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hace 3 minutos , Étudeesque said:


Thank you so much! Was a bit worried I was going to be a bit blasted but people are so nice on here, even when I'm being pessimistic and worried :13877886: 


I do actually feel a lot better now :agree:

I have the same worries as you at the bottom of my heart. And we can't guess  how his plan will work until the first competition. And after all it is a good thing he'll try it first against Javi.


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7 minutes ago, Étudeesque said:


Thank you so much! Was a bit worried I was going to be a bit blasted but people are so nice on here, even when I'm being pessimistic and worried :13877886: 


I do actually feel a lot better now :agree:


I think we all went through this early on with Chopin and we had the hint of Seimei already from then, so it's more chill now because we've had more time to get used to this. Plus, it's normal to be disappointed we're not getting any new programs outside of the EX (you're not repeating the EX too, are you, Trollzuru!????), even if we understand and accept it. 

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47 minutes ago, MrPudding said:


This doesn't have anyhing to do with the discussion but I just love watching him tie his skates, I wonder if anyone's ever made like a compilation for that sort of thing? :14289753:


15 minutes ago, Étudeesque said:


Yeah, I hope you are right. I didn't think Seimei was very reactive actually, more Chopin (given his comments on SPs after Worlds and comments now) but nevertheless I have no real problem with him repeating both programs. Looking forward to new Chopin a lot actually. The reactionary part seemed to me be the 3A as a back up and 4TLo3S, given his earlier comments on always doing two 3As, I hope he didn't change his mind cause he felt pressured to add a quad simply for the reason of having another (if judges love the quads). Then again I find it hard to think Yuzuru would do anything else then he wants... so it is probably fine. 

I was (and am) more worried about chopin 3.0 as well, but he already made me come around to that choice (it's so beautiful I can't help but be happy to see more of it :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:)

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35 minutes ago, Xen said:

Don't worry about Yuzu, he'll be fine.

Yuzu reminds me of this strange combination of my own thinking mindset, and this other guy I know at work. So if I had to dig through my coworker's mentality and my own mentality, this is what I would conclude, from a bit of a shared mentality point of view.


1) Seimei is not a surprise. The idea of the olympics should be a stage where MY IDEA of what figure skating is should be expressed- and that idea is one where athleticism blends seamlessly into art. Whichever choreography or music helps me achieve that ideal is the one that wins, even if others are against it.  And I do not want to copy the music of others, as an Asian and proud of it (if I were in his position), I'd want to use an asian musician or music piece to express my ideal. If there are Naysayers, I will let my work and results do the speaking, you don't need to get the rationale behind my choice, as only I understand it, and it's hard to explain.

 - Naturally, the goal of competing is to win, so whichever helps me win is also the best option.

2) Layout and jumps etc, there is a long term plan and schedule/strategy of how things play out, and what critical steps are needed in what time frame. However, the details and specifics are all changeable so the unexpected does not upset the applecart too much. Hence, I may have a plan (if I were Yuzu) to have a new jump mastered every season, but the specific sequence of jumps might not be determined yet. That is probably the bigger reason why Yuzu was not happy about his health in 15-16,  because they threw him off his grand master plan, not just because yeah it hurts physically. I honestly suspect the 4Lz was suppose to come out last season...


Lastly, Yuzu sounds reactive, because he's not the type to say anything until it's about 80-90% locked down, and executable. My guess is that he was willing to do something other than Seimei if an even better option came up. But possibly the alternative was similar to H&L, but seeing the not so great reception of H&L, he crossed off that option and stuck to Seimei.


Totally agree-

1)Seimei is quintessentially his, and like BO I think it ought to be at the Olympics

2)two seasons with illness and injury must have completely wrecked his master plan - 14/15 was no picnic either.


Like some others I worried about a Japanese programme in Korea, but if I understand others with more personal knowledge Abe no Seimei is so far in the past it's not likely to be a problem?  A bit like King Alfred wouldn't be a cultural problem in NI?  Or do I have that wrong?

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When watch and read Yuzuru and Brian interview, I understand why he make this decision. Like he said for SP it's not Chopin he like to choose but because what happen last season he doesn't have choice anymore. For Seimei, no one thought at first this program will be great program even Yuzuru himself. I remember when he announce this program season 2015-2016, there's so many people critique it's not good program. Yuzuru also said Olympic season not for try anything new but polished what already have. So, if he not add 4Lz it understandable enough. We may said it's too safe because two recycle program and no new quad, but he has experience winning gold with not good performance. People still talking until now how he undeserve gold medal. His mission for this season to do clean program at Olympic and prove it.

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4 minutes ago, Sombreuil said:

Like some others I worried about a Japanese programme in Korea, but if I understand others with more personal knowledge Abe no Seimei is so far in the past it's not likely to be a problem?  A bit like King Alfred wouldn't be a cultural problem in NI?  Or do I have that wrong?

As a Chinese,  the issue between China, Korea and Japan is recent history. We don't have a grudge with each other over traditional culture, even though recently there's been some debate over who can get what over UNESCO Heritage (and that's more China vs Korea). So Seimei is safe in my opinion. If there are people who hold a grudge towards him over a music choice that is japanese, it's more likely to be from fairly extreme fringe nationalists, who would dislike him because he's Japanese, not his music choice.


He has plenty of fans in both Korea and China, so I think he'll be safe. :smile:

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