PH team. truly appreciate it 😊
[0:05:11] <yuzugoat7323> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (twitter:JaniceYeo5)
[0:05:13] <calelisa0511> Hello everyone! #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (Eli0511)
[0:05:24] <delayedaxelyuzu> Hello. Thank you for this. 💙
[0:05:34] <blue_maxis> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (twt: @bluemaxis)
[0:05:34] <fayfalcon> oh god...
[0:05:35] <yuzuuwuu> *holds everyone's hands*
[0:05:39] <hanan_11721> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (twt: hanan_11721)
[0:05:39] <avtoreen> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (PH: Avt)
[0:05:54] <delayedaxelyuzu> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 - Twitter: @SilviAoiDream
[0:06:05] <cutepets95> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (twt: @CutePets95)
[0:06:07] <yuzulegend> really hard to watch but so important to learn and keep it in our memories.
[0:06:07] <sally_cinnamon> these are so difficult to watch. I watched some of these videos a few days ago and I teared up very much. :(
[0:06:20] <delayedaxelyuzu> I have watched a lot of the 3.11 images but is still so painful 😔
[0:06:20] <fayfalcon> I will be crying hard now...
[0:06:21] <yuzuuwuu> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311  (Twitter @m_art_)
[0:06:22] <sally_cinnamon> @yuzulegend yes it is
[0:06:23] <TwoXElle> heart-wrenching
[0:06:24] <anjaheyheyhey> You've probably all seen the warning, but just repeating again: The footage is hard to watch in this first documentary. It lasts around 50 minutes so if you think it'll be too much for you, you can join us in ~45 min again!
[0:06:29] <Anni_2607> BibleThump
[0:06:44] <alessandra_amel> I cried a lot this Thursday. but I'm thankful for today's stream as a relief
[0:07:06] <yuzulegend> @alessandra_amel <3 <3
[0:07:09] <~PlanetHanyu> :|
[0:07:14] <yuzugoat7323> Thank you all PH team for this stream, really appreciate it😊
[0:07:28] <eruchan_desu> BibleThump
[0:07:48] <~PlanetHanyu> :(
[0:07:56] <yuzuisart> this will be uploaded after the stream right?
[0:07:57] <yuzuyokoi> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110211 (my twitter is @nicolecarina)
[0:08:03] <~PlanetHanyu> can't believe it's been 10 years
[0:08:03] <anjaheyheyhey> @yuzuisart yes
[0:08:06] <~PlanetHanyu> how time passes
[0:08:13] <gooshryn> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (twitter: @selejeyowan)
[0:08:13] <yuzuisart> thank u sm okay
[0:09:33] <heavenandearth1001> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (PH @PerfectBoi)
[0:09:58] <937314214> BibleThump
[0:10:10] <yuzugoat7323> BibleThump
[0:10:14] <sen_ogino> Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for hosting these streaming parties! I couldn't make the streams due to the time difference, but I've been really enjoying watching them in my own time. You guys make content so much more accessible to non-Japanese fans, so thank you. #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (PH: citrusjunos)
[0:10:19] <vanella96> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (twt: @vanella96)
[0:10:38] <937314214> TearGlove
[0:10:40] <yuzulegend> @sen_ogino <3 <3 <3
[0:11:04] <fayfalcon> six minutes of shaking oh god..
[0:11:08] <yuzulegend> Six minutes, that's forever...
[0:11:11] <~PlanetHanyu> yeah...
[0:11:11] <kenixlawkx> six minutes omg
[0:11:13] <TwoXElle> gosh, six minutes...
[0:11:15] <quad_axel> i remember watching this unfold on local news.. devastating
[0:11:17] <~PlanetHanyu> the only earthquakes i've been in where only a few seconds
[0:11:29] <leoccadia> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (twt: @leocadia14)
[0:11:36] <TwoXElle> terrible that the worst was yet to come...
[0:11:39] <yuzuuwuu> how terrifying :'(
[0:11:59] <summersweetchild> #planetHanyuCommemorates110311 (PH Sweetsummerchild)
[0:12:18] <~PlanetHanyu> :(
[0:12:19] <henni147> 6 minutes earthquake and a terrible tsunami on top... I don't even dare to imagine how this must have felt like...
[0:12:35] <yuzuyokoi> heartbreaking and terrifying
[0:12:52] <umebachi34> Hi!  Bracing for this one...
[0:13:15] <yuzunekozuu> Came! #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 PH: YuzuNekozuu
[0:13:15] <~PlanetHanyu> oh dear, is that high enough
[0:13:19] <fayfalcon> hope these people were safe...
[0:13:23] <yuzulegend> Kesennuma BibleThump
[0:13:30] <yuzunekozuu> That is scary oh god
[0:13:39] <demy27> God this is terrifying.
[0:13:48] <937314214> TearGlove
[0:13:53] <TwoXElle> wondering the same... I guess that if we got footage they managed....
[0:14:02] <iamlaiza_hime11> I watched this before.. its very heartbreaking
[0:14:04] <okagan2020> BibleThump
[0:14:17] <937314214> I know 😥😢
[0:14:19] <yuzulegend> people trying to scape by car
[0:14:43] <kenixlawkx> oh no
[0:14:46] <~PlanetHanyu> why not :(
[0:14:50] <yaseinohana> BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
[0:14:51] <iamlaiza_hime11> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 twitter: iamlaizahime_11
[0:14:52] <cutepets95> Oh my goodness
[0:14:52] <TwoXElle> hope all those who were on cars ran to higher gorund by foot instead of staying on those streets...
[0:15:11] <~PlanetHanyu> why are they still there :(
[0:15:17] <TwoXElle> oh my god
[0:15:26] <saltatoryconduction> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 twt: saltatorybund
[0:15:37] <iamlaiza_hime11> They thought that the tsunami can’t reach them...
[0:15:44] <fayfalcon> what on earth are they doing looking at it at that level?!
[0:15:56] <937314214> guys are all people who believe that away 🙏
[0:16:00] <~PlanetHanyu> oh no :(
[0:16:07] <avtoreen> It's so painful to watch</3
[0:16:09] <yuzunekozuu> I can't imagine this,,,,,,,
[0:16:10] <menggows> It’s so painful to see
[0:16:19] <sandbagprod> This is so sad.
[0:16:19] <iamlaiza_hime11> According to some survivors, their advice if it ever happens again, go as far and as high as you can...
[0:16:21] <~PlanetHanyu> is the third floor enough
[0:16:30] <fayfalcon> boats there, dear god...
[0:16:37] <TwoXElle> no one was expecting waves so high...
[0:16:42] <937314214> oooh on my God
[0:16:43] <~PlanetHanyu> there doesn't seem to be any high mountains/hills
[0:16:44] <iamlaiza_hime11> Nope @planethanyu
[0:16:46] <kenixlawkx> the waves are so high
[0:16:47] <demy27> Does anyone know how far away the Izumi district was from the sea?
[0:16:48] <linaskho> It's so sad BibleThump #PlanetHanyuCommemorated110311  (PH: holina)
[0:16:56] <sandbagprod> Third floor safe only if the building is far enoung from the coast
[0:17:02] <iamlaiza_hime11> They said the tsunami reach as high as third floor
[0:17:04] <~PlanetHanyu> but these ppl are so close to the water
[0:17:07] <yuzuyokoi> still so hard to believe this was real, seems like a movie or something
[0:17:20] <937314214> I know don't know
[0:17:22] <menggows> #PlanetHanyuCommemorated110311 (tw: chanbaekbabie)
[0:17:24] <saltatoryconduction> They didn't think the tsunami would be that big maybe
[0:17:33] <yuzulegend> @demy27 I think Izumi is not close and was not affected directly by the waves.
[0:17:43] <~PlanetHanyu> this is hachinohe?
[0:17:44] <alessandra_amel> it's human nature of curiosity that made them staying there. Although I was confused myself, because I know that even disaster evacuation is taught in Japan's school
[0:17:46] <fayfalcon> life jackets? they'd be no good...
[0:18:02] <937314214> yes on Good
[0:18:03] <yuzugoat7323> oh dear! BibleThump
[0:18:17] <~PlanetHanyu> omg
[0:18:18] <hiitachins> ah... dear god
[0:18:22] <937314214> TearGlove
[0:18:24] <sandbagprod> The water took out the airport but never reached the center of Sendai or the rink of Yuzu (PH @barbara)
[0:18:27] <~PlanetHanyu> run for your lives...
[0:18:28] <yuzunekozuu> life jackets..facing a tsunami.....
[0:18:31] <kenixlawkx> oh my gosh
[0:18:35] <menggows> Still there’s car passed by 😩
[0:18:37] <umebachi34> I was watching the tsunami arriving live on TV in real time, from Heathrow, UK.  I had just landed there for a WHO meeting at a hotel nearby.  When I arrived at the meeting venue, everyone was watching live on screen and screaming at me - where is your family??  I couldn't get hold of them for several hours, but they were fine in Tokyo...  But I will never forget watching the live scene with my WHO colleagues.  Glad they were there to support me - it was terrifying.
[0:18:40] <blue_maxis> omg I'm shaking
[0:18:45] <iamlaiza_hime11> Japan has the highest seawall in the world, but  it wasn’t able to stop the tsunami
[0:19:03] <yuzupoohsan> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (twt: @tsukkinginamo)
[0:19:03] <~PlanetHanyu> this guy is still filming...
[0:19:06] <937314214> no noooo
[0:19:14] <~PlanetHanyu> i'm impressed but also terrified
[0:19:17] <yuzunekozuu> pls
[0:19:17] <TwoXElle> oh gosh
[0:19:21] <fayfalcon> oh my god
[0:19:25] <yuzulegend> @umebachi34 BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
[0:19:30] <sally_cinnamon> this is terrifying
[0:19:40] <cutepets95> I can't even find the words to describe how I'm feeling watching this.
[0:19:49] <iamlaiza_hime11> It lasted so long too.. around 6mins
[0:19:50] <kenixlawkx> omg
[0:20:07] <937314214> me too same here why
[0:20:14] <~PlanetHanyu> oh no, the old people :(
[0:20:17] <menggows> Oh noooo there’re more people who is on the ground
[0:20:19] <yuzunekozuu> wth they??
[0:20:21] <yuzupoohsan> oh no the old man...
[0:20:22] <iamlaiza_hime11> Yuzuru must have been so scared and felt so helpless.. 💔
[0:20:28] <yuzulegend> this is what so many people have in their memories and they live with the consequences each day. That's why it's so important to not forget and still help!!
[0:20:32] <fayfalcon> just imagine what people who saw all this have to be feeling right now...
[0:20:39] <~PlanetHanyu> oh no :( :( :(
[0:20:44] <TwoXElle> oh no, those poor people there...
[0:20:52] <menggows> Oh god i can’t imagine if i was there
[0:20:56] <kenixlawkx> 10 meters oh dear
[0:20:58] <sandbagprod> IMG
[0:21:02] <yuzunekozuu> rrrrunnn
[0:21:02] <Anni_2607> OMG BibleThump
[0:21:05] <937314214> yuzuru hanyu I my heart goes yuzuru hanyu master no noooo
[0:21:09] <~PlanetHanyu> my car's finished. hah
[0:21:17] <cutepets95> Oh my goodness
[0:21:29] <fayfalcon> black water...
[0:21:37] <kenixlawkx> why is the water black
[0:21:45] <iceprinceyuzu> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (twitter: @IcePrinceYuzu)
[0:21:50] <TwoXElle> even when going to high ground, one had to pray the building would stand....
[0:21:50] <fayfalcon> the soil from the sea bottom
[0:21:55] <937314214> oh shui why
[0:21:59] <iamlaiza_hime11> Its the debris of everything, houses and such
[0:22:01] <yuzulegend> @kenixlawkx it rolls from the sea bottom
[0:22:03] <sandbagprod> Yuzu was just 16, a boy. His parents must have been so frightened until they saw him okay
[0:22:08] <buutbuutchibi> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 twitter: buutbuutchibi
[0:22:09] <yuzugoat7323> oh my gosh...so fast and furious
[0:22:09] <~PlanetHanyu> omg the building's gonna collapse
[0:22:15] <kenixlawkx> and snow??
[0:22:21] <yuzunekozuu> his fam were all at diff places...
[0:22:38] <iamlaiza_hime11> Then after the earthquake and tsunami, the fukushima nuclear power plant follows...
[0:22:48] <sandbagprod> Where did they meet up? At the front of their house?
[0:22:56] <yuzulegend> @kenixlawkx yes, Yuzu himself tell that in his biography...
[0:23:00] <937314214> no noooo my love yuzuru hanyu 😥😢
[0:23:15] <kenixlawkx> ah thank you,
[0:23:33] <~PlanetHanyu> wow.
[0:23:34] <umebachi34> This is the NHK live scene that I watched...  The pilot and newsreporter managed to get the last unharmed helicopter in Sendai Airport up in the air.  The reporter had just started his job.  They could do nothing as they reported on the unfolding scene... you could hear the pilot saying "We are not rescue helicopter. Oh what can we do, what can we do..."
[0:23:38] <alessandra_amel> @iamlaiza_hime11 yes, the most disastrous effect was from the power plant. even until today, the government is still cleaning up the waste
[0:23:56] <fayfalcon> hellish images
[0:23:56] <henni147> It is so horrifying to see how the houses are just washed away...
[0:24:09] <yuzunekozuu> the toxic radioactive stuff...from the nuclear plant..
[0:24:11] <iamlaiza_hime11> @alessandra_amel they need billions of dollars to decommission the fukushima nuclear plant.. 😭
[0:24:31] <cutepets95> And it looks as if it's just swallowing everything in its path
[0:24:32] <yuzuyokoi> The water moves so fast, it's almost unreal
[0:24:42] <~PlanetHanyu> oh god
[0:24:46] <alessandra_amel> @iamlaiza_hime11 exactly 😔
[0:24:50] <iamlaiza_hime11> March 11 is like triple disaster for Japan.. earthquake, tsunami and the radioactive leak
[0:24:52] <~PlanetHanyu> lol he goes and closes his door
[0:24:53] <yuzulegend> @umebachi34 the feeling of not being able to help, so many felt that way that day and after as well BibleThump
[0:24:57] <umebachi34> The government has been incompetent in dealing with the nuclear plant, but also rebuilding the communities - they just threw a lot of money on infrastructure, with no thought to the people of the community.  And now, we are discovering a lot of money got lost in corrupt contracts -coming out just now.  Now they are messing up on Covid...
[0:24:59] <TwoXElle> yeah, even those who were safe and watching, how terrible it must have felt..it is for me now, 10 years after... they maybe had loved ones and they couldn't know if they were safe or down there...
[0:25:00] <fayfalcon> Oh my god...
[0:25:02] <937314214> my heart 💔
[0:25:16] <~PlanetHanyu> the car is useless now, they should leave
[0:25:18] <~PlanetHanyu> D:
[0:25:29] <TwoXElle> wait is this person inside the car???
[0:25:35] <937314214> on my God
[0:25:36] <~PlanetHanyu> hm it might just be a dashcam
[0:25:38] <iamlaiza_hime11> Yep @twoxelle
[0:25:39] <cutepets95> @TwoXElle Seems like so yes
[0:25:43] <iamlaiza_hime11> He survived
[0:25:45] <yuzulegend> @TwoXElle yes
[0:25:46] <~PlanetHanyu> wow
[0:25:56] <umebachi34> No, it was actual footage that the person took but he survived
[0:25:56] <yuzunekozuu> thank you for all the people who had helped even for a bit to rebuild everything,, couldnt ve more grateful
[0:26:02] <sandbagprod> The initial rush of the wave was far faster than the one that hit Thailand.
[0:26:05] <TwoXElle> oh gosh I'm glad they put that caption
[0:26:14] <yuzuyokoi> I can't imagine how terrified that driver must have been
[0:26:23] <iamlaiza_hime11> Ohhh, i thought it was Indonesia?
[0:26:27] <~PlanetHanyu> 15 meters D:
[0:26:28] <kenixlawkx> oh no the nuclear plant
[0:26:35] <937314214> BibleThump
[0:27:07] <cutepets95> I should have watched this with my mom. Right now, she's going to Pentwyn to get vaccinated against COVID
[0:27:31] <iamlaiza_hime11> This is the problem with nuclear plants.. its unlimited, but when it get destroyed, it cause more damage.. its like a double edge sword
[0:27:32] <sandbagprod> Yes to the vaccine!
[0:27:49] <louitunes> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates 110311 (PH Louitunes)
[0:28:12] <iamlaiza_hime11> @cutepets95 ohhh,, that’s good.. be vaccinated
[0:28:24] <cutepets95> I'll just wait for her to get back home to watch it together
[0:28:42] <yuzunekozuu> @cutepets95 <3 <3 <3
[0:28:49] <misscynthiat> Just look. at all that damage from the tsunami. It would take months to clean up.
[0:28:55] <yuzunekozuu> its so dark..
[0:29:01] <~PlanetHanyu> @misscynthiat probably more...
[0:29:02] <umebachi34> My sister was downtown in Tokyo visiting with friends.  She had to walk back home - took 5 hours, and she was able to buy some takeout food along the way.  She said it was eerie, millions of people quietly walking home...
[0:29:08] <misscynthiat> Not just dark but grim.
[0:29:11] <yuzulegend> @misscynthiat it took years BibleThump
[0:29:12] <sandbagprod> It is remarakable that there were so many emergency personnel that stepped right up and did what they could.
[0:29:28] <iamlaiza_hime11> I saw in one news, like after a few weeks, its so hard to go to the devastated area.. because the smell of the dead is so strong 💔
[0:29:31] <937314214> BibleThump
[0:29:42] <cutepets95> And yes I know. But I sort of regret watching this now when she's out technically live because I can react badly. Not often but I still have bad reactions.
[0:29:54] <misscynthiat> @iamlaiza_hime11  so you cannot just fumigate a town?
[0:30:17] <~PlanetHanyu> @misscynthiat huhh
[0:30:25] <~PlanetHanyu> what do you mean
[0:30:25] <937314214> BibleThump
[0:30:28] <cutepets95> But I'm going through with watching this in full live
[0:30:38] <sandbagprod> No, you can't fumigate.
[0:30:39] <TwoXElle> commending Japan's overall organization, in other places things would have been even worse.. starting form cutting off power lines to prevent fires and antisismic buildings...
[0:30:40] <~PlanetHanyu> bit.ly/ph110311 <-- reposting the donations linke <3
[0:30:41] <iamlaiza_hime11> @misscynthiat what do you mean by fumigate?
[0:30:49] <okagan2020> BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
[0:30:55] <937314214> TearGlove TearGlove TearGlove
[0:30:56] <iamlaiza_hime11> Yuzu experienced this
[0:31:12] <fayfalcon> this is what Yuzu had to live through
[0:31:21] <fayfalcon> 221 aftershocks
[0:31:24] <937314214> BibleThump
[0:31:24] <pammi_> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (PH Pammi)
[0:31:29] <menggows> The afterschock 😭
[0:31:29] <kenixlawkx> 221 omg
[0:31:32] <hiitachins> 221...........
[0:31:36] <menggows> Omg the baby
[0:31:37] <yuzunekozuu> love to him and everyone else who experienced this. My heart goes out to them.
[0:31:37] <iamlaiza_hime11> @twoxelle true,, if its other country it might be half a million lives lost...
[0:31:40] <937314214> 221
[0:31:45] <djaeeonnaa> I've read news about the earthquake and tsunami but this is my first time seeing how bad it was
[0:31:50] <cutepets95> TWO HUNDERD AND TWENTY ONE?! Oh my god
[0:31:59] <misscynthiat> I meant like using some sort of vacuuming system to get rid of the smell.
[0:32:09] <djaeeonnaa> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (twt djaeeonnaa)
[0:32:10] <misscynthiat> of the dead
[0:32:40] <yuzupoohsan> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (twt: @tsukkinginamo)
[0:32:51] <~PlanetHanyu> @misscynthiat probably everything smelled...oil spills, trash
[0:32:54] <yuzulegend> So hard for everyone wondering if their families or friends are safe.
[0:32:55] <iamlaiza_hime11> @misscynthiat i am not sure about the fumigate thing, but they cannot even use tools and stuff to get in because of the debris
[0:32:59] <louitunes> I watched the Channel 4 documentary on the tsunami the other night and hadn't realised there were fires afterwards.  The scenes with damaged mangled buildings and the skyline on fire were like a vision of hell.  Those poor people.
[0:33:11] <y_ever> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (PH Yever)
[0:33:11] <937314214> BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
[0:33:14] <~PlanetHanyu> @misscynthiat i don't think you can vaccuum the air, where would the air go
[0:33:37] <fayfalcon> the onigiri
[0:33:39] <anjaheyheyhey> @PlanetHanyu btw the NS video was reuploaded :)
[0:33:40] <kenixlawkx> the riceballs
[0:33:45] <alessandra_amel> everything that Yuzu said about this year's commemoration relates so much to this scene
[0:33:48] <~PlanetHanyu> @anjaheyheyhey thanks, i saw, i will play it
[0:33:51] <djaeeonnaa> with no comfy home, water and amount of food you're used to, this was so difficult and traumatic
[0:34:06] <sandbagprod> Dead people just continue to smell and it gets worse for weeks. Until they are buried.
[0:34:12] <demy27> How long did the tsunami last?
[0:34:21] <937314214> 🙏 for yuzuru hanyu
[0:34:27] <misscynthiat> the tsunami and earthquake has done more damage than people think then. not just the Debris and loss of lives but just other problems like what was just described.
[0:34:28] <iamlaiza_hime11> @misscynthiat they do not even know where the smells originated, because most of the corpse was beneath the debris and by debris, its part of houses or even cars
[0:34:29] <louitunes> Tsunami was 6 minutes I think.
[0:34:32] <alessandra_amel> 🙏🙏
[0:34:44] <TwoXElle> also, probably the people there all were worried for their loved ones, as they were helping others...
[0:34:46] <sandbagprod> Quake was 6 minutes
[0:35:09] <heyitsheunn> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 twitter/PH @heyitsheunn thank you for holding the live! hope im not too late
[0:35:12] <menggows> @misscynthiat i think they couldn’t get rid of smell. Back then in indonesia they even couldn’t take all of the dead and covered it with soil all over
[0:35:36] <iamlaiza_hime11> The fukushima is too painful too.. old people of Japan, sacrifice themselves to go inside the nuclear plant
[0:35:54] <iamlaiza_hime11> Theh said they live long enough 💔
[0:35:59] <iamlaiza_hime11> They
[0:36:01] <yuzulegend> @demy27 depends on the city and how the black waters rolled. For many was about 15-30 minutes
[0:36:11] <TwoXElle> Fukushima really came close to disaster...
[0:36:30] <fayfalcon> and this is winter...
[0:36:47] <TwoXElle> @fayfalcon yeah, the following days it snowed too
[0:36:58] <937314214> on my God
[0:37:00] <y_ever> we thought we are advance in technology now but still not able to fight against natural power
[0:37:01] <henni147> These people are the true leading examples and pillars of hope for the young. Who are willing to risk their lives to help saving the future.
[0:37:23] <djaeeonnaa> ik this was, and still is, but it's a bit of a consolation that authorities responded as quickly as they can. my country could never
[0:37:26] <yuzulegend> BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
[0:37:26] <heyitsheunn> oh my god the water is so high...
[0:37:30] <937314214> BibleThump BibleThump
[0:37:47] <menggows> How long meters the water is?
[0:37:49] <iamlaiza_hime11> I commend the people of Japan.. they think of others before themselves
[0:37:53] <fayfalcon> god, cleaning all that debris must have been hellish job
[0:38:03] <umebachi34> Fukushima is a disaster.  It is much worse than Chernobyl according to IAEA.  It is not over by any means.
[0:38:06] <yuzuyokoi> How do you even begin to clean up after something like this? I can't wrap my head around it.
[0:38:16] <937314214> what
[0:38:24] <yuzulegend> @menggows I think at some places 14 m. high
[0:38:24] <iamlaiza_hime11> @djaeeonnaa same... my country cannot do this kind of preparedness
[0:38:44] <misscynthiat> @iamlaiza_hime11 Japan's known for cohesiveness like other Asian countries
[0:38:45] <djaeeonnaa> wow that's a lot to take in. can't even begin what to think of first
[0:39:05] <sandbagprod> I remember reading about the cleanup after Kobe. Everyone who was healthy pitched in.
[0:39:11] <umebachi34> The radiation inside the plants is so high that even robots don't last long - they get fried.  Last month they started the test to remove 1 gram of debris with a robotic arm.  After ten years, one gram - 800 tons to go.
[0:39:13] <~PlanetHanyu> good eye.....wow
[0:39:23] <~PlanetHanyu> wow...that's some rescue
[0:39:27] <fayfalcon> in some places water was around 40 metres
[0:39:31] <heyitsheunn> how can they look from that height-
[0:39:33] <louitunes> Good grief .... how did they see him.
[0:39:35] <TwoXElle> whoa, luckily they could spot him...
[0:39:36] <~PlanetHanyu> very impressive
[0:39:39] <heyitsheunn> the people is so strong to hold on
[0:39:43] <heyitsheunn> are*
[0:39:54] <menggows> Wow no wonder the house sweep away
[0:39:59] <misscynthiat> unmovable debris and rubble
[0:40:06] <djaeeonnaa> @iamlaiza_hime11 the govt wouldn't bother to even prepare. Japan's really doing well with disaster preparednes but of course this was too much
[0:40:16] <nadjasakura> just imagine to stand on this place.... surrounded by all of this - where do you start anyway, when there is nothing left/ everything destroyed?
[0:40:43] <heyitsheunn> the house is like 2/3 deep in debris
[0:40:48] <937314214> BibleThump
[0:40:52] <~PlanetHanyu> :|
[0:41:04] <xkaykayox> I knew the 3/11 tsunami was really bad and I seen pictures and videos before but seeing this is so shocking all over again. I really cant imagine how these people are feeling
[0:41:05] <TwoXElle> gosh, in the car...
[0:41:07] <djaeeonnaa> ooh shoot someone's in the car sksk
[0:41:12] <~PlanetHanyu> how long were they in there ...
[0:41:15] <fayfalcon> oh god...
[0:41:16] <iamlaiza_hime11> This scene makes me cry everytime
[0:41:17] <umebachi34> The people of Tohoku were cohesive.  The national government's response was pathetic - sorry, the resilience has nothing to do with our national govt.  local govts were better - more responsive.  US military also helped enormously, working with the Japanese Self Defense Force.  And ordinary citizens volunteered from all over Japan - a new generation of generous citizens.
[0:41:19] <yaseinohana> BibleThump
[0:41:27] <alessandra_amel> bless you, rescuers 🙏🙏
[0:41:40] <menggows> Older woman inside the car 😭
[0:41:43] <937314214> BibleThump
[0:41:44] <~PlanetHanyu> all night D:
[0:41:46] <misscynthiat> poor grandma...
[0:41:57] <misscynthiat> I feel bad for her
[0:41:59] <heyitsheunn> god the cameraman is really having a bad time because he has to carry all the camera supplies and have to watch everything live, and record them
[0:42:03] <~PlanetHanyu> and so many probably were not seen :(
[0:42:06] <iamlaiza_hime11> That is why, fellow fanyu here,, please join Red Cross.. 🙏🙏🙏
[0:42:07] <heyitsheunn> it is really harsh
[0:42:30] <yaseinohana> @planethanyu BibleThump
[0:42:46] <iamlaiza_hime11> It must have hurt for him.. nurses are not allowed to cry in front of patients,, as it will make them hopeless 💔😭
[0:42:50] <djaeeonnaa> @umebachi34 local govts really are much responsive than the national one, that's true. it's the same here bc they know how bad it's going on the ground
[0:42:54] <937314214> I can't believe poor people what 😥
[0:43:07] <heyitsheunn> ahhh they are so respectful, they line up...
[0:43:07] <misscynthiat> the cameraman also has to record everyone crying. as for the govt, local people have also criticized the way things are run
[0:43:26] <umebachi34> This is what Yuzu experienced.  He recalls sharing one banana and one riceball with the family.
[0:43:33] <yuzurutheking> God this is heartbreaking...that dr/nurse/ volunteer is so upset for that little old lady
[0:43:41] <937314214> BibleThump
[0:43:56] <937314214> yuzuru hanyu why
[0:44:04] <djaeeonnaa> aaaahh the nuclear plant
[0:44:07] <xkaykayox> oh no
[0:44:14] <cutepets95> Oh no
[0:44:15] <yuzunekozuu> the nightmare
[0:44:16] <louitunes> Its just one disaster after another.  Earthquake, tsunami then the nuclear disaster.
[0:44:21] <937314214> BibleThump
[0:44:23] <kenixlawkx> oh noo
[0:44:28] <heyitsheunn> god no
[0:44:36] <marinaa_013> oh noo
[0:44:40] <misscynthiat> there is a documentary I saw for the nuclear power plant on YouTube
[0:44:41] <heyitsheunn> i didn't know about the power plant-
[0:44:50] <misscynthiat> They have more details
[0:44:57] <937314214> :(
[0:44:58] <y_ever> until now they still cant find way to stop the leak
[0:45:06] <sandbagprod> I don't think that those in evacuation centers, like Yuzu, were being updated on this kind of news.
[0:45:20] <937314214> TearGlove
[0:45:27] <demy27> So the leak never stopped?
[0:45:27] <heyitsheunn> i think the shelters' only source of news is the radio
[0:45:31] <djaeeonnaa> once the coolling system gets in trouble, an even bigger trouble will happen
[0:45:41] <icejourneys> Thanks for hosting this #PLANETHANYUCOMMEMORATES311 live streaming! I visited Sendai in summer of 2019 and saw the efforts of documenting recovery progress in various disaster-hit areas. They showed images taken from the same angles and spots at different time points in posters hung at a public library near the Sendai city hall.
[0:45:46] <~PlanetHanyu> :(
[0:45:52] <937314214> :(
[0:45:59] <yuzunekozuu> BibleThump
[0:45:59] <heyitsheunn> rest in peace...
[0:46:02] <misscynthiat> this only happened because Japan is part of the ring of fire.
[0:46:09] <~PlanetHanyu> a pooh?
[0:46:18] <djaeeonnaa> it's today 10yrs ago
[0:46:22] <TwoXElle> even following from afar, it felt like an endless strings of disasters one after the other with no hope in sight...
[0:46:23] <heyitsheunn> it really looks like a pooh
[0:46:24] <demy27> A ruined Pooh...
[0:46:24] <cutepets95> Looks like it
[0:46:28] <iamlaiza_hime11> @demy27 i think so,, you have to fully decommissioned the plant, and you need billions for it
[0:46:29] <937314214> TearGlove
[0:46:31] <misscynthiat> if you are anywhere near that area you can face natural disasters like this.
[0:46:34] <marinaa_013> looks like a pooh
[0:47:03] <umebachi34> Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) remains, to this day, poorly managed and led.  IAEA has reported that Japan is the only nuclear power operating country that did  not have a plan for unexpected circumstances - recommended by IAEA.  The reason given later is that Japan does not expect any errors or accidents.  So no need to plan.  That culture is still persisting in TEPCO to this day.  Only last month, after that large quake, it was reported TEPCO forgot to repair their seismic sensors...go figure
[0:47:03] <misscynthiat> near the ring of fire
[0:47:14] <menggows> Bless to all rescue team who worked so hard
[0:47:14] <~PlanetHanyu> @misscynthiat yeah earthquake/tsunami fears are a constant in the life of many people in the pacific islands
[0:47:22] <937314214> :(
[0:47:36] <louitunes> They escaped with nothing.  That's why the article I read by the BBC about a group finding photographs and trying to save them was so heartfelt.  These people had nothing left even the memories photos bring.
[0:47:36] <heyitsheunn> i think that everyone knows that since they are understaffed, they must choose who to get to first i think
[0:48:02] <TwoXElle> @umebachi34 OMG...truly? O_o TEPCO really din't got the hint after 2011...
[0:48:16] <sandbagprod> On the Ring of Fire - earthquakes a couple of weeks ago in New Zealand, Japan, Alaska, BC, Calif. - also Iceland
[0:48:16] <937314214> :/
[0:48:35] <yuzulegend> @louitunes I read the article you posted in the thread in PH, really touching all efforts to rescue memories BibleThump
[0:48:44] <937314214> BibleThump
[0:48:59] <yuzunekozuu> Ive seen some clips of earthquakes in Japan,, and they seem so used and prone to earthquakes to that point when they just calmly sat and finished their meal, walking around and the building was shaking vigorously....
[0:49:02] <henni147> The disaster in Fukushima made Germany give up on the use of nuclear power. Some power plants are still running, but most of them have been shut down after this event. I talked with my students in the chemistry classes about the aftermath of 3-11, because most of them couldn't remember (they must have been around 3-5 years old at that time).
[0:49:11] <yuzulegend> the happiness to have something warm BibleThump
[0:49:40] <misscynthiat> another tsunami?
[0:49:42] <djaeeonnaa> you'd really have to be grateful just make it out safe from the earthquake and tsunami
[0:49:48] <misscynthiat> damn it!!!!!
[0:49:48] <marinaa_013> another tsunami????
[0:49:50] <djaeeonnaa> nooooooooo
[0:49:51] <xkaykayox> another one???
[0:49:53] <TwoXElle> gosh another one?
[0:49:54] <kenixlawkx> another tsunami?!
[0:49:55] <cutepets95> What are they seriously waiting for? Another earthquake with devastating aftermaths to repair it?
[0:50:04] <yuzunekozuu> w t *
[0:50:05] <heyitsheunn> tsunami-
[0:50:08] <umebachi34> Former PM Koizumi visited Sweden to look at their nuclear plant management system, and came back convinced Japan is too high risk for nuclear plants.  Sweden has more stable ground below - and many of their safety features cannot be replicated in Japan.  Koizumi is trying to convince govt but so far, Nuclear lobby and LDP govt are too far entrenched, invested.  Like ISU but on a huge scale...
[0:50:09] <937314214> yuzuru hanyu explains why I  don't know how many people will
[0:50:10] <menggows> How come another tsunami comeee
[0:50:10] <heyitsheunn> oh dear...
[0:50:14] <yaseinohana> OMG
[0:50:19] <djaeeonnaa> this is stressful wow
[0:50:48] <~PlanetHanyu> bit.ly/ph110311 <-- reposting donation link <3
[0:50:49] <heyitsheunn> first earthquake, second radiation, and then a tsunami
[0:50:59] <anjaheyheyhey> @PlanetHanyu <3
[0:51:11] <937314214> <3 <3 <3
[0:51:18] <vevi12345> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (twitter: @Eleanor36342)
[0:51:22] <TwoXElle> the issue with nuclear plants is that if there are torubles they are BIG and potentially devastating not only for one country but also neighbours.. and too often money tramples safety even when it comes to their security...
[0:51:32] <anjaheyheyhey> the starry night :(
[0:51:37] <~PlanetHanyu> probably so many people waiting to be rescued but weren't :(
[0:51:37] <TwoXElle> *troubles
[0:51:39] <djaeeonnaa> samm that's a whole town
[0:51:41] <misscynthiat> to this day the locals are debating the govt's decision to release the nuclear water into the sea.
[0:51:45] <937314214> TearGlove TearGlove
[0:51:48] <sally_cinnamon> @TwoXElle so true :(
[0:51:54] <heyitsheunn> im actually crying
[0:52:11] <kenixlawkx> my heart
[0:52:20] <louitunes> @misscynthiat Crikey I didn't know this.  How idiotic of them.
[0:52:22] <misscynthiat> there are also people not wanting to return to Fukushima and  one man still looking for his wife.
[0:52:26] <heyitsheunn> damn if we the outsiders only see the video and cry, how can the victims actually deal with it...
[0:52:29] <~PlanetHanyu> i guess because of this tsunami, no one underestimates tsunamis anymore...i hope
[0:53:05] <yaseinohana> @umebachi34  yes this is so scary..2 years ago, .i met a Japanese film director who came to present his film about that subject in France on 3.11 , bc in Japan he got censored....
[0:53:07] <djaeeonnaa> disaster preparedness seminars are really important
[0:53:10] <fayfalcon> no one could have prepared for a tsunami of this scale, though
[0:53:16] <937314214> BibleThump
[0:53:18] <heyitsheunn> it was so big
[0:53:22] <fayfalcon> one hundred percent
[0:53:23] <heyitsheunn> too dangerous
[0:53:24] <misscynthiat> @louitunes I know, that's how the govt work. not being sMart here
[0:53:30] <pammi_> only 3 days where significant numbers of people were rescued....so sad, 18500 people dead or unaccounted for, the loss of loves ones, of homes, towns, memories - its devastating to see
[0:53:39] <sandbagprod> How could they underestimate after the 2004 tsunami in Thailand?
[0:53:59] <~PlanetHanyu> @sandbagprod :(
[0:54:05] <djaeeonnaa> @sandbagprod the one in Aceh too (what year was it)
[0:54:09] <TwoXElle> we as human beings are sadly fast to forget
[0:54:18] <hiitachins> :(
[0:54:20] <menggows> @djaeeonnaa it was 2004 too
[0:54:20] <TwoXElle> *at forgetting
[0:54:27] <937314214> BibleThump
[0:54:27] <~PlanetHanyu> sorry it's skipping a bit
[0:54:28] <~PlanetHanyu> gimme a sec
[0:54:42] <sandbagprod> It was 2004 - the day after Christmas, and that's the one I was referring to.
[0:54:46] <umebachi34> @yaseinohana  Yes, it's still censored.  Also that's why geothermal can't get expanded in Japan, even though we have among the best geothermal potential in the world..  Because nuclear lobby is preventing investments through fake news, threats, etc.
[0:54:55] <~PlanetHanyu> weird
[0:54:57] <fayfalcon> it still is skipping
[0:55:03] <anjaheyheyhey> mhm...
[0:55:03] <~PlanetHanyu> ok one sec
[0:55:05] <heyitsheunn> and still is kinda lagging
[0:55:15] <anjaheyheyhey> something wrong with video probably
[0:55:30] <sandbagprod> Thailand had over250,000 killed.
[0:55:35] <louitunes> No wonder cancer is now 1 in 2.  What with this and Chernobyl.  These disasters effect the world not just the country they happen in.
[0:55:59] <misscynthiat> how Thailand? isn't that a bit far from the ocean?
[0:56:04] <umebachi34> Even worse - Japan is the main producer of geothermal turbine, a highly sophisticated machinery, and exports it all over the world, but doesn't have much market inside Japan.  It's so obvious that the nuclear gang is keeping them away.
[0:56:08] <sandbagprod> If Chernobyl could finally be sealed, why can't this plant?
[0:56:11] <937314214> yuzuru hanyu explains to me 😥
[0:56:24] <memoarof23> 😞
[0:56:24] <~PlanetHanyu> i think it just doesn't take .AVI files well
[0:56:27] <~PlanetHanyu> lemme convert it
[0:56:31] <saltatoryconduction> @sandbagprod This would be the Aceh/Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004. Reached Phuket, Maldives and Sri Lanka.
[0:56:33] <nadjasakura> this nuclear lobby is as deaf for a world without atomic energy as the ISU is for the safety of their skaters 😑
[0:56:46] <TwoXElle> @sandbagprod Chernobys has been re-sealed for 100 more years, then it will need more sealing too...
[0:56:55] <TwoXElle> *chernobyl
[0:57:04] <misscynthiat> how do you seal off a nuclear power plant?
[0:57:11] <sandbagprod> Concrete
[0:57:18] <937314214> BibleThump
[0:57:20] <sandbagprod> Lots of it
[0:57:25] <umebachi34> That is why I want someone like Yuzu to go into politics eventually and lead us out of this mess.  He has the charisma and social awareness, and the strategic mind to rescue Japan from its current lacklustre leadership.
[0:57:27] <heyitsheunn> and sand
[0:57:31] <djaeeonnaa> let me just say I'm liking our conversations here, it's educational and empathetic too hehe
[0:57:45] <misscynthiat> sounds risky enough with potential radiation poisoning
[0:57:49] <louitunes> Has the screen frozen or is it just me?
[0:57:53] <~PlanetHanyu> @umebachi34 too bad the best people for politics often find it too corrupt to be in :(
[0:57:56] <heyitsheunn> the video is still lagging right?
[0:57:58] <~PlanetHanyu> @louitunes yeah one sec
[0:58:02] <~PlanetHanyu> it's not playing
[0:58:04] <misscynthiat> @loume too
[0:58:05] <~PlanetHanyu> im converting the file format
[0:58:18] <misscynthiat> sorry @louitunes
[0:58:34] <TwoXElle> @PlanetHanyu it's ok, let us know when it's good...
[0:58:44] <val_hny> @umebachi34 That’s what my friend has been saying, that he should be a politician.
[0:58:48] <louitunes> Its fine ...will wait.
[0:58:49] <umebachi34> It's not as easy as sealing the plant.  concrete and any manmade material will leak eventually.  The half life of the nuclear waste is on the order of thousands of years.  That is why they are attempting to take out the debris and  bury it in a safe location.
[0:58:49] <937314214> why yuzuru hanyu my love why
[0:59:15] <~PlanetHanyu> is it better now?
[0:59:20] <misscynthiat> back on track!
[0:59:22] <heyitsheunn> yeahhhhh it iss
[0:59:23] <TwoXElle> rn it is
[0:59:23] <heyitsheunn> thank you!
[0:59:23] <yuzulegend> @PlanetHanyu yes!
[0:59:24] <fayfalcon> it's fine!
[0:59:28] <nadjasakura> yes
[0:59:29] <djaeeonnaa> @planethanyu that's true. most times the experienced politicians get rid of their potential enemy early so the good and intelligent ones don't even get to step closer to being recognized public officials themselves
[0:59:29] <kenixlawkx> yep Thankuu
[0:59:34] <937314214> BibleThump
[0:59:35] <memoarof23> yes its playing well now
[0:59:39] <xkaykayox> thank you!!
[0:59:42] <louitunes> @umebachi34 We are all mad to even contemplate nuclear with the things that happen if things go wrong.  Utterly stupid.
[0:59:43] <y_ever> fukushima plant is near to sea ,even sealing cant solve the issue, the radioactive keeps leaking polluted the underground water.#PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (PH Yever)
[0:59:43] <djaeeonnaa> oh there it is! yay!
[0:59:50] <anjaheyheyhey> yaay!
[0:59:52] <val_hny> Even the video is mourning and don’t want to be played 😢
[1:00:00] <937314214> yuzuru hanyu explains why
[1:00:10] <yuzulegend> @PlanetHanyu can you also please "memories of that day"? maybe you also need to convert!
[1:00:25] <TwoXElle> debris still there...
[1:00:41] <~PlanetHanyu> @yuzulegend it's mp4 so should be fine..
[1:00:54] <heyitsheunn> the nothing sounds so hurt
[1:01:07] <heyitsheunn> nothing has changed
[1:01:15] <yuzulegend> @yuzulegend perfect then, thanks!
[1:01:18] <djaeeonnaa> that was a clean sweep wow
[1:01:24] <937314214> BibleThump
[1:01:27] <umebachi34> The govt used to say they will have the removal done in about 20 years.  Now they have no idea how long it will take.  They haven't even succeeded in taking one gram of debris out.  A lot of debris is like melted metalic plate, so they can't just pick it up.  And the robotic arm doesn't have the power to take out these melted ploates.  TEPCO doesn't have the imagination or the ability to find a good solution, and they don't want foreigners to come into their sphere of influence...
[1:01:29] <TwoXElle> oh...the house that wasn't washed away and stayed as a reminder...
[1:01:38] <sandbagprod> There was a quite large earthquake near Sendai one month ago today (a 7.1 followed by aftershocks). I couldn't help but worry about the PTSD of Yuzu and his family and all un the region.
[1:01:51] <TwoXElle> yeah
[1:02:14] <937314214> yuzuru hanyu master why why
[1:02:30] <~PlanetHanyu> the heavy responsibility he must have felt in these years :( and continues to
[1:02:46] <~PlanetHanyu> and the PTSD he had to live with :(
[1:02:58] <937314214> no noooo
[1:03:06] <misscynthiat> this had such a long lasting effect on him and the other locals. too much to process even the recovery is long.
[1:03:15] <heyitsheunn> it's like whenever he looked at the ice he remembered the earthquake
[1:03:30] <returnofwhitewall> Fukushima nuclear disaster is often used in risk modelling example - it's not a black swan event, the likelihood of tsunami breaching the sea walls was 10% within 50 years which is pretty high occurrence rate.  The height was driven by the cost of building each additional metre of sea wall :(
[1:03:33] <misscynthiat> this is probably why is had been on his mind for over a decade now
[1:03:52] <~PlanetHanyu> he was still so small. 20213
[1:03:54] <~PlanetHanyu> 2013*
[1:03:57] <~PlanetHanyu> here
[1:04:05] <937314214> BibleThump
[1:04:06] <sandbagprod> His parents have taken such good care of him.
[1:04:11] <misscynthiat> maybe it was part of his episodic memory
[1:04:13] <TwoXElle> he was so young...
[1:04:26] <menggows> He suffered so much
[1:04:38] <heyitsheunn> oh god it was cramped...
[1:04:43] <sandbagprod> Yet he feels lucky.
[1:05:03] <icejourneys> Even when he was suffering, he wasn’t thinking about just himself
[1:05:04] <937314214> BibleThump
[1:05:15] <marinaa_013> BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
[1:05:26] <djaeeonnaa> he's choking up :(
[1:05:30] <xkaykayox> crying :((((((
[1:05:31] <okagan2020> BibleThump BibleThump
[1:05:40] <misscynthiat> tragic asf
[1:05:56] <TwoXElle> spring...
[1:06:06] <heyitsheunn> ah white legend
[1:06:07] <umebachi34> In his latest message, I am glad he said he no longer thinks about what could have been if the disaster hadn't occurred. It seems he is finally able to reflect on the experience with more forward looking attitude.
[1:06:25] <misscynthiat> no more what ifs
[1:06:28] <937314214> BibleThump
[1:06:39] <TwoXElle> survivor's guilt too...
[1:06:45] <djaeeonnaa> the spring really does give hope and a bit of warmth
[1:06:47] <~PlanetHanyu> baby <3
[1:06:58] <937314214> <3 <3 <3
[1:06:59] <umebachi34> Only took ten years of severe testing of the spirit.  polished into a bright light.
[1:07:02] <TwoXElle> and the "burden" to bring hope to others
[1:07:08] <yuzulegend> Oh Yuzu, it was so hard yet you were so brave and took so much responsibility upon your shoulders! To be seen as  the "Sendai" representative and a  messenger of hope is so hard.
[1:07:11] <memoarof23> he's a really strong person.. #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (PH: Memoarof23)
[1:07:16] <heyitsheunn> he looks kinda diffrent here or is it just me-
[1:07:18] <y_ever> Yuzu is lucky too there are people lend their hand for him to continue skating
[1:07:33] <fayfalcon> too much to feel at 16
[1:07:40] <henni147> I feel that - as painful as this experience must have been for him - it shaped his life and made him this symbol of hope for society that he is, which is wonderful.
[1:07:53] <yaseinohana> <3 <3 <3
[1:07:54] <yuzulegend> @fayfalcon indeed BibleThump
[1:07:58] <937314214> BibleThump
[1:08:12] <TwoXElle> I'd thank that gentle man there <3 and all those who supported Yuzu while also telling him to jsut do his best....
[1:08:15] <umebachi34> So young still in this video.  18 YO and still talking with the Tohoku accent.
[1:08:26] <djaeeonnaa> I love how people are rooting for him but that's also quite pressuring. oh Yuzu the weight you had to carry at 16
[1:08:27] <icejourneys> Bless the heart of the guy at the shrine
[1:08:37] <heyitsheunn> @umebachi34 wait he is not talking with tohoku dialect now?
[1:08:37] <937314214> :(
[1:08:43] <TwoXElle> Etude... the feeling of waves sweeping away...
[1:08:56] <nadjasakura> @henni147  indeed💖
[1:09:05] <pammi_> @umebachi34 has his accent returned being back at home so long during the pandemic?
[1:09:15] <djaeeonnaa> that's a genuine smile 😍
[1:09:42] <umebachi34> He no longer speaks with Tohoku accent now.  Very standard adult Japanese accent.
[1:09:49] <djaeeonnaa> HABI
[1:09:52] <TwoXElle> NHK in Sendai <3
[1:09:58] <937314214> <3 <3 <3
[1:10:21] <misscynthiat> @umebachi34 how did he do that?
[1:10:28] <henni147> I earnestly hope that WTT gets cancelled this year and the skaters are not pressured to attend. Worlds is terrible enough already and WTT has no meaning at all.
[1:10:29] <icejourneys> Bless PH, too, for this #PLANETHANYUCOMMEMORATES311! There are footages I ever saw before. (TW: icejourneys)
[1:10:45] <linaskho> Brian jumping up after the quad LOL
[1:11:01] <937314214> :D
[1:11:25] <TwoXElle> well, he did end with a smile :D
[1:11:38] <djaeeonnaa> nuuuuuu
[1:11:39] <fayfalcon> he also fell on a spin with a smile here. LOL
[1:11:48] <icejourneys> Is this FS the one Yuzu ended with an asthma attack?
[1:12:05] <TwoXElle> @fayfalcon yeah, maybe not the smile he had in mind but it was cute XD
[1:12:10] <yuzulegend> @icejourneys no, it's not
[1:12:11] <heavenandearth1001> @icejourneys nope, that was in finlandia trophy
[1:12:17] <cutepets95> I thought that free was 2012 Finladia?
[1:12:21] <angestring0310> Hi
[1:12:24] <TwoXElle> he won his first NHK <3
[1:12:28] <cutepets95> Where he had an asthma attack
[1:12:31] <937314214> :D
[1:12:32] <TwoXElle> @angestring0310 hi! :)
[1:12:37] <djaeeonnaa> YEEEEESSSS
[1:12:40] <heyitsheunn> oh my god he smiled....
[1:12:48] <menggows> My god his smile
[1:13:00] <~PlanetHanyu> bit.ly/ph110311 <- reposting donation link <3
[1:13:05] <starlight_shining> his smile is the best
[1:13:14] <icejourneys> Thanks!
[1:13:17] <yuzunekozuu> :"))
[1:13:17] <heavenandearth1001> his smile here was kurt browning's favorite happening at 2012 nhk trophy
[1:13:31] <937314214> thanks you yuzuru hanyu your smile away
[1:13:32] <yuzunekozuu> @PlanetHanyu Thank you <3
[1:13:41] <menggows> He want to cry
[1:13:44] <yuzuuwuu> 😭 his words always brings tears to my eyes
[1:13:49] <kenixlawkx> he's crying
[1:13:55] <umebachi34> Most Japanese learn standard Japanese accent at school, and by watching TV.  I think it's similar to learnig BBC/Queen's English for the British citizens.  Some manage, others do not.  Yuzu's accent was not that pronounced.  Just occasionally slipped into "zz" instead of "s".
[1:14:26] <misscynthiat> @umebachi34 thanks for the explanation!
[1:14:29] <cadance3390> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 @Alleshainrequiz hihihi
[1:14:34] <937314214> :D
[1:14:54] <heyitsheunn> lol =))))))))))
[1:14:59] <misscynthiat> lol the nervous guy at the beginning!!!
[1:14:59] <menggows> Lmao
[1:14:59] <xkaykayox> omg haahahahah
[1:15:02] <cutepets95> Haha Katori is sort of all of us
[1:15:04] <djaeeonnaa> lol he's so enthusiastic
[1:15:05] <937314214> EleGiggle
[1:15:11] <angestring0310> Shiroi is white
[1:15:23] <misscynthiat> hey say jump!
[1:15:28] <yuzunekozuu> thats a freaking seizure
[1:15:28] <nadjasakura> is this guy always like that?
[1:15:30] <~PlanetHanyu> omg so cute
[1:15:30] <TwoXElle> Yuzu's design is super super cute!
[1:15:34] <~PlanetHanyu> tiny skates
[1:15:38] <heyitsheunn> ahhhh kawaiii
[1:15:40] <umebachi34> I deliberately didn't translate "shiroi" to "white".  Given the sensitivites of the topic...
[1:15:42] <cadance3390> <3 <3 <3
[1:15:43] <iamlaiza_hime11> Its my first time to see this video!!!!!!
[1:15:48] <937314214> 😚
[1:15:50] <eruchan_desu> hey! say! jump 😆
[1:15:55] <quad_axel> i havent seen this b4
[1:16:06] <yuzulegend> @iamlaiza_hime11 Say thank you to Umebachi!!!!!!
[1:16:12] <TwoXElle> @umebachi34 thank you for your work <3 <3
[1:16:14] <quad_axel> thank you1
[1:16:23] <angestring0310> @twoxelle Hi twoelle san
[1:16:29] <937314214> thanks you you 1
[1:16:30] <misscynthiat> yamada and Yuzuru actually collaborated and made shirt to raise funds!
[1:16:34] <memoarof23> his design is so cute 😆😆 #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (PH: Memoarof23)
[1:16:46] <TwoXElle> @angestring0310 Hi, I'm glad you joined this streaming too <3
[1:17:03] <pammi_> @umebachi34 Thank you for explaining :) I'm always interested in sociolinguistics!
[1:17:12] <937314214> :)
[1:17:16] <angestring0310> @twoxelle Me too. :D
[1:17:19] <djaeeonnaa> PW AAAAAAHH
[1:17:52] <djaeeonnaa> yes obaachan
[1:17:55] <misscynthiat> cute old granny!!!!!!!
[1:17:57] <yuzulegend> hahaha, so cute!!!
[1:18:01] <heyitsheunn> a nekoooo
[1:18:05] <djaeeonnaa> NEKO
[1:18:06] <TwoXElle> Peko-chan
[1:18:07] <937314214> :)
[1:18:07] <yuzulegend> Peko-chan!!!!
[1:18:13] <vanella96> Awwwwww
[1:18:15] <henni147> Thank you so much for this streaming party! Sadly, I have to leave now and prepare for a conference. Wish you all a nice weekend and stay healthy everyone :)
[1:18:22] <misscynthiat> he so cute and sweet with the cat!!!!
[1:18:35] <TwoXElle> @henni147 hugs and stay safe :)
[1:18:40] <djaeeonnaa> @henni147 all the best in your conference!
[1:18:45] <~PlanetHanyu> 39 mice?
[1:18:47] <yuzulegend> @henni147 thanks for joining!!!! have a nice weekend!
[1:18:47] <louitunes> She counted the mice  !!!
[1:18:49] <937314214> too me huge
[1:18:59] <yuzunekozuu> @henni147 atb!! have a nice day!
[1:19:01] <henni147> Thank you very much!
[1:19:05] <heyitsheunn> @henni147 stay safe and good luck with your conferenceee
[1:19:06] <yaseinohana> bye @henni147 <3 good luck !
[1:19:20] <djaeeonnaa> it's the sewing obaachans!!
[1:19:27] <TwoXElle> these were the people he visited again years later?
[1:19:28] <menggows> All gramies so happy
[1:19:46] <yaseinohana> @twoxelle  yes
[1:19:49] <misscynthiat> so would anyone else if they got to meet him!
[1:19:56] <yuzunekozuu> he has a healing effect i can't explain
[1:20:01] <nadjasakura> see you henni!
[1:20:33] <sandbagprod> Loss is what shapes us all - it's what we do with that, the choices we make, that define us.
[1:20:57] <djaeeonnaa> @yuzunekozuu that's true, his very existence give you a sense of healing
[1:20:59] <937314214> :/
[1:21:01] <cadance3390> @sandbagprod I agree!
[1:21:39] <angestring0310> @nadjasakura Hi Arigato Nadja san
[1:21:55] <TwoXElle> BibleThump
[1:22:03] <937314214> :(
[1:22:15] <val_hny> I can imagine the guilt  of “leaving” his family was even harder
[1:22:18] <yuzulegend> so nice that he got to hear all those words from the ladies.
[1:22:28] <yuzugoat7323> @henni147 happy weekend!🥰
[1:22:45] <TwoXElle> ;_______;
[1:22:46] <937314214> <3 <3 <3
[1:22:55] <yuzuuwuu> Hmm going through one tissue box
[1:23:18] <icejourneys> The visit is mutually healing ...
[1:23:34] <sandbagprod> The Dalai Lama says that loss is the only emotion that connects all humans because it's the only thing we can all relate to, on one level or another.  We can't really understand another's happiness, but we can empathize with loss, because we know it. Yuzu shows us (and millions) how to take strength from it and incorporate it into his being. Plus - he's just such a sweet man.
[1:23:36] <heyitsheunn> this is so beautiful
[1:23:53] <937314214> <3 <3 <3
[1:23:59] <cadance3390> Awwww I love it
[1:24:16] <yuzulegend> truly healing
[1:24:18] <937314214> ;)
[1:24:19] <anjaheyheyhey> iirc he invited those same women to watch Notte Stellata in 2018 after his 2nd olympic medal right?
[1:24:22] <umebachi34> These women are so gifted and their products are so beautiful and refined.
[1:24:23] <heyitsheunn> hana ni nare is playing and im not fine TATTT
[1:24:45] <quad_axel> <3 <3 <3 <3
[1:25:05] <TwoXElle> requiem in the foggy rink ;__;
[1:25:09] <yuzulegend> @anjaheyheyhey yes, some of them were there to watch him skate!
[1:25:10] <sandbagprod> "It is precisely because I am alive that I must make the most of everything."
[1:25:17] <djaeeonnaa> requiem aaaaaahh
[1:25:29] <linaskho> He is so inspiring!
[1:25:52] <cadance3390> I wanna see him perform up close
[1:25:52] <fayfalcon> would you like to be among those to see something as special...
[1:25:53] <yuzuuwuu> Omg he doesn’t deserve to be blackmailed to compete in worlds 😭😭😭😭
[1:25:55] <heavenandearth1001> yuzuru... such a wonderful person with a beautiful soul...
[1:26:08] <yuzulegend> wearing those costumes, so full of meaning, must also been hard BibleThump
[1:26:21] <heyitsheunn> even the song's name...
[1:26:23] <sandbagprod> He is even more amazing up close. Truly magical.
[1:26:32] <val_hny> Everything he does has a deep meaning
[1:27:08] <yaseinohana> yes <3 BibleThump
[1:27:24] <cadance3390> Elegant
[1:27:27] <fayfalcon> I love Requiem...
[1:27:29] <heyitsheunn> his face...
[1:27:35] <heyitsheunn> his emotions...
[1:27:45] <yuzulegend> @fayfalcon Sublime
[1:27:52] <quad_axel> im gonna cry
[1:27:58] <icejourneys> I’m grateful that Yuzu reached out to other people affected by 311, instead of closing himself off. Such a wise and beautiful soul.
[1:28:02] <heyitsheunn> im crying with you
[1:28:21] <quad_axel> BibleThump
[1:28:35] <xkaykayox> i need so many tissues :((((
[1:28:35] <iamlaiza_hime11> Omg, i just finished pounding medicines 😭 i miss so much of this already.. 😭
[1:29:00] <djaeeonnaa> too many emotions to process
[1:29:09] <louitunes> How did he dance to this without breaking down.
[1:29:16] <iamlaiza_hime11> Lets cry together
[1:29:23] <fayfalcon> he nearly did at the Worlds...
[1:29:26] <yuzulegend> He's so precious and brave.
[1:29:28] <TwoXElle> ;__________;
[1:29:28] <heavenandearth1001> I hope that blessings and happiness accompany him all the days of his life. He truly deserves all the good karma in this world <3
[1:29:30] <yuzugoat7323> BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
[1:29:32] <djaeeonnaa> aaaaaahh very beautiful
[1:29:38] <heyitsheunn> this is one of his most emotional EX ever
[1:29:39] <Anni_2607> BibleThump
[1:29:46] <louitunes> @heavenandearth1001 Very true.
[1:29:51] <iamlaiza_hime11> He is Japan’s pride
[1:29:52] <pammi_> he tells all our stories of loss so beautifully
[1:29:58] <TwoXElle> Hana ni nare <3
[1:30:06] <gooshryn> my pillow is wet
[1:30:09] <TwoXElle> with live chorus <3
[1:30:14] <heyitsheunn> dear-
[1:30:20] <heyitsheunn> oh no...
[1:30:47] <TwoXElle> brave girls ;__; <3
[1:30:48] <~PlanetHanyu> he changed <3
[1:31:05] <iamlaiza_hime11> So beautiful
[1:31:05] <heyitsheunn> this hurts but still is healing in some ways
[1:31:06] <xkaykayox> <3
[1:31:17] <djaeeonnaa> hana ni nareeeee 🌸
[1:31:24] <cadance3390> <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
[1:31:26] <louitunes> Awwwe look how he greets them all.
[1:31:32] <TwoXElle> <3
[1:31:39] <linaskho> <3 <3 <3
[1:31:41] <Anni_2607> <3
[1:31:51] <heyitsheunn> wow they can reach such high notes-
[1:31:57] <menggows> Not me crying only by the first verse 😭
[1:31:58] <TwoXElle> BibleThump BibleThump
[1:31:59] <misscynthiat> AAWWWWW the effort the chorus is making
[1:32:02] <djaeeonnaa> yay go girls
[1:32:04] <yuzulegend> So beautiful, he's singing along
[1:32:07] <TwoXElle> @menggows me too ;___;
[1:32:14] <heyitsheunn> dear this is so beautiful
[1:32:15] <yaseinohana> <3 BibleThump
[1:32:19] <misscynthiat> so touching to cover a song that means so much for him
[1:32:42] <alessandra_amel> @menggows ah tell me about it. my eyes are all blurred 😭😭
[1:33:15] <djaeeonnaa> the song really fits into everything 😭
[1:33:41] <yuzunekozuu> Sorry that I have to leave early today :(( preparing for an oral test! Thanks for streaming, have a good day/ night <3
[1:33:58] <heyitsheunn> @yuzunekozuu good luck with your test, you can do it!
[1:34:01] <nadjasakura> it happens not often to me that I start to cry for a skating video, but this is just....😭
[1:34:03] <yuzuuwuu> All the best @yuzunekozuu
[1:34:15] <cadance3390> @yuzunekozuu stay safe!
[1:34:16] <yuzulegend> @yuzunekozuu good luck for your test!!
[1:34:17] <djaeeonnaa> @yuzunekozuu ganba!!
[1:34:24] <y_ever> I like this version,so deep feeling he put in
[1:34:29] <yuzunekozuu> thank you <33
[1:34:31] <quad_axel> @yuzunekozuu gamba
[1:34:35] <iamlaiza_hime11> Ganbatte @yuzunekozuu
[1:34:41] <yaseinohana> good luck @yuzunekozuu !
[1:34:51] <Anni_2607> @yuzunekozuu good luck
[1:34:51] <misscynthiat> @yuzunekozuu good luck!
[1:34:55] <yuzugoat7323> @yuzunekozuu all the best..good luck!
[1:34:55] <gooshryn> @yuzunekozuu ganbatte! <3
[1:35:01] <iamlaiza_hime11> My heart 💔
[1:35:28] <anjaheyheyhey> beautiful <3
[1:35:30] <yuzulegend> His smile is the purest.
[1:35:33] <TwoXElle> BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
[1:35:36] <fayfalcon> it's so beautiful
[1:35:39] <yuzuyokoi> that was so beautiful
[1:35:39] <yaseinohana> awwww
[1:35:40] <cadance3390> <3 <3 <3
[1:35:40] <Anni_2607> BibleThump <3
[1:35:42] <vanella96> Wow that was gorgeous I'm
[1:35:43] <menggows> BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
[1:35:44] <vanella96> ;;;;
[1:35:46] <djaeeonnaa> that smile gives hope 😭
[1:35:56] <val_hny> is there any way that Planet Hanyu can continue to do these live streamings? like once a month , for instance?
[1:35:57] <iamlaiza_hime11> Awwwwww
[1:35:59] <alessandra_amel> this is so peaceful, healing on so many levels
[1:36:07] <icejourneys> He really skates from his heart...
[1:36:18] <heyitsheunn> @val_hny i think the streaming is once per week on Saturdays?
[1:36:19] <iamlaiza_hime11> I want that tshirt!!!!!
[1:36:53] <val_hny> @heyitsheunn this is the last one BibleThump
[1:37:02] <yuzugoat7323> @iamlaiza_hime11 I want it too!!!
[1:37:07] <yuzulegend> @val_hny We'll make a break and inform you all when we'll be starting to stream again!
[1:37:09] <sandbagprod> I'm off to walk my dogs - they like Yuzu, but are unforgiving when it comes to their morning walk. Less than two weeks to Worlds - Thanks for setting this up.
[1:37:10] <heyitsheunn> @val_hny oh really TTATTTTT
[1:37:33] <val_hny> @yuzulegend thank you!!!
[1:37:58] <~PlanetHanyu> we will take a break and start over! maybe with new contents or old ones :P
[1:38:10] <TwoXElle> @sandbagprod LOL have a nice walk with your dogs <3 stay safe :)
[1:38:11] <iamlaiza_hime11> @yuzugoat7323 as we all know, all Yuzuru items sold out like pancakes 😭 the be the light is sold out and the diary too
[1:38:35] <misscynthiat> memories of that day?
[1:38:39] <djaeeonnaa> oh it's Sho haha
[1:38:39] <TwoXElle> more crying...
[1:38:42] <val_hny> @PlanetHanyu that makes me very happy BibleThump BibleThump
[1:38:42] <heavenandearth1001> we stan a boy full of humility and gratitude. bless him.
[1:38:59] <TwoXElle> this is so touching, this whole doc
[1:39:07] <cadance3390> Sorry, I have to leave, i kept getting heartburns.  Goodnight
[1:39:16] <937314214> :Z
[1:39:22] <nadjasakura> @planethanyu better it takes you longer but you can do it after got good news....
[1:39:27] <djaeeonnaa> @cadance3390 get well!
[1:39:28] <heyitsheunn> @cadance3390 good night ;;-;;
[1:39:31] <TwoXElle> @cadance3390 bye and take care :)
[1:39:37] <937314214> ;)
[1:39:38] <yuzuuwuu> Feel better soon @cadance3390
[1:39:39] <misscynthiat> @cadance3390 good night
[1:39:56] <cadance3390> Thank you🥺
[1:39:59] <nadjasakura> @cadance3390 hope you feel better soon.
[1:40:03] <TwoXElle> the house that stood...
[1:40:07] <yuzugoat7323> @cadance3390 good night..
[1:40:07] <yaseinohana> @cadance3390 take care
[1:40:10] <quad_axel> @planethanyu thank you for this stream
[1:40:13] <cadance3390> Stay safe everyone🥺
[1:41:35] <TwoXElle> gosh
[1:42:03] <yuzugoat7323> @iamlaiza_hime11 ..yes...I have placed an order for the diary...hopefully can get it!😊
[1:42:04] <~PlanetHanyu> the architect who built that house = mad creds
[1:42:21] <djaeeonnaa> if that house could talk
[1:42:32] <yaseinohana> indeed🙏
[1:43:02] <iamlaiza_hime11> @yuzugoat7323 my be the light photobook is coming soon.. the diary i place an order too.. 🙏
[1:43:07] <TwoXElle> "he is stopping time, so memory won't fade away"
[1:43:53] <val_hny> @TwoXElle his mind is so philosophic
[1:44:17] <~PlanetHanyu> :'(
[1:44:20] <TwoXElle> linked to what he's said this year, that some people may not want to remember, other do... and to him it's proof that everything happened, the disaster, but also what was before it...
[1:44:26] <iamlaiza_hime11> Yuzuru we are all so proud of you... ❤️❤️❤️
[1:44:33] <heyitsheunn> oh god yuzu...
[1:45:27] <louitunes> Oh poor love.  xxx
[1:45:28] <TwoXElle> ;_______;
[1:45:29] <iamlaiza_hime11> Omg!!!
[1:45:29] <fayfalcon> oh gosh...
[1:45:33] <yuzuyokoi> he's such a sensitive soul
[1:45:36] <heavenandearth1001> poor baby </3
[1:45:40] <iamlaiza_hime11> This is breaking my heart...
[1:45:45] <~PlanetHanyu> such a sweet sensitive boy who's been through so much <3
[1:45:49] <val_hny> these documentaries must be so hard on him.
[1:45:51] <yuzulegend> So hard, poor Yuzu
[1:46:12] <misscynthiat> I realized through watching this that Yuzuru is a human being even if he is considered a legend. Before that I had put him on a pedestal like everyone else. Now I have learned my lesson.
[1:46:21] <djaeeonnaa> can't be sad anymore so you just laugh ah yuzu
[1:46:28] <fayfalcon> well, can't have been pleasant to use that loo
[1:46:30] <~PlanetHanyu> wow really making him expound on that toilet
[1:46:42] <iamlaiza_hime11> Yuzu, you deserve the world
[1:46:46] <misscynthiat> (I have watched this before that as why)
[1:46:49] <djaeeonnaa> tmi c/o yuzu 😅
[1:46:52] <heyitsheunn> this is really like reliving the experience
[1:47:06] <TwoXElle> even such a small thing like talking about the toilet was maeks evrything feel more real...
[1:47:31] <TwoXElle> bananas... and the onigiri...
[1:47:41] <TwoXElle> no hot water to cook a warm meal...
[1:47:57] <misscynthiat> not sure how wakame seaweed tastes like, but from what he made is it sounds it sounds at least salvageable.
[1:48:27] <heyitsheunn> the memories never fade
[1:48:32] <~PlanetHanyu> he looks very cold even here
[1:48:38] <djaeeonnaa> oh damm food scarcity
[1:48:56] <misscynthiat> it looks uncomfortable here though
[1:48:58] <TwoXElle> his family <3 ;___;
[1:49:13] <misscynthiat> he
[1:49:23] <heyitsheunn> please im bursting into tears
[1:49:42] <heavenandearth1001> TT
[1:49:43] <TwoXElle> BibleThump
[1:49:55] <misscynthiat> he looked like he was about to Cry
[1:50:04] <yuzuyokoi> I'm using so many tissues today :(
[1:50:06] <menggows> The way he remind everything makes me cry
[1:50:15] <val_hny> they even made the place like it was before...
[1:50:26] <saltatoryconduction> This is my favorite quote of his
[1:50:39] <heavenandearth1001> same here
[1:50:41] <TwoXElle> ;________;
[1:50:44] <saltatoryconduction> I strongly believe we need to live in a manner that we can be proud of <3
[1:50:44] <yuzurutheking> it must be re-traumatising to relive this experience again and again....🥺🥺🥺
[1:50:56] <pammi_> I love these words, about living fully and with dignity, to pay homage to those who had lost their lives BibleThump
[1:51:16] <saltatoryconduction> I think it has been the foundation of his existence ever since
[1:52:07] <TwoXElle> ok, deep breath... and happy Yuzu
[1:52:10] <alessandra_amel> that's why I think he said he bet his life every time he skates
[1:52:21] <iamlaiza_hime11> Ohh,,the sho one finished already?
[1:52:25] <TwoXElle> the stars-filled sky
[1:53:19] <heyitsheunn> askadgkadsgl the your lie in april BGM-
[1:53:59] <menggows> @heyitsheunn janssjsnns no wonder it so familiar
[1:54:34] <heyitsheunn> i binged-listen to it TTATT oh and chopin ballade was the ending perf of kaori and kousei too TATT
[1:54:57] <djaeeonnaa> Denis 😢
[1:56:30] <~PlanetHanyu> he brings joy and hope to so many people <3
[1:56:59] <TwoXElle> BibleThump
[1:57:28] <djaeeonnaa> this was a really special and healing meet and greet
[1:57:29] <~PlanetHanyu> across so many generations <3
[1:57:39] <djaeeonnaa> SEIMEI
[1:57:48] <val_hny> SEIMEI going to war
[1:58:08] <yuzugoat7323> Sorry I cannot continue..It's going to be 1am soon...I got to sleep. Thanks again for streaming. Good night and take care everyone! 🥰💜
[1:58:12] <TwoXElle> alwasy bearing such a heavy burden with grace
[1:58:27] <heyitsheunn> ahh good night @yuzugoat7323 have a nice sleep!
[1:58:28] <angestring0310> I was watching live stream Pyongchang
[1:58:30] <TwoXElle> @yuzugoat7323 sleep well and take care :)
[1:58:32] <djaeeonnaa> THAT DRUM BEAT
[1:58:34] <misscynthiat> @yuzugoat7323 good night! please get rest
[1:58:39] <937314214> seime
[1:58:40] <heyitsheunn> so sastifyinggg
[1:58:43] <menggows> @yuzugoat7323 good night 🥰
[1:58:48] <djaeeonnaa> @yuzugoat7323 sleep well! good night!
[1:58:54] <linaskho> He looked so determined....like he was possessed.  Mind over matter
[1:58:59] <starlight_shining> oh, all of this is so heavy
[1:59:12] <djaeeonnaa> PC Seimei really did that
[1:59:14] <TwoXElle> (taking a moment to fangirl over that 4T)
[1:59:28] <~PlanetHanyu> gorgeous
[1:59:29] <937314214> FBCatch FBCatch
[1:59:29] <val_hny> +3
[1:59:33] <~PlanetHanyu> same, same <3
[1:59:40] <TwoXElle> awww... <3
[1:59:41] <djaeeonnaa> same obaachan
[1:59:41] <starlight_shining> those ladies crying are me all over
[1:59:44] <menggows> Me too im so happy gramiesss
[1:59:54] <heyitsheunn> the seimei PC may not be the perfect seimei, but its power will never be overcome
[1:59:56] <angestring0310> It was like watching a dream
[2:00:24] <djaeeonnaa> there goes Notte yes
[2:00:27] <937314214> Swann white
[2:00:35] <heyitsheunn> ahh the graceful ness
[2:00:37] <y_ever> How amazing it is after so many years Yuzu still is the light for the earthquake victims
[2:00:38] <angestring0310> Stars
[2:01:04] <starlight_shining> the PC seimei is the happiest yuzu, I'll love it forever
[2:01:16] <937314214> :D
[2:01:26] <val_hny> ahhh the delayed axel
[2:01:31] <icejourneys> “He gives us the strength to move forward”
[2:01:38] <linaskho> huge delayed single axel and perfect twizzle 3A
[2:01:40] <yuzurutheking> this is a masterclass in figure skating
[2:01:53] <val_hny> oh the hand details, grabbinh
[2:02:01] <fayfalcon> one of the best exhibition programs ever
[2:02:13] <TwoXElle> the smile... BibleThump
[2:02:18] <yaseinohana> awwww this smile <3 BibleThump
[2:02:25] <937314214> :D
[2:02:32] <angestring0310> @twoxelle BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
[2:02:35] <djaeeonnaa> ;AAAAAAAAA;
[2:02:42] <val_hny> smell them boi
[2:02:48] <Anni_2607> BibleThump
[2:02:48] <heyitsheunn> yes you got it
[2:03:03] <misscynthiat> @val_hny huh???
[2:03:07] <937314214> :)
[2:03:08] <yuzurutheking> @twoxelle the delicate perfect fingers reaching to the starry sky🥺🥺🥺🥺
[2:03:20] <val_hny> @misscynthiat he smelled them
[2:03:26] <TwoXElle> @yuzurutheking yeah BibleThump BibleThump so beautiful
[2:03:39] <misscynthiat> But how does he know if the gold medal has smell?
[2:03:45] <yuzuyokoi> yeah he smelled them and said they smelled different lol
[2:03:52] <val_hny> LOL
[2:04:00] <TwoXElle> @misscynthiat he also always smells his ACI medals XD
[2:04:03] <misscynthiat> @yuzuyokoi that's so Yuzuru! lol
[2:04:16] <val_hny> they have scent, the ACI ones
[2:04:18] <TwoXElle> I guess the metal smells different...
[2:04:21] <icejourneys> I love that he’s not afraid of showing his vulnerabilities
[2:04:39] <menggows> When he said it was different I really want to smell it though 🤣
[2:04:39] <yuzuyokoi> His vulnerabilities are his strengths <3
[2:04:43] <937314214> :D
[2:04:51] <yuzurutheking> I think he has hyper alert srnses...definitely his hearing is so acutely sensitive esp to music
[2:05:00] <yuzurutheking> *senses
[2:05:14] <icejourneys> Indeed, @yuzuyokoi!
[2:05:18] <misscynthiat> I wonder if the medals can absorb scent somehow?
[2:05:30] <fayfalcon> he's a sensitive one. and quite humble
[2:05:45] <misscynthiat> (and here we are commenting on medals and scents)
[2:06:10] <TwoXElle> @yuzurutheking yeah, and I try to imagine how horrible it felt feeling the earthquake, its sounds...
[2:06:18] <937314214> <3 <3 <3
[2:06:49] <val_hny> he certainly left a lasting impression on the western reporters in that press conf. he was much thoughtful than athletes they were used to interview
[2:07:01] <~PlanetHanyu> @val_hny 😅
[2:07:12] <pammi_> yes they doooo
[2:07:16] <heyitsheunn> oh dear the students are sooo cute
[2:07:21] <xkaykayox> omg so cuTE
[2:07:23] <TwoXElle> the happyiness and excitement  of those students <3 <3
[2:07:23] <louitunes> Have to laugh at the girls all screaming at his poses.....alll of us!!!
[2:07:26] <menggows> Pistol pose
[2:07:28] <angestring0310> This video is soooo fun
[2:07:35] <vanella96> Omg awwwww
[2:07:38] <djaeeonnaa> you don't have to be so excited lol yuzu you can't blame them
[2:07:45] <iamlaiza_hime11> Yuzu, you don’t know how excited i will be if i saw your pistol pose in person! 😍
[2:07:56] <djaeeonnaa> boyang
[2:08:01] <angestring0310> He had surgery
[2:08:03] <yuzurutheking> @twoxelle I'm not sure my heart can bear this....
[2:08:14] <val_hny> Yuzu is a Swan but also a Phoenix
[2:08:28] <icejourneys> I don’t know why Yuzu’s visits seem to have always been a surprise. If I were one of these people, I’m not sure I could handle it
[2:08:33] <polyesterhearts> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (ph: polyesterheart)
[2:08:34] <djaeeonnaa> ah that injury
[2:08:36] <vanella96> @angestring0310 Yeah in like late 2014 or so? After jpn nats
[2:08:37] <angestring0310> @val_hny Yes agree
[2:08:47] <~PlanetHanyu> @icejourneys maybe it wasn't a surprise, but people still lost their sh*t regardless 😂
[2:08:53] <yuzurutheking> @iamlaiza_hime11 we saw it in SCI  and screamed the place down!!!!
[2:08:53] <TwoXElle> gosh he's really been through so much...
[2:08:59] <icejourneys> Good point
[2:09:10] <angestring0310> @vanella96 Yes 2014 12 30.
[2:09:25] <alessandra_amel> @val_hny yess, I always think of him more of a Phoenix with his fiery spirit
[2:09:28] <iamlaiza_hime11> @yuzurutheking i am so jealous i hope you can feel it 😂
[2:09:30] <nadjasakura> @vanella96  wasn't that screen a shot after CC2014?
[2:09:32] <TwoXElle> more than his OGM itìs him the one bringing emotional support BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
[2:10:07] <djaeeonnaa> hand shake... i miss kt now
[2:10:12] <vanella96> @nadjasakura What do you mean?
[2:10:28] <angestring0310> @vanella96 This surgery news was aired in NHK 7 clock news.
[2:10:30] <yuzulegend> Thank you NOBUKO for translating!!!!
[2:10:37] <icejourneys> He was 50cm walking passed me at the airport after the GP Canada in 2019. I froze. That’s all.
[2:10:55] <misscynthiat> sounds so close!
[2:10:58] <vanella96> Oh right
[2:11:04] <alessandra_amel> ah this is new. thank you for the translation 🙏
[2:11:08] <nadjasakura> Cup of China. he had a horror crash with an other skater
[2:11:12] <yuzuyokoi> ooh, I'd love to be able to see these costumes up close!
[2:11:14] <blue_maxis> who had surgery?
[2:11:19] <TwoXElle> and we're at current season
[2:11:25] <yaseinohana> thank you so much for translating Nobuko !!! <3
[2:11:28] <yuzulegend> @yuzuyokoi Me too!!!
[2:11:28] <vanella96> @blue_maxis Yuzu
[2:11:37] <yuzuyokoi> Yuzu had a surgery several years ago
[2:11:45] <blue_maxis> omg. that's new to me. when?
[2:11:55] <blue_maxis> owh
[2:12:01] <TwoXElle> @blue_maxis right after Nats2015
[2:12:13] <angestring0310> Surgery was only 2014 :D
[2:12:23] <val_hny> @blue_maxis here: https://yuzusorbet.tumblr.com/post/150343296547/after-cup-of-china-a-week-later-the-pain-was
[2:12:31] <blue_maxis> tqvm
[2:12:34] <TwoXElle> oops right Nats 2014
[2:12:40] <TwoXElle> Dec 2014
[2:12:46] <nadjasakura> @blue_maxis  as far as I remember it was an after effect from the crash.
[2:12:46] <heavenandearth1001> the urachus surgery was after nats 2014
[2:12:46] <vanella96> Yep
[2:12:57] <blue_maxis> is it the scary clash incident?
[2:13:09] <iamlaiza_hime11> Who translated this? You have my deepest gratitude
[2:13:11] <TwoXElle> @blue_maxis probably a consequence, yes
[2:13:11] <vanella96> @nadjasakura It was for his Urachal Remnant
[2:13:16] <angestring0310> @yuzuyokoi 2014 :)
[2:13:48] <vanella96> Don't think it had anything to do with the crash
[2:13:49] <yuzulegend> This exhibition is currently in Sendai, till tomorrow. Many persons have posted so many emotional messages after visiting it.
[2:13:55] <djaeeonnaa> the merch
[2:13:56] <TwoXElle> <3
[2:13:58] <nadjasakura> between the crash and the surgery was a few weeks I think.
[2:13:58] <iamlaiza_hime11> Until now i am waiting for my tote bag Notte Stellata
[2:13:58] <anjaheyheyhey> those clearfiles you saw are in today's giveaways :)
[2:14:04] <angestring0310> Yes Urchal remnant..
[2:14:05] <yuzuyokoi> Yes, I know two ladies who went and said it was a great exhibit
[2:14:43] <anjaheyheyhey> this is now report for the exhibition in Sendai! the previous was Tokyo
[2:14:49] <djaeeonnaa> im sad i cant get a merch huhu
[2:14:50] <937314214> :D
[2:14:58] <angestring0310> He had pain of stomachache after Gpf 2014
[2:15:06] <val_hny> the symbolism of those 3 costumes
[2:15:23] <djaeeonnaa> étude
[2:15:30] <icejourneys> Can PH reach out to the organizer of the exhibition and relay our desire to purchase the merch from outside Japan?
[2:15:30] <heyitsheunn> ah the etude
[2:15:33] <yuzuyokoi> oooh love this artwork!
[2:15:33] <anjaheyheyhey> We'll now watch the 3 programs :)
[2:15:33] <starlight_shining> etude BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
[2:15:36] <937314214> :D
[2:15:36] <y_ever> nice drawing
[2:15:40] <TwoXElle> ;____;
[2:15:58] <TwoXElle> thank you to the fanartist <3
[2:16:04] <starlight_shining> this was the first program of his I saw
[2:16:08] <umebachi34> I have to take my doggie for a walk now.  Thank you for this wonderful livestreaming, @PlanetHanyu!  Good preparation for the Worlds next week.  Another huge challenge for all of us to face, together, in this time of pandemic.
[2:16:09] <yuzulegend> 16 years
[2:16:10] <djaeeonnaa> 16 what  bb
[2:16:26] <nadjasakura> I have a book from him "the yuzuru hanyu story. there stands the timeline
[2:16:29] <yuzulegend> @umebachi34 Thank you so much for all your help and input!!!
[2:16:31] <937314214> <3 <3 <3
[2:16:33] <heyitsheunn> @umebachi34 have a nice walk with your dog, and stay safe!
[2:16:35] <starlight_shining> never had I seen such a beautiful costume. that still stands true
[2:16:43] <iamlaiza_hime11> Look at our baby, ready to take the world ❤️
[2:16:46] <saltatoryconduction> @starlight_shining You are lucky you found him so early
[2:16:50] <TwoXElle> @umebachi34 bye and thank you for all your contributions <3 take care and see you around :D
[2:16:50] <angestring0310> Nanami is a great teacher.
[2:16:55] <heyitsheunn> ah the blue flames
[2:16:56] <misscynthiat> @umebachi34 bye!
[2:17:03] <~PlanetHanyu> wow, what a difficult entry into 3A at this age
[2:17:18] <cutepets95> That seemless back counter into the 3A
[2:17:18] <yaseinohana> @umebachi34 bye and take care 🙏🌸
[2:17:24] <djaeeonnaa> @umebachi34 thanks for sharing today! have fun with your dogs!
[2:17:25] <TwoXElle> beautiful counter 3A and the exit is so sweepingly beautiful too <3
[2:17:26] <937314214> TwitchUnity
[2:17:39] <icejourneys> I have to leave to attend to some family business. Nice joining you all!
[2:17:55] <TwoXElle> @icejourneys bye, take care :)
[2:17:56] <angestring0310> I think Nanami produces  him  the most beautiful
[2:18:00] <heyitsheunn> @icejourneys good luck! nice to see you here too, take caree
[2:18:09] <misscynthiat> @icejourneys take care!
[2:18:11] <icejourneys> Thanks!
[2:18:12] <djaeeonnaa> @icejourneys take care!
[2:18:12] <~PlanetHanyu> thanks for joining all <3
[2:18:21] <~PlanetHanyu> bit.ly/ph110311 <-- reposting link <3
[2:18:23] <937314214> take care
[2:18:24] <heyitsheunn> @PlanetHanyu thank  you for hosting the streams!
[2:18:34] <TwoXElle> @PlanetHanyu thank you <3
[2:18:50] <val_hny> this program still has more transition than 90% of the skating field today
[2:18:56] <iamlaiza_hime11> @planethanyu i hope we can do more streaming.. its so fun being here
[2:19:07] <fayfalcon> I love this program
[2:19:12] <djaeeonnaa> @val_hny hear!!
[2:19:16] <val_hny> thank you, @PlanetHanyu
[2:19:19] <yaseinohana> @planethanyu Thank you for your hard work. this was precious 🙏 <3 BibleThump
[2:19:25] <TwoXElle> <3
[2:19:30] <937314214> <3 <3 <3
[2:19:44] <heavenandearth1001> pencil-thin :)
[2:19:45] <angestring0310> Ending is soooo good
[2:19:46] <hanan_11721> Thank you for the stream 💙
[2:19:50] <menggows> <3 <3 <3 thankyouu
[2:19:53] <alessandra_amel> Oddly enough, I fave lots of his SP,  incl. Etude. And it is from a skater who said that he had a tendency to mess up his SP 😂
[2:19:58] <val_hny> I will miss these BibleThump
[2:20:04] <fayfalcon> Russian ESP people were only speaking about Gachinski during this video...
[2:20:05] <louitunes> Thank you so much for this stream.  I think out of all you streamed this is the important one to watch and especially how the disaster affected and influenced Yuzu.
[2:20:07] <TwoXElle> nanami <3
[2:20:14] <yaseinohana> <3 <3 <3
[2:20:15] <starlight_shining> @saltatoryconduction I am, i know. i was't as obsessed at that time as I am now
[2:20:16] <angestring0310> End of this program is cool
[2:20:22] <~PlanetHanyu> he was 16 here? was this 2011 already?
[2:20:26] <fayfalcon> 36.44 PCS LOL
[2:20:31] <TwoXElle> (nope don't looking at the PCS nope)
[2:20:32] <anjaheyheyhey> @PlanetHanyu yep
[2:20:44] <djaeeonnaa> suddenly can't read pcs lols
[2:21:00] <heavenandearth1001> what even is pcs? lol
[2:21:15] <heyitsheunn> suddenly i lost my ability to read lol
[2:21:18] <TwoXElle> Requiem ;__________;
[2:21:23] <angestring0310> Masanobu Matsuo composer has account of twitter
[2:21:30] <yuzulegend> My beloved Requiem
[2:21:35] <nadjasakura> the accident was on november the 8th. twenty days later was the NHK trophy where he qualified for the final.  Returning from the final the pain started again, but he took part in the J nats wich he won. quite after that he had the surgery on december 30
[2:21:41] <~PlanetHanyu> sorry one sec
[2:21:47] <fayfalcon> it's ok
[2:21:57] <937314214> okay
[2:22:46] <djaeeonnaa> are we on the last part of the stream?
[2:22:52] <heyitsheunn> yea i think so
[2:22:53] <yuzulegend> @angestring0310 yes, I posted in the PH thread (https://planethanyu.com/topic/1312-planethanyucommemorates110311/) his tribute from two days ago.
[2:23:09] <anjaheyheyhey> @djaeeonnaa yes, requiem ad then notte stellata
[2:23:23] <starlight_shining> no hana wa saku?
[2:23:32] <yuzulegend> @djaeeonnaa Requiem and then NS and some final words.
[2:23:33] <djaeeonnaa> @anjaheyheyhey thank you!
[2:24:05] <djaeeonnaa> @yuzulegend thank you too!
[2:24:11] <anjaheyheyhey> @starlight_shining we watched that, including the making of, in one of previous streasm. A for this stream, we decided to close with the 3 performances that were featured in the special exhibition project
[2:24:12] <nadjasakura> this book includes his story from his beginnings with four year and ends quite short before his second olympics
[2:24:14] <TwoXElle> @starlight_shining we're watchign the 3 programs with the 3 costumes used for his recent exhibition
[2:24:19] <937314214> :D
[2:24:46] <heavenandearth1001> this was before boston world's, right? i wonder if his left foot was already feeling wonky at this time... TT
[2:24:59] <djaeeonnaa> requiem is so soothing 💆
[2:25:02] <TwoXElle> @heavenandearth1001 yep, NHK
[2:25:18] <starlight_shining> @twoxelle yes, i realised. i was hoping also for hana at the end. but, it's ok, no issues
[2:25:18] <heyitsheunn> i tried to find requiem on spotify but no luck TATT
[2:25:20] <anjaheyheyhey> the descriptions you see before each of the programs are yuzu's words from plaques at the exhibition
[2:25:23] <heavenandearth1001> @TwoXElle thanks
[2:25:25] <~PlanetHanyu> @djaeeonnaa for me it makes me cry T_T
[2:25:32] <yuzurutheking> #YuzuSkatingParty @OODriscoll1 ....this has been a very emotional afternoon... thanks to you all for all the hard work..... and thank God it isn't Boston requiem which would finish me off altogether 💚💙💚💙
[2:25:37] <TwoXElle> <3
[2:25:38] <937314214> :D
[2:25:51] <starlight_shining> <3 <3 <3
[2:25:58] <anjaheyheyhey> wowww T__T
[2:26:01] <937314214> <3 <3 <3 <3
[2:26:16] <heavenandearth1001> his emotions... simply touching <3
[2:26:26] <yuzulegend> This is so beautiful
[2:26:26] <fayfalcon> what a beaitiful shot
[2:26:36] <y_ever> the green light so matching
[2:26:37] <iamlaiza_hime11> Wow!! I thought its kpop concert with lightsticks
[2:26:37] <starlight_shining> the arena lights were superb
[2:26:40] <heyitsheunn> i suddenly love the cameraman so much
[2:26:51] <937314214> 😚
[2:26:57] <argonavigator> #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 thank you for making this stream possible!  <3
[2:27:00] <TwoXElle> BibleThump
[2:27:02] <djaeeonnaa> @planethanyu and the ending is emotional 🙃
[2:27:06] <argonavigator> 👏😭
[2:27:11] <937314214> FBCatch FBCatch FBCatch
[2:27:17] <menggows> So beautiful 😭😭
[2:27:18] <yuzuyokoi> such a moving program and performance <3
[2:27:26] <xkaykayox> <3 <3 <3
[2:27:36] <yuzurutheking> definitely the one and only🥺🥺🥺🥺
[2:27:44] <heyitsheunn> ahhh the delicate hand gestures...
[2:27:47] <anjaheyheyhey> wowwww
[2:28:06] <937314214> TwitchUnity
[2:28:15] <TwoXElle> (trivial comment: I love how sparkly the costume is)
[2:28:16] <heavenandearth1001> the MC reminds me of the one at nhk 2016 (the one who said that Yuzu makes everyone crazy)
[2:28:25] <yuzuyokoi> ooh, one of my favs by YuzuruHanyuMuse <3
[2:28:33] <djaeeonnaa> @heyitsheunn every time I see your name I had to double take bc I read it as hey its sehun sksks lol
[2:28:53] <menggows> My favourite programs 😭
[2:28:59] <~PlanetHanyu> @starlight_shining we can watch it. if you guys want :)
[2:29:00] <djaeeonnaa> oh yes notte 
[2:29:05] <yuzulegend> @yuzuyokoi gorgeous right?!
[2:29:09] <heyitsheunn> @djaeeonnaa why does everyone tell me that TATTT but yeah sometime i make the mistake myself too lol
[2:29:10] <937314214> I fell in love him
[2:29:45] <TwoXElle> the 24h TV Notte Stellata and the gorgeous camerawork/atmosphere in the rink <3 <3
[2:29:47] <djaeeonnaa> @heyitsheunn hahaha I'm sorry
[2:30:28] <yuzuyokoi> @yuzulegend yes! <3
[2:30:30] <val_hny> the sound of the blades
[2:30:31] <heyitsheunn> @djaeeonnaa it's fine kkkkk
[2:30:42] <937314214> I song sings
[2:30:54] <djaeeonnaa> oh yes spin
[2:31:07] <TwoXElle> blades <3
[2:31:11] <menggows> Here comes blades asmr
[2:31:19] <937314214> SingsMic
[2:31:43] <heyitsheunn> SingsMic TwitchSings
[2:31:51] <~PlanetHanyu> yes, watching yuzu makes me cry too, lady
[2:31:52] <yuzulegend> so delicate and elegant, people crying watching him.
[2:31:58] <yuzurutheking> those twizzels
[2:32:07] <937314214> :)
[2:32:16] <iamlaiza_hime11> He look like an angel
[2:32:25] <djaeeonnaa> hydroblade yes
[2:32:36] <heyitsheunn> the curves that blades make are so beautiful
[2:32:51] <starlight_shining> i'll admit, i cried seeing this live in turin.it's absolutely amazing how many emotions he can evoke
[2:33:13] <937314214> I fell in love him yuzuru hanyu Swann white
[2:33:17] <~PlanetHanyu> @starlight_shining i cried seeing this in turin too!!
[2:33:20] <djaeeonnaa> too bad figure skating isn't about making figures anymore, yuzu's are so pretty
[2:33:23] <TwoXElle> me too...
[2:33:46] <937314214> :D
[2:33:48] <~PlanetHanyu> yuzu's flying spins are a favorite of mine lol, idk why but i just love his extension and confidence
[2:33:50] <~PlanetHanyu> in them
[2:34:02] <djaeeonnaa> go swan
[2:34:02] <heyitsheunn> yessssssss totally agree with you
[2:34:05] <fayfalcon> this is a programs which is beautiful without many gimmicks
[2:34:09] <iamlaiza_hime11> Is there any site that have complete 24hr rv
[2:34:16] <yuzurutheking> I have had the absolute pleasure to see this glorious beauty twice live.....once in Helsinki and once in Torino......and everytime I listen to it since on my yuzuru playlist on Spotify I close my eyes and am transported back to those performances and filled with emotion 🖤🤍🖤🤍
[2:34:21] <TwoXElle> and for once we can hear the song till the end :)
[2:34:24] <misscynthiat> AAWWWWW the poor lady...
[2:34:28] <937314214> :D
[2:34:34] <starlight_shining> BibleThump BibleThump BibleThump
[2:34:37] <misscynthiat> nice that she felt touched from his performance.
[2:34:41] <djaeeonnaa> same yuzu 😭
[2:34:41] <anjaheyheyhey> @iamlaiza_hime11 we have almost all of them i think, i'll make sure all are properly tagged in our vieo box, then there'll be a collection :D
[2:34:43] <~PlanetHanyu> "two gold medals.....for now"
[2:34:48] <TwoXElle> ;_________;
[2:34:53] <y_ever> Yuzu gambate, everyone pls keep fighting for you goal as well. watashi tachi mo gambare
[2:34:55] <937314214> SeemsGood
[2:34:56] <heyitsheunn> for now
[2:35:15] <heavenandearth1001> for now... he's killing me
[2:35:26] <yuzulegend> Please do take a look at our suggestions for donations, if anyone knows about more projects feel free to contact me or PH to add them. The affected areas need support not only this week but also in the future!!

[2:35:26] <yuzurutheking> he's such an incredible young man... we're so lucky to know him
[2:35:26] <~PlanetHanyu> some wanted to wtach hana wa saku? we can after this if you want
[2:35:37] <fayfalcon> I DO!!!!
[2:35:38] <val_hny> @PlanetHanyu thank you for these months of wonderful and emotional adventures
[2:35:39] <heyitsheunn> arigatou gozaimasu! minna san ganbatte kudasaiii
[2:35:40] <TwoXElle> awww smolzuru art too <3
[2:35:41] <alessandra_amel> Thank you so much this. I can't thank you enough, team PH. I didn't realize I really needed to watch this stream for relief. thank you all and see you again soon hopefully ☺️ #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 (tw: alessandra_amel)
[2:35:42] <~PlanetHanyu> bit.ly/ph110311 <-- please visit for 311 donation ideas
[2:35:43] <iamlaiza_hime11> Thank you so much
[2:35:44] <wildswanyu> Thank you for the stream @PlanetHanyu <3
[2:35:47] <937314214> <3 <3 <3
[2:35:47] <starlight_shining> i did, yes i want
[2:35:48] <yuzuyokoi> Aww another great artwork! <3
[2:35:51] <fayfalcon> AND HARU YO KOI!
[2:35:51] <heyitsheunn> ahhhh thank you for the stream!
[2:35:53] <iamlaiza_hime11> Please continue the streaming
[2:35:54] <saltatoryconduction> Thank you for these streams as always <3
[2:35:55] <spacekittylei> thank you for the stream!
[2:35:56] <menggows> Thankyou for the stream <3 <3 <3
[2:36:00] <heavenandearth1001> cute art <3
[2:36:01] <TwoXElle> thank you team, transaltors, fanartists <3 <3 <3
[2:36:04] <hanan_11721> Thank you for the stream 💙
[2:36:05] <xkaykayox> thank you so much for the amazing stream @PlanetHanyu <3
[2:36:08] <heyitsheunn> im singing along to hana wa saku now TATTT
[2:36:11] <iamlaiza_hime11> Everyone i love you all..
[2:36:20] <heyitsheunn> i love you all, fanyus!!!
[2:36:20] <okagan2020> Thank you so much for great streaming
[2:36:22] <linaskho> Thanks for another lovely streaming!
[2:36:23] <anjaheyheyhey> @iamlaiza_hime11 <3
[2:36:24] <iamlaiza_hime11> Thank you for loving Yuzuru
[2:36:24] <vanella96> Thank you so much!!!!!!!
[2:36:24] <blue_maxis> thank you for hosting this stream @planethanyu
[2:36:24] <~PlanetHanyu> a big tHANK YOU to all the translations!!
[2:36:26] <alessandra_amel> Group hugs!!!
[2:36:26] <yuzurutheking> that was wonderful thank you..
[2:36:26] <TwoXElle> thank you everyone for wathcing all together <3 stay safe and see you around <3
[2:36:29] <wildswanyu> Thank you everyone <3
[2:36:30] <Anni_2607> @PlanetHanyu Thanks for the streaming party.  Stay safe & healthy <3
[2:36:34] <louitunes> Thanks for the stream.  The most important one to watch of all those you so kindly have done for us all.  xxx <3 <3 <3
[2:36:35] <starlight_shining> this song has such a powerful meaning for me, as i listened to it a lot when going through hardships.
[2:36:36] <heyitsheunn> thank you translators!
[2:36:43] <fayfalcon> been such a long time since I was able to watch along wiuth you guys, you're the greatest team in the world, thank you so much!
[2:36:46] <~PlanetHanyu> <3 <3 <3
[2:36:49] <937314214> thanks you yuzuru hanyu for massages I love you away
[2:36:53] <heyitsheunn> hana wa saku
[2:36:54] <djaeeonnaa> @planethanyu thank you so much! it's my first time joining a PH stream and using twitch lol what a good first experience!
[2:36:55] <alessandra_amel> thank you to all wonderful translators
[2:36:57] <~PlanetHanyu> and a big thank you to the subbers as well
[2:36:57] <TwoXElle> thank you thank you <3 <3
[2:36:58] <menggows> Thankyou everyone who worked behind this stream!! And everyone please stay safe
[2:37:08] <iceprinceyuzu> Thank you @planethanyu
[2:37:08] <yuzulegend> Thank you all for joining us in these long months!!
[2:37:12] <heyitsheunn> remember your masks!
[2:37:20] <chieko55> Thank you
[2:37:21] <starlight_shining> thank you so so much to the people who made this possible! you are amazing!
[2:37:24] <djaeeonnaa> thank you everyone who made this possible!!
[2:37:27] <yuzuyokoi> a bit THANK YOU to everyone who's made these streams happen! Your hard work is very much appreciated! <3
[2:37:30] <iamlaiza_hime11> Please stay safe everyone.. be vaccinated if you are eligible..
[2:37:37] <heyitsheunn> ahhh hana wa saku
[2:37:39] <pammi_> Thanks PH and all who contributed - its so wonderful to have translations for all these videos and clips, thank you!
[2:37:41] <polyesterhearts> Thank you <3
[2:37:54] <heavenandearth1001> thanks to all who put so much effort in making these live streaming sessions happen. bless all of you!
[2:37:55] <~PlanetHanyu> oh wait this doesn't have sound
[2:37:56] <~PlanetHanyu> one sec
[2:38:00] <fayfalcon> no sounds..
[2:38:09] <937314214> yes
[2:38:14] <chieko55> <3
[2:38:24] <TwoXElle> wait there's an extra? :D
[2:38:25] <anjaheyheyhey> it's karaoke version :p
[2:38:31] <937314214> ;)
[2:38:37] <djaeeonnaa> haha
[2:38:40] <starlight_shining> it's a gigantic effort that was put in making this stream. thank you to all involved!
[2:38:53] <alessandra_amel> yeah, I can literally hear the music in my head ☺️
[2:38:56] <heyitsheunn> fine bc it's hana wa saku i will wait lol
[2:39:03] <fayfalcon> Guys, you've been working so hard for these streams
[2:39:15] <djaeeonnaa> really love it when fanyus come together 💕
[2:39:19] <heyitsheunn> you have done so well really PH
[2:39:45] <937314214> :D
[2:39:45] <~PlanetHanyu> oh gotta redownload
[2:40:04] <fayfalcon> will it take long?
[2:40:12] <anjaheyheyhey> i'm glad that these streams can be something that can unite us all <3
[2:40:23] <fayfalcon> not that I am in a hurry...
[2:40:36] <937314214> yup
[2:40:46] <blue_maxis> bye everyone. I gotta go now. it's great to join u all❤️
[2:40:46] <starlight_shining> i think this has been a truly wonderful way of commemorating #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311 thank you for making this stream possible!  #PlanetHanyuCommemorates110311
[2:40:48] <heyitsheunn> im really new to the fanyu community but honestly i feel like everyone is so nice and warm! i hope we can go together long ^^
[2:41:00] <TwoXElle> @heyitsheunn <3
[2:41:06] <nadjasakura> Also from here a very big thank you! Especial today. It must have been hard towork on it during see this heavy pictures. 😞 Arigatou gozaimasu!🙏
[2:41:22] <937314214> 🙏
[2:41:23] <~PlanetHanyu> unfortunately our video seems a bit corrupted from the merge haha, gotta redownload
[2:41:56] <heyitsheunn> it's fineee we can wait! thank you for your hard works!
[2:42:28] <djaeeonnaa> @heyitsheunn not new myself but not old either lol welcome to the club!!
[2:42:44] <nadjasakura> maybe ISU is watching and don't want us to continue😹
[2:42:56] <~PlanetHanyu> got ittt
[2:43:07] <djaeeonnaa> ;AAAAAAAAAAAAAA;
[2:43:12] <937314214> :D
[2:43:20] <anjaheyheyhey> HIS EXPRESSIONNNNNNN
[2:43:22] <yuzuyokoi> <3 <3 <3
[2:43:24] <nadjasakura> 🌸
[2:43:29] <yaseinohana> Thank youuuu 🌸
[2:43:30] <937314214> SingsMic
[2:43:32] <alessandra_amel> aaah, arigatou!! :')
[2:44:16] <heyitsheunn> @djaeeonnaa thank you really much!
[2:44:50] <TwoXElle> thinking about the Be the light photobook cover...
[2:45:04] <TwoXElle> (sit twizzles!)
[2:45:14] <937314214> SingsMic SingsNote
[2:45:26] <heyitsheunn> i have a feeling that when yuzu does the layback ina bauer with his hands he seems like he is embracing the wind and the sky
[2:45:27] <iamlaiza_hime11> @twoxelle me too.. i am so excited for that photobook
[2:45:56] <heyitsheunn> im too broke to have a photobook TTAT
[2:46:27] <937314214> :)
[2:46:27] <yaseinohana> T <3hank you Yuzuru 🙏 <3
[2:46:38] <iamlaiza_hime11> @heyitsheunn i broke myself for that photobook 😂
[2:46:39] <heavenandearth1001> i love it when he spins like that. his legs are soooo long
[2:46:43] <xkaykayox> did you guys order be the light already? :)
[2:47:13] <937314214> thanks yuzuru hanyu my heart
[2:47:20] <heyitsheunn> @iamlaiza_hime11 the power of hanyueconomy 😂
[2:47:22] <xkaykayox> btw whats the exact name of this performance? I want to watch it again later hehe
[2:47:22] <yaseinohana> * THANK YOU YUZURU <3
[2:47:26] <heavenandearth1001> kimi no tame niiiii
[2:47:27] <iamlaiza_hime11> @xkaykayox mine is on shipping process.. just waiting for it to arrive soon
[2:47:30] <heyitsheunn> @xkaykayox hana wa saku
[2:47:34] <937314214> :)
[2:47:40] <starlight_shining> thank you so much!
[2:47:42] <heyitsheunn> it is not nhk i think
[2:47:42] <fayfalcon> Bravo, Yuzu....
[2:47:45] <~PlanetHanyu> ok <3 that's the end
[2:47:45] <alessandra_amel> too beautiful, beyond 👏🏻
[2:47:46] <yuzulegend> Goodnight/have a nice day you all!! Stay safe and let's do our best as Yuzu always says!!! Thank you for joining and hope to meet you soon again!!
[2:47:47] <heyitsheunn> ahhhh
[2:47:52] <yuzuyokoi> Ahhhh he's so beautiful, and such a wonderful and meaningful song and program!!!
[2:47:55] <starlight_shining> i feel so grateful!
[2:47:57] <937314214> FBCatch
[2:48:00] <fayfalcon> THANKS!!!
[2:48:02] <~PlanetHanyu> we can pause on yuzu's face
[2:48:02] <yuzuyokoi> THANK YOU SO MUCH!! <3
[2:48:04] <~PlanetHanyu> pretty face
[2:48:04] <nadjasakura> thanks again. and stay safe you all!!!
[2:48:05] <djaeeonnaa> thank you!!! hope to join another PH stream soon!
[2:48:06] <iamlaiza_hime11> Thank you
[2:48:07] <pammi_> so beautiful and touching thank you
[2:48:10] <TwoXElle> so emotional BibleThump
[2:48:13] <djaeeonnaa> <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
[2:48:17] <wildswanyu> Stay safe, goodbye!
[2:48:18] <fayfalcon> beautiful!
[2:48:18] <937314214> :D
[2:48:20] <louitunes> @yuzulegend Goodnight to you too.  <3
[2:48:28] <heavenandearth1001> thanks again! bye for now... stay safe, everyone! and yes... the prettiest face on a boi i've ever seen <3
[2:48:33] <iamlaiza_hime11> Good night/ morning to all
[2:48:34] <TwoXElle> thank you again <3<3<3
[2:48:35] <iamlaiza_hime11> Stay safe
[2:48:42] <heyitsheunn> good night/have a nice day everyone! i am really happy to be in such a nice and warm community like this. please stay safe, wear your masks and wash your hands! im gonna go to bed it's 1am here lol
[2:48:42] <xkaykayox> @iamlaiza_hime11 yayy nice!! I have it in my cart but Im worried about import tax since I have never bought anything from cd japan before :')
[2:48:46] <starlight_shining> stay safe everyone!
[2:48:50] <pammi_> Bye bye all  take care
[2:48:58] <alessandra_amel> thank you for the extra. thank you for all the efforts. stay safe and healthy, fanyus 🤗
[2:48:59] <yuzulegend> @yuzulegend <3 <3 <3
[2:48:59] <937314214> good night yuzuru hanyu I want smile on me away
[2:49:05] <yaseinohana> thank you to all the PH team 🙏 Take good care everyone <3
[2:49:07] <xkaykayox> thank you for the stream again and take care everyone!! :)
[2:49:09] <xkaykayox> <3
[2:49:31] <iamlaiza_hime11> @xkaykayox the shipping is quite pricey, since the photobook is heavy. They said it’s nearly 2kg
[2:49:48] <937314214> TwitchUnity
[2:49:50] <~PlanetHanyu> @iamlaiza_hime11 the "be the light" one?
[2:50:06] <yuzulegend> Thank you @anjaheyheyhey , love you a lot!!! Thank you @PlanetHanyu for all you do for us!!!
[2:50:12] <yuzulegend> Good night everyone!
[2:50:19] <~PlanetHanyu> @yuzulegend no thank you! for all your hard works
[2:50:39] <iamlaiza_hime11> @planethanyu yep, mine was ship through DHL and on priority.. they said its less than 2kg since its big too
[2:50:50] <xkaykayox> @iamlaiza_hime11 omg thats so heavy!! i heard its A3 size too so it will be big too
[2:51:15] <937314214> thanks you yuzuru hanyu I fell in love him away from me
[2:51:49] <iamlaiza_hime11> @xkaykayox i mean, i also don’t know how heavy it is until I receive it this coming Tuesday 🙏
[2:52:13] <937314214> :D
[2:52:23] <iamlaiza_hime11> Maybe i should do an unboxing? 🤔
[2:52:55] <xkaykayox> @iamlaiza_hime11 ooo yes you should!! cant wait for you to receive it!
[2:53:35] <~PlanetHanyu> @iamlaiza_hime11 that would be so fun!
[2:53:38] <937314214> thanks shows me that smile away
[2:53:38] <iamlaiza_hime11> @xkaykayox i am really excited too.. i check the tracking almost every hour
[2:54:16] <iamlaiza_hime11> @planethanyu i never do any unboxing video before.. just wondering if I should do it for be the light photobook
[2:54:34] <xkaykayox> @iamlaiza_hime11 hahahha I would do the same :)
[2:54:49] <~PlanetHanyu> @iamlaiza_hime11 every hour 🤣 relatable
[2:55:07] <937314214> :D
[2:55:30] <iamlaiza_hime11> To al of you, thank you.. i need to go back to my nurse job now... @planethanyu thanks for the stream.. and i know you knew how i felt when our Yuzu merch is on shipping
[2:55:59] <~PlanetHanyu> thanks for joining everyone
[2:56:00] <~PlanetHanyu> !!
[2:56:01] <~PlanetHanyu> <3
[2:56:07] <937314214> <3 <3 <3
[2:56:37] <xkaykayox> <3
[2:57:06] <937314214> thanks shows that smile


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Hi everyone!

Thank you to everyone who joined the stream today. It was really tough and sad to watch but also important to remember what thousands of people have gone through and how severe the consequences were and still are, even 10 years later. It also allows us to have a better idea of the immense repercussion in Yuzu's life at such a young age and the role he had, being a skater from Sendai. He never forgot and all this years his commitment to the people affected by the disaster only grew stronger. :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

I want to share some more links and information:


You can “visit” the NHK exhibition through videos (3 zones). You just need to click the link and then click on the orange button.


Google translation: “Special Project "Earthquake and Future" Exhibition-10 Years of the Great East Japan Earthquake- We have posted an exhibition tour video and a story about the earthquake and reconstruction so that even those who have difficulty visiting during the period can see it. https://nhk.or.jp/archives/311shogen/mirai/…

Ten years after the Great East Japan Earthquake, what can we do now to convey the lessons to the future?”



Also under this link https://mobile.twitter.com/i/events/1369841173079072769?s=20

you can find pictures (Asahi_photo) from different commemorations on 11.03.21.





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I want to compile a playlist of all the videos we played during our special stream last Saturday.


  1. NHK Documentary First Three Days (50 min) is one of the two-part series that captures Japan’s largest-ever natural disaster. You can read more about it here.
  2. 2013 documentary 2 years from that day:  Listening to the voices from the earthquake disaster. Subbed by nonchan1023
  3. 2015 24h tv segment, with Requiem and Hana ni Nare performances, which was translated especially for this occasion by @Umebachi and subbed by @yuzuonice
  4. 2016 documentary Memories of that Day, subbed by nonchan1023
  5. 2018 News Every cut The Starry Sky 7 Years Ago, subbed by BlueFlameForYuzu  
  6. 2019 News Every cut for the 8th anniversary of the 2011 Great East Japan earthquake, subbed by BlueFlameForYuzu 
  7. Notte Stellata Exhibition Project reports from Tokyo and Sendai, translated by Nobuko and subbed by @yuzuonice especially for this occasion.
  8. Yuzuru's performances of Etude, Requiem, and Notte Stellata. The commentary for the Notte Stellata performance for 24h TV was translated especially for this occasion by @StrawberryChicago, and subbed by @yuzuonice. Additionally, you can find the content of the three plaques that stand next to Yuzuru's costumes in this video compilation that was played in between the performances. Thanks to @kaerb for the translation on Twitter.

Thank you to all the translators for their hard work, and to everyone who joined in commemorating the 10-year anniversary. I hope you are all staying safe <3 


We'll announce our giveaway winners shortly! :) 

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