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2 hours ago, isabelfm said:

I understand the concerns about him not having enough time to rest and yk wanting to protect him from jmedia and certain narratives….but some reactions on Twitter are very ???? yuzu is calling the shots now, if he’s going it’s because he wants to. I feel as fans we shouldn’t be so negative so soon and at least be happy and grateful that we’ll have new yuzu footage and performances. I mean SOI has given us blinding lights yall 👀 let’s just not be so pessimistic, it’s not helpful to yuzu and we know he lurks and reads what we say.

This. We really need to start trusting Yuzu WAY more. He's a man full-grown and running his own show -literally. If he agreed to do SOI, he has his reasons and they're probably much better than any reason we can think of. 

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1 hour ago, SaluYuzu said:

I also want badly to protect him from the evil forces in the world. We failed in the past

Unless fanyus were the ones running JSF and the ISU, there is literally no way we could have possibly protected him from them. The best we can hope to do is protect him from other overstepping fans and even that's questionable.  Instead of feeling guilty, just trust and support him and be there for him if things go sour. 

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32 minutes ago, LiaRy said:
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Petty heart speaking: Ilia will probably be so overwhelmed with emotions (idk nor care what kind of emotions) that he'll probably mess up the 4A in front of Yuzu. I don't want him to get hurt, though. Popped 4A or UR or bad take-off, idc, IM would struggle a bit


If young mr 'quadgod' has any sense, which, being 17, ofc he doesn’t,  he'll lay off the 4A during ice show season. But I pretty much expect that Yuzu will egg him on to try it, Yuzu being Yuzu. 



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In the past there was a tendency among sections of the fandom to infantilise him - I’m thinking of all those people pre Planet who were so certain that leaving lovely Nanami Abe to go to Toronto was a dreadful mistake, that Parisan was a horrible programme, that he should stay in his comfort zone in Japan etc etc.  Hopefully we’ve all moved past that sort of attitude.  We ought to know by now that he knows what he’s doing.
  We all hate it when bad things happen to him - until the series of greatest hits practices from Beijing came through I couldn’t bear to watch footage from those games.  But he’s much braver and more resilient than we are.  If he’s doing SOI he’s got his reasons.  Maybe he’s assessing who he might be able to use/work with in his own projects.  Maybe it’s a nice useful big fat cheque that can cover certain expenses.  It’s going to be interesting to compare audience numbers with the other SOI stops.

As for Malinin I’m sure he will be his usual charming self.  He’s always been very generous and nice to those younger than him, so unless M is objectionable, which I haven’t seen any evidence of, he’ll probably treat him for example as he’s treated the Russian girls in the past.  It’s one of his most admirable traits - and a stark contrast to the way seniors treated him in the past.


Just read about @Muffinator- so very sorry to hear it.

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@Sombreuil Exactly.


Plus there's this: Yuzu is now not only an athlete, but a performer, an artist, by profession.  As such, he needs to recharge his creative fires from time to time. One of the ways artists do that is by hanging out with other artists. I have no doubt that doing SOI will give him a chance to do just that. Let's not get in the way of that, y'all. Let the man do his thing. 

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This entire SOI participation could be as simple as a signed contract.


When Yuzu announced his move to professional career, many aspects of Yuzu's skating life changed. 

Many people had concerns that nobody knew what that meant and many discussions occurred with this subject at the forefront back in July last year.

Fans at the time professed their ongoing support, but realistically nobody knew how Yuzu would conduct his professional life. Past experience of professional skaters were centred around shows like FaOi, MOI, SOI and so on. Prologue and Gift are unprecedented and their success was an entirely unknown and not guaranteed, we knew, but Yuzu and his accounts team are not able to predict the future. 

As a professional, Yuzu would no longer be in receipt of funds as a strengthening athlete, it was uncertain which sponsors would continue to endorse Yuzu. Yuzu would not have taken any of this previous funding for granted. He is sensible enough to know that as a professional skater the onus is on him to earn a living and he would never be as arrogant to assume that going it alone with his own brand of show would be an instant success. For a pragmatic person that may well have meant agreeing to participate in ice shows with a large fee for appearing. Maybe SOI is as simple as that a fallback contract signed before Prologue and Gift. If that is the case, Yuzu has shown us his integrity so it would be very unlikely for him to renege on a contract. Maybe Yuzu just thought that it might be fun to turn up, skate his own excellent programmes and see other skaters, choreographers, musicians etc. as other people have suggested. Maybe Yuzu will be able to bring his own brand of professional skating and the whole venture will be elevated by association. Maybe Yuzu will be able to impart some of his wonderful skating skills and techniques to others, if they are open to and willing to make the correct changes. Maybe the gulf between Yuzu and everyone else will be evident and Yuzu can be part of these shows for fun and to bring ticket sales and revenue to Tohoku as part of this and still have his own Yuzu shows as well.

Each of the theories has greater or lesser merit or maybe none apply at all

Whatever happens, Yuzu will perform and will be magnificent, hopefully having a jolly time in the process. Everyone else is well...everyone else.


If some of fan behaviour, from supporters who prefer skaters other than Yuzu, becomes unpleasant then ignore them. They are not part of your friendship circle and you do not need to socialise with them, if they become unmanageable then report them to security - simple ( easy to say and but highly unpleasant to deal with when people deliberately goad others ) Sorry if that last statement sounds pithy, it is understood that some people can behave in a toxic manner. Encountering such individuals is something that every decent person can do without.

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On 2/18/2023 at 1:36 AM, ImmortalBeloved said:

The passing of a friend


It is with sadness that I share that our fellow Satellite @Muffinator passed away early yesterday morning (USA time) after a battle with an aggressive cancer.  She had mentioned this illness on her profile last year. Some of you may remember her as spearheading a letter campaign last year where she showed tremendous determination in advocating for fairness in FS judging. Those of you who were part of the campaign can vouch for her strong organizational skills, her logical approach and leadership.    Muffinator was a deeply introspective person, and we would often chat about really existential-level Yuzu things.  She was never afraid to speak her mind both on this forum and in private. Her views were interesting and unusual.


She was a devoted Fanyu and found so much joy in watching Yuzu's performances. Even during her illness she often remarked at how watching Yuzu's skating would take her away from the pain, even if it was for a short time. She was able to loose herself in his performances. Looking at Yuzu's photo books also served as a joyful distraction from her suffering. I know she was so grateful for Yuzu's comforting power.  She leaves behind her devoted husband and teenage boy. 







So sorry to hear this ... I've been wondering how she was doing and hoping that all was better .... Rest is peace, @Muffinator and thank you for your words. And my condolences to her family. It is never easy to lose a loved one, but may her happy memories always be with you. :tumblr_inline_mto5hwcNlg1qid2nw:

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Some twt posts are saying the Yuzu's name is only listed in the cast for the Iwate shows of SOI. 



Not sure if this is true, maybe someone can find the relevant page with this tiny writing and confirm the info

The Iwate venue makes sense as it is a prefecture in Tohoku. 

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7 hours ago, SaluYuzu said:
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Wouldn't he be degrading himself to be in SOI with Instagram boy? 




What do you mean by that? How can anyone degrade themselves by performing with younger/less famous/less decorated skaters in a show? If it were demeaning, then Hanyu Yuzuru the GOAT would not have had any decent opportunity to skate outside of competitions for many years now. Besides, Ilia is not just "Instagram boy"; whether we like it or not, Ilia is currently the only skater with the ability to land 4A, and I think Yuzu is more qualified and more likely to appreciate this remarkable feat than anyone else.

If you mean that Ilia is currently a favourite of people or organizations that have failed to recognize Yuzu's greatness in the past or even now, then I guess he is used to sharing the ice with such skaters and I don't think it can take anything away from him, especially now that he doesn't need their recognition anymore. The numbers don't lie (which is why I hope this SOI will also be sold out in no time). The blindness of others is no longer his problem, now he can do what he wants and when he wants, and apparently he wants to take part in SOI.

If you mean that Ilia has succeeded in and is praised for the only thing Yuzu has failed at to this day, then I have to say that one of Yuzuru's qualities I value most is his courage in facing failures and showing respect to those who have surpassed him in some way. For me, this is his real greatness and one of the reasons he has come that far. I guess from his words and actions that he doesn't need to disparage others to feel valuable. On the contrary, he seems to understand that respect for other skaters easily translates into self-respect, since it is a greater feat to outperform good skaters than poor ones.

To sum up, I don't think his dignity can suffer in any way from this collaboration. For me, it may be difficult at first, because I still feel some resentment and bitterness about certain people and events, but the longer I think about it, the more I see in his decision an inspiring proof of his freedom.


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Many things have already been said, I would like to add one more. I guess that some of us are puzzled by Yuzu's participation in SOI because of our feelings and judgments about some of the people or institutions involved in the event. But that's just it: these are OUR feelings and opinions, not Yuzuru's. I wouldn't be surprised if he himself was just preparing for another funny event with skaters he not only LIKES, but REALLY VALUES. He knows better than we do how much work, determination and skill it takes for a skater to get to the top. Even if some athletes seem to have a different ideal of skating than he does, he can still hold a high opinion of their skating or at least some aspects of it, especially those that have brought them many fans, even if we are indifferent to them because they don't appeal to our tastes.

I'm happy that he won't be a lonely island. Being a member of a community is a good thing. The show is also another opportunity for him to skate for his fans, this time at the lowest possible cost and effort (unless he decides to try something riskier than he can afford during his own show). For me that's a win.

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5 hours ago, LiaRy said:
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Kind of funny that Yuzu hasn't rt-ed/qt-ed anything yet, unless I missed it - so we are doing the switch-focus, not him, hehe


I'm so excited, but also worried about 1000000 things that could go wrong with the connection


We all worried about the 1000000 things that could go wrong with his solo career too, and that seems to be rolling along nicely. But think on it, for someone who's only just started producing ice shows (besides CWW) Prologue, GIFT and NS are huge and as learning experiences go, he's dived into the deep end (so Yuzu). A break where he isn't responsible for anything but skating gives him time to look back and analyze those shows and how the logistics/production/business end went, look ahead and plan, and at the same time work with the fs community without officialdom.


We tend to forget sometimes that love and follow him as we do, we don't actually know Yuzuru Hanyu personally, we don't know what he wants and feels on a day to day basis, and we don't need to know why he makes the choices he does, they are his to make. We can just enjoy what he gives us.

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1 hour ago, Perelandra said:

Some twt posts are saying the Yuzu's name is only listed in the cast for the Iwate shows of SOI. 


Not sure if this is true, maybe someone can find the relevant page with this tiny writing and confirm the info

The Iwate venue makes sense as it is a prefecture in Tohoku. 


Yes, it would make sense for Yuzu to participate in the Iwate shows since it is in Tohoku and suffered from the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami. It is also the home prefecture for Shohei Ohtani, two-way superstar of American Major League Baseball, who was born in Oshu in 1994, the same year as Yuzu. I think that it is a fitting coincidence that the two G.O.A.T.s from Tohoku will be performing in Tokyo Dome within two weeks of each other. Yuzu will be performing in GIFT on February 26 and Shohei will be competing in the World Baseball Classic as a pitcher and designated hitter with 'Samurai Japan', the Japanese team, on March 12.


In 2016, Shohei Ohtani, playing for Japan, hit a ball so hard during a contest versus the Netherlands in the WBSC Global Series that it went through the roof of the Tokyo Dome. I am sure that Yuzu will also score a 'HOME RUN' with GIFT.



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