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2 hours ago, MrPudding said:


Same! because my time zone is the opposite of Canada not sure whether they'll announce it live from Canada or Japan...... and I'm sure I'll be sleeping too. And for sure we'll have sudden increase in posts :rofl:


Haha, good to know I'm not alone in this :laughing: 

It will be a wild morning for sure :8171020: 

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8 hours ago, CiaoCiao said:

 I'm sure that the FS will be revealed while I'm sleeping. And I can already see how desperately I'll rummage in a billions of pages and posts in search of the news. I don't know why, but right now this is what worries me the most. :laughing:


Same here. And considering I'm busy in the mornings, by the time I come to check the Planet there'll be around 50 pages to go through, at least. Well, nobody said being a Yuzu fan would be easy :rofl:


And omg those gymnasts. It's funny how the boobskirt generates such opposite opinions around here but outside they're digging it though missing the boobskirt itself. Shame.

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29 minutes ago, Valkyria said:


Same here. And considering I'm busy in the mornings, by the time I come to check the Planet there'll be around 50 pages to go through, at least. Well, nobody said being a Yuzu fan would be easy :rofl:


I'll probably check Twitter first. Sorry PH!

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2 minutes ago, xeyra said:


I'll probably check Twitter first. Sorry PH!


Oh yes, the explosion will be felt in every corner of the internet and we'll get the info as soon as it comes out; but I still like going through the threads here to see everyone freaking out (and join, obvs XD)

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30 minutes ago, Yolo3a said:

I was watching Yuzuru's entire Olympics season and I stumbled upon Chasing Olympics Gold of Patrick Chan. Brian is in it, and some glimpse of Yuzu. It's simultaneously so funny and sarcastic and sad in retrospect.


the pressure is so real though. Good luck Yuzu!!

Wow I have never seen this before and it is a very interesting way of documenting and approaching the pressure of the Olympics (esp. for Canadian world champion...) and made me gain much insight on what Patrick and all these great skaters who had a shot at gold were going through ...

This really help me understand Yuzu's position more and now I have a clearer sense of what he needs to conquer to get a second gold (since he is under much MUCH more pressure now than Sochi as the clear favorite) The fact that Brian is one of them also made me feel more settled, knowing that he is in good hands of people who can relate and guide him through this coming storm...

Thank you for sharing!

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6 minutes ago, asiacheetah said:

I missed something didn't I?


Just a little bit. We've been having Yuzu centered streaming parties for the past two weekends. We are going through his carreer chronologically and we've already been through the 09/10 and 10/11 seasons. This week we're going to be watching all comps from the 11/12 season and you're (and everyone else, really) welcome to stop by if you're free. It's lots of fun


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1 hour ago, Yolo3a said:

I was watching Yuzuru's entire Olympics season and I stumbled upon Chasing Olympics Gold of Patrick Chan. Brian is in it, and some glimpse of Yuzu. It's simultaneously so funny and sarcastic and sad in retrospect.


the pressure is so real though. Good luck Yuzu!!


Watching these kind of pre-Sochi documentaries now is so weird. I still remember how things were and how the general consensus was that Patrick had it in the bag, but as every skater says here the Olys are a whole different beast and nothing is set in stone. Let's see how PC goes *crossing all the fingers* :0006:


(I can almost see Brian sweating in his chair when they ask him for a prediction at the end. You can very clearly see the struggle to wriggle out of answering because he's Canadian, but he also had two other horses in the race XD)

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I also realised something.

The year before sochi 2014, the competition that was held at Sochi was the gpf, and Yuzu had silver. And the next year he came and won it.

The event in PC before Olympics 2018 was 4CC and Yuzu again won silver. (Touchwood for Gold next year:bow:)


So it could be that Zuzu got silver in 4cc was all according to plan??:stars:



(Edit: I am moving to dangerous areas of superstition/off season craziness)

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18 minutes ago, Yolo3a said:

I also realised something.

The year before sochi 2014, the competition that was held at Sochi was the gpf, and Yuzu had silver. And the next year he came and won it.

The event in PC before Olympics 2018 was 4CC and Yuzu again won silver. (Touchwood for Gold next year:bow:)


So it could be that Zuzu got silver in 4cc was all according to plan??:stars:


I like this theory. It makes me a lot less anxious. :2thumbsup:

(And then gets anxious again at all the other theories.)


I selfishly would hope that Hanyu's LP announcement comes on a Friday evening in my timezone so that I don't get mindblown and a brainfreeze at work and so that I can safely punch some pillows if I have to at home. Or perhaps cover my screams with the pillows instead. Idk, I want the announcement already but I don't think I'm ready for it.

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51 minutes ago, Forcefield said:

I like this theory. It makes me a lot less anxious. :2thumbsup:

(And then gets anxious again at all the other theories.)


I selfishly would hope that Hanyu's LP announcement comes on a Friday evening in my timezone so that I don't get mindblown and a brainfreeze at work and so that I can safely punch some pillows if I have to at home. Or perhaps cover my screams with the pillows instead. Idk, I want the announcement already but I don't think I'm ready for it.

Wait, I thought everyone would punch Poohs?

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