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7 minutes ago, Neenah said:


I don't see this as a big deal compared to other mistakes.. not many check what happened in every nationals, and I think they saw that Shoma was the national champion and assumed he won over Yuzuru.



Its not a big deal if that's what they think, but saying it in commentaries to a huge audience including non-FS fans? What would they think then :/

I've had friends who were influenced and told me Yuzu's not that great cos he was beaten by Shoma in nationals. then I was like whattt. 

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9 hours ago, Anony said:

Decided I need sleep, I'll backtrack those pages tommorow morning.


Before that tho, quick reminder for EVERYONE that the skaters themselves are ones risking the most by making their decisions. Disappointment is okay and questions are natural, but remember to try and put yourself into different perspectives before criticising anything. Keep an open mind, this last part is for everyone, regardless of if you're excited, disappointed, etc.

sorry, need to get it out

Bringing this back from a couple pages back

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7 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


Given them a break. They've only recently learnt how to pronounce his name! :knc_brian1:

YAZURA HANYU :crazyshit2:



So, he didn't show the whole program. It explains why some parts are missing in the news clips.


But well, we still have got another practice in less then 5 hours.

oh I see he's not doing a run through then, hope he'll show us the step sequence today! :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

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2 minutes ago, lilsailor said:

 yep robin cousins claimed he hadn't skated like that since oly


Not defending him or anything but possible explanation might be that BBC only does commentaries on Olympics and World Championships. So, he might not have thought about GPF since his last commentaries on Yuzu would be Boston /sob/ and Shanghai. But I do agree that commentators should at least give out correct info.

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6 minutes ago, kaeryth said:

Sudden thought: You know what interview I REEEEEAALLY want? One with Nomura Mansai :tumblr_inline_mqt4gmPEiv1qz4rgp:


Heck yeah. I love that man. I love his face. His acting in Onmyouji was just amazing. And I wanna see more Yuzu fanboying around him :smiley-love017:

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11 minutes ago, lilsailor said:

yep robin cousins claimed he hadn't skated like that since oly

pffft to this :tumblr_inline_mm2wb3v3qq1qz4rgp: 


8 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:

I was sure we saw some of the step sequence already in some of the news clips though.

but only in little snippets! :tumblr_inline_mpl4o1ilQc1qz4rgp: I wanna see full blown onmyouji exorcising demon in action! :7562096: and I think I haven't heard the music on it yet...

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5 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:

I was sure we saw some of the step sequence already in some of the news clips though.


Yes, we saw the forward crossovers for a split second, and a small part before that. But we didn't see everything that came before! That might be the changed part, because then the end of the first half of the program is the same.

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