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It may be that if you have Disney+ and set your VPN to Japan, you can get the Japanese Disney. And I am certain that fanyus will be working nonstop to work it out for us all, and share what they find. But yes, I do hope they can stream it internationally. I'll sign up if I need to, yes.


This really shows how big GIFT has become.


PS - google translate gives the announcement as "Domestic exclusive live distribution decision" so maybe we will hear about international :fingerscrossed:

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1 hour ago, Fay said:

They say if you set your VPN to Japan, and you are subscribed to Disney+, you should be able to watch the show. 
I will have to pray for illegal streams, though. 


I just checked and here we can subscribe on a monthly basis, so I'll take a month's worth just to watch him. I already have a VPN, but some of them have free or 30-day trials.

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1 hour ago, TallyT said:

It may be that if you have Disney+ and set your VPN to Japan, you can get the Japanese Disney. And I am certain that fanyus will be working nonstop to work it out for us all, and share what they find. But yes, I do hope they can stream it internationally. I'll sign up if I need to, yes.


This really shows how big GIFT has become.


PS - google translate gives the announcement as "Domestic exclusive live distribution decision" so maybe we will hear about international :fingerscrossed:


I really hope there will also be an international distribution. :smiley-angelic001:

I already left a comment on the Twitter post of Disney+ Japan. There are many similar posts that ask for international access.


If not, then I hope it works with VPN and we somehow get to see this. There are so many fans all over the world who would love to experience Gift. :fingerscrossed:

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5 hours ago, ccy said:

help! I've been crying since this morning :cry:



Sad to hear how upset you are, many of us feel exactly the same, let's give one another a virtual hug:grouphug:

Sorry if too much info, but incision and drainage of an abcess is a really crucial procedure to let all the accumulated poison out of said abcess and allow healing to begin - it is icky but true and better than allowing a festering nastiness to take over. It is really healthy for Yuzu to tell his story and for supporters to hear him. The future is here, starting with Liberation Day, July 19th the road that took us to Prologue and now the upcoming Gift and soon to be Notte S.

Together, we can move forward and be whole and happy. It is something to look forward to and celebrate

Lots of love



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29 minutes ago, Yuzurella said:

Max is all of us. :tumblr_inline_n18qrbDQJn1qid2nw:



Lots of tweets to Disney Plus jp, to request world wide availability for subscribers to Disney Plus in all countries. Add your own tweets to the growing hoard, could lead to tangible results. After all Disney is a business and what better way to make money than with new subscribers wanting to see Gift from the comfort of their home screens.

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7 minutes ago, Perelandra said:

Lots of tweets to Disney Plus jp, to request world wide availability for subscribers to Disney Plus in all countries. Add your own tweets to the growing hoard, could lead to tangible results. After all Disney is a business and what better way to make money than with new subscribers wanting to see Gift from the comfort of their home screens.

True! In future, include all Yuzu's ice shows live by Disney plus globally😂

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2 hours ago, TallyT said:

An article about VPNs that work with overseas Disney+ . Obviously they are pushing the one that is probably paying something, but they do name several that work. I have Surfshark, which is there; Nord is also on this list.



That is helpful thanks. Still just hoping that if that is not immediatelyavailable, Disney may respond to fan requests and just make Gift available on the Disney Plus channel whichever one's country of residence.


Disney like making money, then the sensible option is just to make this show and potentially other shows, for which they would like to purchase the broadcasting rights to, available to Disney plus channel subscribers. It would be quite literally printing money. Not sure what the subscription price is in other countries but it is £7.99 per month or £79.90 per year in UK. Disney would get a significant boost to subscriber numbers. Serious Hanyuconomy and lots of free publicity on social media from fans, it is just good business sense. 

Keep tweeting the request, corporate sales department staff are always researching marketing niches to exploit, fan power can sway this in our favour not just for this event but for future events. In addition association with Disney just gives Yuzu incredible star power far outside of the relatively small world of figure skating, Yuzu would be everywhere and even potentially advertised at Disney parks and the next thing - yes, Yuzu stars as 'Ice Emperor' in Disney on Ice. Maybe too cheesy but in terms of going global...to quote Buzz Lightyear "To Infinity and Beyond"


Just joking, but like all fans also wishing huge success for Yuzu. After all it is no less than Yuzu deserves


Edited: in my previous excitement some grammar and typo mistakes. oops

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