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2 minutes ago, Xiupia said:

Deja vu, PChiddy, Yuna… (and more). What was it, “I don’t think the judges like me anymore”? 


They always have done this to the people they want OUT. So dumb (euphemism) to continue their faulty strategy against the best there ever was… 


Still sad that Yuna could have been a 2x OGM

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18 minutes ago, JanMary said:



“I'm not able to laugh at the kiss and cry like I used to, and I feel like I'm not needed anymore, like I'm being told to retire early.”



Thank you. I didn't understand what he was saying but it was all very sad. It contrasted with the celebratory and happy atmosphere of tv Asahi program. This was pain, this was Yuzu hurt, recalling traumatic experiences. 


Yes, I hate them, I am now almost free of wishing he competed again, this phase is over. 

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2 minutes ago, Sun_Rise said:

Thank you. I didn't understand what he was saying but it was all very sad. It contrasted with the celebratory and happy atmosphere of tv Asahi program. This was pain, this was Yuzu hurt, recalling traumatic experiences. 


Yes, I hate them, I am now almost free of wishing he competed again, this phase is over. 

Same feeling. So glad he decided to go pro. Imaging all the mental torture all these years. 


After all this interviews, i also need mental healing.

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This is very interesting- Sano on the Hanyu axel contrasting it with Lysacek - who looks incredibly clunky…….. I suppose that’s the macho US style.



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I have always wondered why I never heard about any trouble of Yuzuru's skating boots.
Some time ago, I was very surprised to read in a skating magazine that a person from the maker of the boots Yuzuru uses said that his boots hardly get scratched. The person who is taking care of his blades said something similar in another magazine.  It's just a miracle how cleanly skating can make such a thing possible :shocked:

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3 minutes ago, Melodie said:


I posted this elsewhere but heh, why not here?


Would really appreciate it if someone fluent in Japanese confirm what is being said here tho....


Good morning!  Yes, this Mr Shinya Kobayashi, sports journalist, who is explaining that JSF is keenly feeling the loss of his presence, and will likely face a severe decline in revenues.  In 2010 when Yuzu started competing JSF net asset  was about 1.1 billion yen, and the most recent figures indicate their net asset to have grown to 3.5 billion yen.  Mr Kobayashi says JSF's "face is turning blue", i.e. feeling sheer panic, knowing that they will lose the 10% take on all of Yuzu's revenues from his sponsors and earnings, but also they will face difficulties attracting the same level of spectators and sponsors. 


Sadly, as many of you know, this type of institutional bullying is not unique to JSF - I found the same attitude and behavior in others, e.g., I have had many dealings with the Japanese Ministry of Finance in relation to development finance, and I have personally witnessed and experienced how they bully and intimidate staff from other ministries and other institutions, including international organizations.  I don't think it's unique to Japan - power over other people's lives often makes humans behave in these despicable ways, and when it is institutionalized, the individual members don't even recognize it as such - they just go along with the flow.  I am so glad Yuzu decided to extract himself from this toxic relationship and to create his own place where he can heal his heart!  I am eternally grateful for his courage and wisdom to take this brave step forward, and I am also amazed and humbled by his compassion and strength never to lose his integrity in the face of such cruelty.  Many of us would have let the anger and bitterness eat away at our heart and become hardened and even cruel in response to such abuse and violence to our well-being.  Yuzu is showing us the way to deal with difficulties - and we will need his leadership and guidance in what will likely be a very turbulent and unstable world.  I am hoping he will step up beyond the skating experience and take a larger leadership role on a global stage!  

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2 minutes ago, Umebachi said:


Good morning!  Yes, this Mr Shinya Kobayashi, sports journalist, who is explaining that JSF is keenly feeling the loss of his presence, and will likely face a severe decline in revenues.  In 2010 when Yuzu started competing JSF net asset  was about 1.1 billion yen, and the most recent figures indicate their net asset to have grown to 3.5 billion yen.  Mr Kobayashi says JSF's "face is turning blue", i.e. feeling sheer panic, knowing that they will lose the 10% take on all of Yuzu's revenues from his sponsors and earnings, but also they will face difficulties attracting the same level of spectators and sponsors. 


Sadly, as many of you know, this type of institutional bullying is not unique to JSF - I found the same attitude and behavior in others, e.g., I have had many dealings with the Japanese Ministry of Finance in relation to development finance, and I have personally witnessed and experienced how they bully and intimidate staff from other ministries and other institutions, including international organizations.  I don't think it's unique to Japan - power over other people's lives often makes humans behave in these despicable ways, and when it is institutionalized, the individual members don't even recognize it as such - they just go along with the flow.  I am so glad Yuzu decided to extract himself from this toxic relationship and to create his own place where he can heal his heart!  I am eternally grateful for his courage and wisdom to take this brave step forward, and I am also amazed and humbled by his compassion and strength never to lose his integrity in the face of such cruelty.  Many of us would have let the anger and bitterness eat away at our heart and become hardened and even cruel in response to such abuse and violence to our well-being.  Yuzu is showing us the way to deal with difficulties - and we will need his leadership and guidance in what will likely be a very turbulent and unstable world.  I am hoping he will step up beyond the skating experience and take a larger leadership role on a global stage!  

Thank you so much for the translation :img_21:


That's.... wow. It would be great if the media was this vocal when he was still competing tho...



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5 minutes ago, Melodie said:





Shows how much value is placed on the opinion of the skater and the fans....

No proper discussion with Yuzu, just treating him badly hoping he'd go, No thought for fans or how much they want to see Yuzuru's performances. Very authoritarian and autocratic approach to...well, everything

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JSF and ISU about to reap what they have sowed.  What a shame - :roll:


Now those old dinosaurs will have to address the elephants in the room - the bloated demanding old guard US and Russian federations (ISU) and the entitled Osaka based traditional skating aristocracy who have never brought home a gold Olympic medal (JSF)

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27 minutes ago, Umebachi said:

Many of us would have let the anger and bitterness eat away at our heart and become hardened and even cruel in response to such abuse and violence to our well-being



For a some time already I wanted to use this word but I didn't dare. 


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1 hour ago, Anni said:



It hurts me to read this.:YuzuPoohSad:




SAME :YuzuPoohSad:. As I was translating the long Japanese tweets yesterday, on the KC part that his expression turn from smile to embarrassed to sad to disappointed and finally giving up, I just recalled so many moments in the past 3 years..... I will never forgive what ISU and JSF did to him :angry_party:


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