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  On 3/16/2022 at 5:05 PM, SuzyQ said:

Japanese buildings have good earthquake resistance, so if any big tsunami does not hit the coast, I hope there would not be so much serious damage :smiley-angelic001:

Now I'm going to bed. Good night everyone.  Thank you for your concern :thanks: 



Good night! Have some peaceful dreams. And I hope there will be no tsunamis too.

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  On 3/10/2022 at 12:10 PM, turquoiseblue said:




"Please allow me, from now and forever, to continue supporting you, too." :tumblr_inline_nhkezmYSxk1qid2nw: Oh yes, please, Yuzu. You don't know how much you are supporting me already. The last months have been hard for me and still much is going wrong. But as long as there is hope that we might expect Yuzu competing again (and maybe appearing in ice shows this spring), there is a ray of light, a silver lining. :SunFace:

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  On 3/10/2022 at 2:20 PM, cereus said:

I think this part of Ghislain's interview hasn't been shared yet:







This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].

This is so heartwarming! Yuzu is Ghislain's number one priority! Now I almost regret not having approached him during Helsinki GP. During one of the breaks I had seen him standing in the lobby of Jäähalli, having a chat with some spectators (probably fanyus?). I had considered addressing him but didn't dare. Now after having thought that the link between Yuzu and TCC might have become less tight (Yuzu obviously didn't want / need Brian by his side during the Olympics), this is - at least for me - an unexpected positive sign. Ghislain might have concentrated on other (younger) skaters who haven't won everything like Yuzu has. This interview really was a nice surprise and I have the greatest respect for Ghislain.

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Lovely moments between Yuzu and Bing Dwen Dwen to cheer everybody up a bit. :tumblr_m9gcraReGL1qzckow:


Fortunately it seems like the earthquake didn't cause serious damage and the tsunami warning was lifted. I just hope there won't be any aftershocks and everybody in the region stays safe. :smiley-angelic001:

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  On 3/16/2022 at 3:40 PM, Yuzuwinnie said:



Isn't Annabel who would be the height for Yuzu to be knocked out by one  :dancingpooh: :surprised_pikachu:  and also only humor with YH who is skinned and not from Japan (every time I see him and his face =  :LOL: ) 


Yes Johnny has always been seen at the FOI and it is clear that it would be the TOP to see the couple of Chinese ice dancers and him who carried Yuzu in the elevator :animated-smileys-character-075:


I don't want 1 cake and would rather have 2 : let's abuse it to be flavored with yuzu :sigh:










I bring up my writing from this afternoon, before I knew about Japan and now everyone is safe and that is reassuring 


Ulrinis, I recognized myself in your writing : difficult month / uncertainty / expectation and this is what is called : "the millefeuille effect" which is a cake made from puff pastry and whose "leaves" can be seen interspersed with pastry cream ...... and despite everything, hope is always at the end of the tunnel and like you Yuzu is one of them (and my 2 little girls too) : YES he will come back after he has rested / healed his ankle and wait for him patiently 


History of French Pastry: where does the Mille-Feuille come from?

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  On 3/16/2022 at 4:31 PM, TokyoDream said:

I could be wrong but it seems like no obvious damage was noticed but they just want to make sure?

Crossing all my fingers.


Happened last year too, they obviously need to check properly before allowing normal activities to resume. If everything goes well, it should reopen in a few days🙏

hopefully everyone in the affected areas is safe and the material damages aren't too heavy.🙏🙏🙏

But with the intensity and coincidentally being so close to the 3.11 anniversary, it must have brought back to everyone in Japan and Tohoku especially some very painful memories...


(And what's with this time of the year and earthquakes in Japan? Iirc in February 2021 there was one too, and Sendai ice rink was closed a few days. Then in March 2021 when Yuzuru was set to leave for WC there was another. Well I guess we can be glad that it only caused something relatively minor like 1day delay on arrival, but again must have been so tough mentally😔 and stressful too, because of the bubble timeline)


I saw on twitter some Jpn fans being thankful for having their "A Notte Stellata project" emergency items (like the solar light) ready/using them. It made me smile a bit, that Yuzuru could be helpful to people even through those things:tumblr_inline_n2pje2TPZt1qdlkyg:

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