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48 minutes ago, wombat-poodle said:

About the pandemic restrictions, many performers have held "online concerts" where they perform to a limited or no audience and the whole thing is just streamed online to people who bought tickets. There may be additional costs involved in filming but there may also be costs savings in terms of venue size, so it's a possible option. 


Oh for sure this is a possible option :grin:. Still missing live feedback from the audience though (and I also thought of his comps pre-pandemic, which is why I thought of the regular ice shows).


The *stream* might need to go both ways — Yuzu with his performance and us viewers with messages to him (and not just written messages too, voice messages even :xD:, to substitute for the usual scream and cheer after his every performance :xD::hihi::embSwan:). Might be jarring for him as well initially (especially if he skates in an empty rink — only him and the filming crew) but I hope it is enough to give him the love he usually gets from after his comp performances.


...and oh! Think also of the possible camera work — Yuzu might choose a camera work akin to the On Ice Perspective camera work, not to mention aerial camera too! The possibility expands... 😏

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13 minutes ago, Skrimblo_iced said:

personally nathan is someone im very torn on. on one hand because im chinese american i want to be proud of his achievements. on the other hand im aware that his achievements are from overblown scores and his skating is flat. and of course not to mention he is apparently involved in nfts and the infamous "as a straight man in a homosexual dominated sport"...
so i amended my post to say that i can respect him to an extent because he did redeem himself on oly ice at least. i have yet to watch his routine(s) because i think it would be too much for me to bear (the emotions surrounding the situation have yet to dissipate + the fact that now he holds the wr for oly sp score+the media doing overtime in making nathan propaganda) but as far as im aware he was clean all three instances. 

all in all i am still confused as to how to feel about this man


You can call me a bitter fanyu for this but as someone who tried to give his skate a chance I am afraid that you'd find little other than cross-cross-crossover jump, cross-cross-crossover jump, bare minimum amount of steps and barely qualifying spins and bow after finishing the skate. Not to mention his off ice attitude... (I mean w/e people change but just look at this last quad, he had every opportunity to do so but did he do it?? ...no. no he didn't).


You can still think well of him despite everything, I suppose :shrug:

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1 minute ago, Figure_Frenzy said:


You can call me a bitter fanyu for this but as someone who tried to give his skate a chance I am afraid that you'd find little other than cross-cross-crossover jump, cross-cross-crossover jump, bare minimum amount of steps and barely qualifying spins and bow after finishing the skate. Not to mention his off ice attitude... (I mean w/e people change but just look at this last quad, he had every opportunity to do so but did he do it?? ...no. no he didn't).


You can still think well of him despite everything, I suppose :shrug:

we're all bitter about yuzu being robbed tbh :( he's always been robbed of a fair and just score, even on wrs :( 

ive seen the nathan bootcams and there's nothing there. everything he does is in preparation for a jump, unlike yuzu who uses jumps to emphasize; with the step sequences being the main highlights of his programs. 

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54 minutes ago, Yuzuwinnie said:



I just read you and watch here, Yuzu's FS and I'm really sad for him, who gave everything and sacrificed his youth and we see it in the video of Yuaz12 and his arm wound to blood and like I read this desire to surpass himself to make his jumps and his falls and, despite his innate gift, the proof is on the video : his HUGE work and respect for you Mr Hanyu  :puddingpooh:, because your skating is PURE ART  : snonegai: and to err is human : ah that YES we can say to ourselves CURSE JO 2022 and now that he relaxes and thinks of him and the haters will have to put themselves on their teeth and laugh at him >:(

Also, as you are French and not much on this forum, Yuzu will catch up in Montpellier in our beautiful country, where it all started in Nice in 2012 and I think? that FOI is present this year and in his country, that he has fun and shows us his pure / graceful skating etc..... 


To be honest, for different reasons, i prefer Hanyu not to participate in the next world championship.

Let s use french for a little, if i may.

Mais effectivement  j'ai en tête d'assister à un de  ses shows  au Japon, lorsque les conditions de voyage seront plus propices.

Je souhaite donc qu'il continue de patiner au moins jusqu'à l'année prochaine (croisons les doigts pour qu'une autre catastrophe ne nous tombe pas dessus entre temps).



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Since Yuzu's competitions are over and this season is coming to a close, I did a bit of reflecting on my life as a fanyu.


I became a fan of Yuzu in the early part of the 2016/2017 season, the pre-Olympic season, prior to the GP series. It was the season of the iconic Worlds 2017 which brought so many roller coasters of emotions. But I remember that at that time, skating was actually fun to watch. There were so many capable competitors who could win (Patrick, Javi, Boyang, Shoma, and the start of Nathan-pushing). That was why I was at the edge of my seat watching the FS at Worlds 2017. Anyone could win. It was fun to watch then.


I remember thinking during the Pyeongchang Olympics season that I wished I had known Yuzu earlier, he was almost at the end of his career by then. After Pyeongchang, I thought that Yuzu would continue for at most another 2 seasons. And today, I realized that I had actually followed Yuzu for 6 of his 12 senior seasons. That's half! (Though admittedly, following FS after Pyeongchang was not as pleasant as compared to before Pyeongchang.) Time really flies. Realizing this, all I could do was be so grateful that Yuzu had given me so many more years to enjoy his skating after Pyeongchang.


I had thought that anything after Pyeongchang was a bonus to me. Now, I know that anything after Beijing is an extra bonus. I'm just waiting for Yuzu to show up again whenever he's ready.

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15 minutes ago, Skrimblo_iced said:

to be fair he could go to another olys for the sh*ts and giggles but i dont think he wants to. 

brb gonna go watch 2018 olys and start crying again, time sure passes fast...

Well, yuzu IS still medal contender. Eventho he is underscored, as long as he's stay on his feet with his quads, he will medal. 

So if he's stay and continue to compete, he's still a favorite to win. 

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25 minutes ago, Mary_kyo said:

Not Plush implying Yuzu might go for another Olympics.


17 minutes ago, yuzublaze said:

The comment about another Olympic cycle hah.


GodandYuzusanklespermitting I have the same thought actually :muahaha:. It might not only be a shits and giggles arc, the next quad, it might even be full-blown Revenge arc.


Yuzu is an Angel to us, but to others (you know who particularly) he is a Monster, and I say, if he wants a round of revenge to avenge himself from this pain, then so be it. Go for it. Unleash not just the Nessie, but the Divine Monster that will engulf every doubters and bad faith actors in cleansing fire. Let them feel the wrath of the Divine Monster — they are asking for it!




(...just to be clear I know that in reality this is very unlikely to happen, and whichever decision Yuzu make, I am ready to support him 💙💙💙)

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13 minutes ago, surfacing said:


To be honest, for different reasons, I prefer that Hanyu does not participate in the next world championship.

Let's use some French, if I can.

But actually I have in mind to attend one of his shows in Japan, when the travel conditions will be more favorable.

I therefore hope that it continues to skate at least until next year (fingers crossed that another disaster does not fall on us in the meantime).




I respect your choice for Montpellier and for the French (of which I wrote at the beginning here on the planet) I do not have the right because on this forum everyone writes in English and, therefore, may mine be VERY bad , I write in French and I have it translated by google translate and WOOOOOO the chance to be able to go to Japan which is my dream  :softyuzu: and disaster question, I "think" that we have had enough ..... is not it and for French you write "if I can"? : is it bad like my English? 

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