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Even more news about the rice field art 

Visitors to the site will be able to receive keychains for donations greater than 1000 yen.

The donations will be put towards improving on site facilities for visitors


That will be a lovely keepsake for visiting the rice field featuring Yuzu and Haku

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36 minutes ago, tberry said:

hope there will be yuzu gucci ads video.. i saw Xiao Zhan ads in ig :idk:


Yes, hope to see Yuzu featured on Gucci site, in the Stories section

The other day there was something about Global Brand Ambassador Hanni and the Horsebit design feature. For a second thought it said Hanyu and was super excited.

Hopefully, Yuzu will appear as a Global Ambassador feature story soon

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I'm loving all the material from this year's FaOI... looks like Yuzu had a marvelous time!


Next up: Yuzu creates Ice Story 3 , I hope. I would love to see him use Shae-Lynn's ideas and inspirations (see link to interview below) for the choreo of Origin 1.0 as a jumping-off point for a show inspired by Japanese mythology and legends or something like that.






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1 hour ago, Martina said:

I published an article about Yuzu's solo shows. It is in Italian, but with the automatic translation into English it is understandable. If you want to read it, you can find it here:



Thank you Martina for this article. This is an ode to a genius! When reading I once again realized what a genius Hanyu is, something I already knew. I must admit that your article made me see some things I have previously missed in Yuzuru’s performances, it made me pay attention to and think about some details that escaped my attention though I have seen the shows multiple times. Especially with RE-PRAY that is open to so many interpretations. Thank you for that as well. 
I hope more people out of figure skating world will read this article and discover this very precious and special human being. 

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5 hours ago, CashmereKitty said:

Thank you Martina for this article. This is an ode to a genius! When reading I once again realized what a genius Hanyu is, something I already knew. I must admit that your article made me see some things I have previously missed in Yuzuru’s performances, it made me pay attention to and think about some details that escaped my attention though I have seen the shows multiple times. Especially with RE-PRAY that is open to so many interpretations. Thank you for that as well. 
I hope more people out of figure skating world will read this article and discover this very precious and special human being. 


Thank you. Mine is just one of the possible interpretations. I left out many things because it is already a very long article, and I had to focus on videogames, it was my basis for being able to publish in that magazine. Aside from that, there are certainly countless things that I missed, and things that can be interpreted in another way. But I think it's important to write critical texts, to talk about Yuzu. We can help each other discover details, and we can contribute to Yuzu's fame. He is the genius, but if no one highlights it, his fame remains confined to those who already know him, whereas I would like ever greater recognition for him.

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16 hours ago, Martina said:

I published an article about Yuzu's solo shows. It is in Italian, but with the automatic translation into English it is understandable. If you want to read it, you can find it here:



Thank you so much ! this is amazing ! I see all of this show in a different way now !! Again your work is amazing, thank you ! yes he is a genius, this for sure ! This is amazing how we can all see the shows and all see and feel different things and emotions. 

It makes  me want to see again all of those show :67638860:

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6 hours ago, Lou said:

Thank you very much! It's amazing! I see that the sight of a hand is different and still standing! Here it is, how amazing it is, thank you! It's a gentleman, it's true, it's amazing as we all look forward to it! It's amazing and I am fascinated by different choices and emotions. 

But I don't remember all these shows :67638860:


Tout d'abord  :thanks: at toi@Martine To review this article, whose name is "senior" (it translates well in French), I can finally meet someone like him who is a professional, and also, a very developed imagination : just when you think that one will "reserve" many :peace2: :girlsigh: :softYuzu:surprises

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