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Good evening / Hello fanyus: GREAT NEWS which has been confirmed, of course  :animated-smileys-character-075:, but please confirm 0 from 0:50 of "maybe"? his participation in the next Olympic Games in Italy and a big mistake on a first name at 1:07 " SEMA Uno "  :/..... and I did not quite understand " even greater heights " SORRY and , of course , that he is the best and greatest skater in the WORLD 




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Jeffrey Buttle interview from the latest Kiss & Cry magazine (vol. 44), automatically translated with deepL. As always, I don't speak Japanese and this is not a proper translation.


! Do not repost outside of Planethanyu ! 



Jeffrey Buttle

Born 1 September 1982, in Canada. Won a bronze medal at the 2006 Torino Olympics and a gold medal at the 2008 World Championships. Since retiring, he has been active as a professional skater, performing in ice shows and other events. He has choreographed programmes for many top skaters, including Hanyu.



Q: In Fantasy on Ice 2022, you were involved in the choreography of the opening and finale. Please tell us how this came to be?

J: Yes. David [Wilson] was supposed to come with us from Canada to do the choreography, but unfortunately he tested positive for the new coronavirus and couldn't come to Japan. So I had the honour of being offered that role just before my departure. I was only in Japan for a few days for Stars on Ice 2022 in the spring, but for Fantasy on Ice 2022, I will be in Japan for more than a month. I already had some ideas for the choreography by the time I travelled to Japan, so I arrived on the Tuesday before the first show (in Makuhari) and immediately started rehearsing with the performers.


Q: I saw the first day of the Makuhari show, and it was a very exciting show with great group numbers that I can't believe you created in such a short period of time. How was the rest of the show?

J: It was wonderful. The Japanese fans were probably told to be silent to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus. That said, they cheered for us with applause and hand-clapping, and the energy in the audience was incredible. It had been a long time since I had performed in front of so many fans.


Q: How was the Japanese ice show compared to Stars on Ice in Canada (April/May)?

J: In Japan, the venues are packed, so it is a wonderful experience to skate there. But the Canadian audience made up for it with their passion, even if there were not as many people there (laughs).


Q: You have choreographed all the group numbers for Stars on Ice and Fantasy on Ice in the US, Canada and Japan this season.

J: Yes, that's right. I was busy (laughs). I choreographed and performed in 12 shows in Canada, and I also performed in 'Fantasy on Ice'. Especially for 'Fantasy on Ice', I was collaborating with artists, so I created several group numbers in different styles.


Q: Where do you get your inspiration for your choreography?

J: First of all, from the impression I get from the music. When I listen to music, images naturally come to me. I also check music videos and musicals frequently to get inspiration for different styles.


Q: With the amount of work you have to do, is it hard to keep choreography out of your mind?

J: Sometimes I change my mind and try not to think about it all the time... (smiles). But choreography is a big part of my life.


Q: Have you already started choreographing competition programmes for the 22-23 season?

J: Yes, before coming to Japan I did a lot of choreography for local Canadian athletes around Toronto. And in Japan, I had a week off between the Fantasy on Ice tour, so I choreographed Koshiro's (Koshiro Shimada) short program for the upcoming season.


Q: At Fantasy on Ice 2022, you met with Hanyu for the first time in a long time.

J: I hadn't seen Yuzu (Hanyu) in person for a couple of years, although we had been in regular contact via Zoom. I was very happy and we exchanged hugs.


Q: How did Hanyu seem to you at the shows?

J: Yuzu was very energetic and I think his enthusiasm radiated to the other skaters and had a positive impact on them. He completely dominated the ice and had a great presence, like a rock star. The fans were really happy to see Yuzu perform live for the first time in a long time, and the whole audience went wild. It was amazing.


Q: You are one of the choreographers who have worked closely with Hanyu since he moved up to the senior ranks, can you talk a little about his development?

J: Yuzu came to me for the first time, I think, eleven years ago... it's been eleven years already! At that time he was just a teenager, but he was very talented. To tell you the truth, I hardly knew him at that time. But it was always a lot of fun for me to work with new skaters. The first time I choreographed for Yuzu, like other Japanese skaters, he didn't ask me questions, he was just a student who quietly followed my instructions. He concentrated on doing exactly what he was told. But gradually he started to express his opinions clearly, and our work soon became a kind of collaboration. I really like that way of doing things, and it's also important for the skaters. It's important for any athlete to be able to look back on their competitive life and feel that they've done what they really wanted to do, in their own style, and I was privileged to be a part of that process with him.


Q: Do you remember what caused him to develop his self-awareness?

J: The season after Yuzu won his first gold medal at the Sochi Olympics (2014), he told me very passionately that he wanted to skate to a piano music. Up until then, he had been totally trusting in my choices of music and arrangements, but for the first time, he expressed his wish of what he wanted to do. I think this was an indication that he was becoming more mature and at the same time gaining confidence after winning the gold medal. It was as if something new had awakened in him.


Q: He then won his second gold medal at the PyeongChang Olympics (2018).

J: The Pyeongchang Olympics was very special because I had seen him at the Cricket Club struggling with his injury before he went there. He had rested a bit after the injury before coming back on the ice, but he still couldn't jump, so he was working hard on his skating and other things, and doing cardio training to keep his fitness levels up. It is very hard for a skater to not be able to train as much as they would like because of an injury, and it makes them anxious. But I think he was mentally strong. I saw the hard process he was going through, so it was very emotional for him to get his second gold medal.


Q: And this year he competed at his third Olympics.

J: I know he was disappointed to miss out on the podium. But just the fact that he competed in his third Olympics while winning gold twice is incredible, because there are a lot of athletes who only compete once and then quit. I hope he is proud of what he has achieved.


Q: You have seen many top athletes, what do you think is special about Hanyu?

J: He can give the performance that is needed at the right moment. And once he is on the ice, he bursts with energy in front of the audience. It is as if he was born to perform.


Q: Do you have plans to choreograph a new programme for Hanyu?

J: We haven't discussed it yet. I think he's probably in the process of thinking about what he wants to do next season.


The relationship between Buttle and Hanyu has grown from being a choreographer and a student to a collaboration. What kind of progress will the relationship between the two, which has developed over the years, make in the future? At the moment it is still undecided what Hanyu's plans for next season will be, but he will certainly give his fans something new and exciting to look forward to.


This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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I'm so sorry if it's been said elsewhere but when are we going to know which GP event Yuzu is assigned to?


And is it wise to even wait for his confirmation to buy tickets to a specific event?


Apologies, haven't been to a GP event for almost 15 years, I'm a bit out of it.

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9 minutes ago, TokyoDream said:

I'm so sorry if it's been said elsewhere but when are we going to know which GP event Yuzu is assigned to?


And is it wise to even wait for his confirmation to buy tickets to a specific event?


Apologies, haven't been to a GP event for almost 15 years, I'm a bit out of it.

So far there's info about the assignments being announced mid-July. 

About the rest of the questions, I don't know, but I'm also interested to know the answers

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Thank you for the translation


Jeff had lots of complimentary comments about Yuzu. It was great that he emphasised Yuzu's evolution as a skater and performer and that Yuzu has participated in 3 Olympic games. Jeff also pointed out that many skaters "compete once and then quit". 


It's increasingly annoying that the feds and ISU continue to invest in their favourites and yet those favourites continue to leave, so in fact the investment is never realised.

The accountants are in great need of pity right now because the accounts must going ever further into the red.  Soon they may need to apply for a loan from Bank Hanyu

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I thought I would post here and then share on the other FaOI chats. I realized that some people are not taking full advantage of Japan TV, so I put together a document with instructions to search past broadcasts (they re saved for 1 month). I also added screenshots of the logos of the TV Channels as I know it's hard to figure it out which one is what:

Japan TV- How to watch past broadcasts


You can check the schedule of the past and future broadcasts here. Please note that new programs could be added as the TV stations are squeezing FaOI excitement :-)
Also, some programs include new content. For example, most of what we have seen are the live broadcast of the 3rd days of the stops, but there will be broadcast of the other days for Makuhari, Nagoya and Shizuoka.


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