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Guest Mary_kyo

Is this shared? another example that he is just peaking and improving. one of the best ever 4T-3T by any skater in the history.



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8 hours ago, shina07 said:

Hellooooo everyone! Newly signed up but I’m usually a lurker on the forum and want to thank the lovely people who compiled all the videos of Yuzu :YuzuPoohLove:


Wanted to go back and watch some old subbed videos of Yuzu but one of the channels I follow Blueflame for Yuzu has already been terminated :((( similarly their Twitter account has also been inactive since 2020, I hope Rin, the owner, is okay. Also, YT is being awful and deleting old subbed videos so save it while you can. 

Anyway, if you guys are familiar with  work, would you guys know if there are similar vids here on PH? Specifically looking for the 24HR TV interview where Yuzu brought up the Shittily Taken photos lol https://imgur.com/a/JF3lEi2



Hello and welcome @shina07:wave:



Did you mean this? :grin:

(unfortunately no English subtitles)



These postcard books will be published on 25th April :happy:


"Dreams - Short Program"



"Wings -Free Skating"





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18 minutes ago, Anabel said:

Be happy :tumblr_inline_mg16go8gBg1qdlkyg :




Ahhhhh I understand it without translation and he can be and say it : "i'am HAPPY" after his performances  :2thumbsup: and  :heartpound: the one that traces him through the ages and I add that of CIONTU and moving at the end with the BB Yuzu supports him when Yuzu man falls on his 4A and EVERYTHING ANNI posted :girlsigh:

And also YES: you were born for skateboarding and in beauty / :dancingpooh:talent



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@EisElle just wanted to generally say thank you for your long posts with explanations of the past events, developments and contexts: you're giving the insight that is sometimes difficult if not impossible to achieve only by reading press materials or watching interviews. 

20 hours ago, EisElle said:

on a more serious note

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trigger warning/content warning: referencing what Yuzuru said during CiONTU live broadcast


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Of course kids were just kids and that particular exchange about marriage had no maliciousness, but just around the time when this bit was aired Yuzuru had to publicly deny in a press con the rumours spread by a tabloid about dating a former classmate (afaik the press con was in Morioka for the NHK Special Exhibition, I'm not sure if it was just a question during the presscon or he made a separate statement)

idk the details nor what tabloid were saying to affect Yuzuru so much, but the dating rumours and tabloids gossiping in early 2016 were a big part of the mess that seriously affected his mental health* that made him say in CiONTU that controversial bit about "wanting to die" (or even worse, "trying" to die. I believe question is still pretty open about what he meant)

*(reminder he was also hiding a serious injury then and facing unprecedented pressure after his record skates in NHK and GPF)


I wish Yuzuru could just live his life without having to worry about what tabloids will make up about him or his loved ones and without certain types of fans feeling entitled to rule his private life :/

We may have our feelings and thoughts about people, but Yuzuru's life is Yuzuru's only, and he has all the right to make his own choices without anyone else presuming they know better (even if out of misguided protectiveness. But I'm going off a tangent here)




This is awful. I hope he learned how to deal with these type of intrusiveness, how to distance himself, but also that media would leave him alone. He deserves all the respect in the world and nothing else. 


@shina07Welcome! I've been posting here for a little bit than a month but it already feels like at home. I also recommend the wiki sections - for example, it took me a month to fully read the whole "Great Glittering Glossary", cause I was opening all the links and then the other links that were on these linked pages, etc etc (a rabbit whole effect, always happens when it comes to Yuzuru!), but it was a great journey though a whole decade (and beyond) of Yuzuru, his skating and his fans' joys (mainly) and heart attacks sorrows (sometimes).


14 hours ago, citrusjunos said:

Why is every part of his life so symbolic? Even the mistake with the sakura tree turned out to be much more fitting in the end. I guess he really is the light in more ways than we imagined :space:



I am not surprised he's been receiving these sun- or light-related associations. Look at my nick name - not random!


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I'm really sad that he has been giving sincerity and kindness to people who are not worth it. Sui once said in her private weibo account that the score about men's singles in recent years was FAIR and even the exchange of interests between American and Chinese judges in men's single and pairs had long been an open secret.

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