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jinabee said:
It is a miracle there is no drama between them. It's a magical combo of Javi being a nice guy, Yuzu being a nice guy, and the training team at TCC obviously being real careful to not favour anyone and focus on the skaters as individuals more than the skaters in comparison to the opponents in competition. Brian seems to be really careful in his coaching approach to keep a kind of situation/environment where competing skaters can be friendly.


I absolutely agree. That's why I :rolleyes: my eyes when notorious conspiracists from the old FF claim that Orser favors Javier more. Where are they getting the ideas from? Was he supposed to ignore Javier's boot problem/complaint at Boston? He can't praise Javier during interviews? Obviously Orser has flaws and is still learning as a coach, but to accuse him of favoritism every single time something goes wrong for Yuzuru...>:(

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It is a miracle there is no drama between them. It's a magical combo of Javi being a nice guy, Yuzu being a nice guy, and the training team at TCC obviously being real careful to not favour anyone and focus on the skaters as individuals more than the skaters in comparison to the opponents in competition. Brian seems to be really careful in his coaching approach to keep a kind of situation/environment where competing skaters can be friendly.


I absolutely agree. That's why I :roll: :roll: :roll: my eyes when notorious conspiracists from the old FF claim that Orser favors Javier more. Where are they getting the ideas from? Was he supposed to ignore Javier's boot problem/complaint at Boston? He can't praise Javier during interviews? Obviously Orser has flaws and is still learning as a coach, but to accuse him of favoritism every single time something goes wrong for Yuzuru...:wtf:


Agreed. Tbh we don't know anything behind the cameras - maybe he is favouring one, maybe he is not. It's one's freedom to like/dislike Orser and his approach, but the fact that Yuzu decides to stay with Orser and TCC explains a lot. Not that we can't criticise Orser's flaws, but at least we should respect Yuzu's own autonomous decision.

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It is a miracle there is no drama between them. It's a magical combo of Javi being a nice guy, Yuzu being a nice guy, and the training team at TCC obviously being real careful to not favour anyone and focus on the skaters as individuals more than the skaters in comparison to the opponents in competition. Brian seems to be really careful in his coaching approach to keep a kind of situation/environment where competing skaters can be friendly.


I absolutely agree. That's why I :roll: :roll: :roll: my eyes when notorious conspiracists from the old FF claim that Orser favors Javier more. Where are they getting the ideas from? Was he supposed to ignore Javier's boot problem/complaint at Boston? He can't praise Javier during interviews? Obviously Orser has flaws and is still learning as a coach, but to accuse him of favoritism every single time something goes wrong for Yuzuru...:wtf:


Agreed. Tbh we don't know anything behind the cameras - maybe he is favouring one, maybe he is not. It's one's freedom to like/dislike Orser and his approach, but the fact that Yuzu decides to stay with Orser and TCC explains a lot. Not that we can't criticise Orser's flaws, but at least we should respect Yuzu's own autonomous decision.


THIS. Also, Yuzu is a grown man and a wise one, there's no need to baby him and act as if he can't protect himself or make good decisions.

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kamotejojo said:
cherry said:
On a positive note, most commentators and audience seem to have a higher standard of everything when it comes to Yuzu :xD:


I don't mind the high standard, but ACI(gold)-->SC(silver)-->NHK(gold)-->GPF(gold)-->4CC(silver) is not sliding into irrelevancy


Unfortunately, /somehow/ ppl just have a whole new set of standards whenever it's Yuzu, which sometimes works unfairly against him because he is up against a much harsher measuring stick. Yes, they do give him the points when he's at the top of the game, but he has to be /very good/ to get that treatment and not many skaters can maintain tip top condition 24/7, 365 days. And when he is, not down, but just not at the very best, he is penalised, which is fair, but the issue is that other skaters are not treated to the same degree.

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moni said:
xibsuarz said:

I don't know if it was discussed in other threads (it's difficult to keep track of them all!), but Eteri made some small references to Yuzu in her new interview. From what google translate can tell me, it seems like she used Yuzu and his condition of training abroad as an example of how Japanese skating (skaters, Fed?) don't need to be closed within the country. The second one it's hard, but it sounds like she said he doesn't complain and just focuses and what needs to be done and skates. But if someone who speaks Russian could clear it up it would be great :yes:

- Но это типично наша история. За границей же не так.

- По-разному бывает. За того же Ханю все делают, вплоть до того, что сумки ему носят. Не потому что он избалован, просто его лишили необходимости решать какие-либо вопросы помимо льда. Он сконцентрирован только на том, что должен размяться и откататься.


It's been translated here:




wow.. so drama with those skaters. well its good that yuzu and javi respect each other 

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Random: so in creating my Figure Skating Notebook of Doom I noted Yuzu's results through seniors and worked out his season averages.

- through his senior career so far, he's won gold 49% of the time and silver 28% of the time. In the past 3 seasons (2014-15~present) he's won gold 58% of the time, whereas in the first half of his senior career (2010~2014) he won gold 42% of the time, half of which were achieved in the 2013-14 season.

- His season average has been on an upward trend every season except 2014-15 and 16-17 (tho his LP average went up by 0.15 this season, his overall average was down by 5.42. His overall average for 2014-15 was down by 6.95)

- the difference between his average combined score from 2010-11 and 2016-17 is 75.14 (the difference is sp average is 20.17 and lp is 54.98)

- Each season his scores increase by an average of: +3.4 for SP, +9.2 for LP and +12.5 for combined scores (rounded to 1dp)

- His highest season average increases were 2015-16 (when compared with previous season +9.33 sp +18.86 Lp +28.17 combined, if compared to the 2013-14 season it's +5.75 sp +15.75 lp and +21.23 combined) 2011-12 (+19.64 for lp +24.30 combined) and 2012-13 SP (+9.42)


Ah figure skating, the thing that makes me do maths even though I hate maths.


Wow, thanks for this analysis! It really shows how FS progressed during last few years and of course how Yuzu is getting stronger and stronger.

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Many of this might have already been shared, but to put it together:


Portrait of World Champion/Yuzuru Hanyu 2016-2017 season

Autumn Classic International 2016


Skate Canada 2016


NHK Trophy 2016


GPF 2016


Four Continents Championships 2017


World Championships 2017


World Team Trophy 2017


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kamotejojo said:
cherry said:
On a positive note, most commentators and audience seem to have a higher standard of everything when it comes to Yuzu :xD:


I don't mind the high standard, but ACI(gold)-->SC(silver)-->NHK(gold)-->GPF(gold)-->4CC(silver) is not sliding into irrelevancy


Lol it's ridiculous that anyone would look at this season and think Yuzu is sliding into irrelevancy. His Gold-to-Silver ratio for 2013-14, 2015-16, 2016-17 are exactly the same (except 2013-14 he did more competitions and I'm ignoring WTT).

The competition is getting tighter but Yuzuru is far from irrelevant. He's not at the stage where anyone can reasonably think he won't make the podium for any given competition and he hammered that home at WC - even if he's 5th after the short you still have to assume he's taking a medal home :laughing:


Klera said:
jinabee said:
Random: so in creating my Figure Skating Notebook of Doom I noted Yuzu's results through seniors and worked out his season averages.

- through his senior career so far, he's won gold 49% of the time and silver 28% of the time. In the past 3 seasons (2014-15~present) he's won gold 58% of the time, whereas in the first half of his senior career (2010~2014) he won gold 42% of the time, half of which were achieved in the 2013-14 season.

- His season average has been on an upward trend every season except 2014-15 and 16-17 (tho his LP average went up by 0.15 this season, his overall average was down by 5.42. His overall average for 2014-15 was down by 6.95)

- the difference between his average combined score from 2010-11 and 2016-17 is 75.14 (the difference is sp average is 20.17 and lp is 54.98)

- Each season his scores increase by an average of: +3.4 for SP, +9.2 for LP and +12.5 for combined scores (rounded to 1dp)

- His highest season average increases were 2015-16 (when compared with previous season +9.33 sp +18.86 Lp +28.17 combined, if compared to the 2013-14 season it's +5.75 sp +15.75 lp and +21.23 combined) 2011-12 (+19.64 for lp +24.30 combined) and 2012-13 SP (+9.42)


Ah figure skating, the thing that makes me do maths even though I hate maths.


Wow, thanks for this analysis! It really shows how FS progressed during last few years and of course how Yuzu is getting stronger and stronger.



Average BV increase for SP: +2.2

Average BV increase for LP: +4

Biggest BV increase for SP: +5.4 (White legend->Étude)

Biggest BV increase for LP: +8.24 (Seimei -> Hope and Legacy)

Total BV Increase for SP (White Legend->LGC): +13.25

Total BV increase for LP (Zigeurwissen->H&L): +24.04


I suppose another way to look at his growth would be to figure out his average PCS scores but....can I be bothered to look up every scorecard for every competition since 2010.......

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jinabee said:
Lol it's ridiculous that anyone would look at this season and think Yuzu is sliding into irrelevancy. His Gold-to-Silver ratio for 2013-14, 2015-16, 2016-17 are exactly the same (except 2013-14 he did more competitions and I'm ignoring WTT).

The competition is getting tighter but Yuzuru is far from irrelevant. He's not at the stage where anyone can reasonably think he won't make the podium for any given competition and he hammered that home at WC - even if he's 5th after the short you still have to assume he's taking a medal home :rofl2:


Meh, his Helsinki feat is still not enough for some. Had X skater landed this jump, he would have won. Had skater Y gone clean, he would have been champion. The point is, they DIDN'T go clean but Yuzuru did. It's kinda unreasonable to expect him to be 10+ points away from the next medalist in every single competition. 

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I remember at NHK last year, when Yuzu landed both 4lo, 4S, Jackie Wong tweeted " Are we gonna see new WR today" and I'm like :confused: People will always complain unless he's perfect ( and they still do it when he's clean). And if he go clean, there will be " oh he peak too soon". If he don't, there will be hundred essays of "he's headcase, 74428232 skaters gonna beat him soon" :( 

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Katt said:
I remember at NHK last year, when Yuzu landed both 4lo, 4S, Jackie Wong tweeted " Are we gonna see new WR today" and I'm like :confused: People will always complain unless he's perfect ( and they still do it when he's clean). And if he go clean, there will be " oh he peak too soon". If he don't, there will be hundred essays of "he's headcase, 74428232 skaters gonna beat him soon" :( 


I just hope Yuzu has come to the realisation that these stupidly high standards FS commentators/writers/fans have for him are...stupid and should be ignored. No other skater is expected to skate perfectly every single time, no other skater is expected to hit new high scores every time they skate. It's bloody rediculous. tbh I think it did feed into the pressure he put on himself this season, I just hope he reached the point mentality where he knows they best he can do is train, try to go into a competition healthy, calm and do what he can. When Brian said 'trust your training', honestly I think that's the best advice. Errors are going to happen, but none of the programs are impossible to perform clean in competition, every part of it is something that has been trained.

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meoima said:

Actually with the lutz, good ladies Lutzers like Liza, Yuna, Polina... have from 60-90 degrees of PR though. Men the same I think. But just 60-90 degrees doesn't mean too much.

Over 180 degrees and almost up to 270 (Satoko) is insane and should not be called toe jumps anymore.


60/90 is still quite acceptable to me ;) 

Personally I would set the limit to 90° for toe-jumps and 120° for edge-jumps, but I'm fine with ISU standing of having one rule for all of them and putting the bar at 180°.


My beef with them is they put up a rule and then they did their best not to apply it :hachimaki:

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