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General Yuzuru Chat

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Hello, thank you to everyone who replied to my post. You guys were really helpful and friendly. This is the first time I have been on this platform before and I'm glad to be a part of this community. I hope you all have the greatest day possible. 😊💞

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On 19/05/2024 at 01:20, Perelandra said:

Hip Hip Hourra


Carmina Burana's performance published by Nittele


Many thanks to Nittele:SunFace:




:wave: the fanyus, as always it's an explosion  :003:  in views of this masterpiece with in 1 day : 56,000 views and it will increase, it's clear :665e343793b9: :loveshower: 




Here is a new emblematic analysis of this Mr (I admit that I do not know who he is  :shrug: ) : when reading his words which I translated I had the same face WOOOOO and how could I not be  :agree:while reading him while listening his voice tone with his facial expressions too :2thumbsup: :peace2: :loveeyes: 


Now, let's wait for what he will offer us at FOI and I add EXCELLENT find in the section : "mad's video by fans" with a sublime compilation of the latest FOI with a :wink_star:supercharged 

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On 5/19/2024 at 1:10 AM, Sofielofie said:

Hello, My name is Sofia, and I'm doing a report on Hanyu and because it is A.A.P.I Month, I have to say if he faced racial discrimination before.

Does anybody know if he faced this before?  :confused:

Yes, of course he has, but it's often subtle  - such as the scoring issues mentioned previously, which are a product of ISU Figure Skating politics - or, if it's blatant, it's not directed specifically at him, but at Asians as a group.




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