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Hey Guys, I have just sent my postcards to Yuzu through the Olympic organizing committee. As I said, this is the only way Chinese fanyus can do for Yuzu now, so we are working very hard on the postcards. 

If any of you want to send a message to Yuzu, please send a private message to me (including your country, your name, and your message (pls, not too long, either in English or Japanese)) by 10 Jan. I will write it for you and send it to Yuzu. I hope Yuzu can feel the Love From All Over the World. 

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Guest turquoiseblue
20 minutes ago, Melodie said:

Betcha Nessie and ice-chan are the masterminds behind his current playlist. 




This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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6 hours ago, Mary_kyo said:

The overscored skater such as Nathan would gain an incomparable confidence that let him just focus on “landing”. Meanwhile the underscored skater would consider himself a loser before the start of the competition.

Totally agree with this.  I don't watch NC, but the bits of news that appear on my timeline, he's only focusing on landing jumps, not even jumping them perfectly.  I think once SB did his SP choreo, and he found it very difficult!?

While mentally when you enter a rink, and you know the judges are waiting for you to do just one mistake to tear your score apart!!  You will end up making one.  Especially that Hanyu's programs are packed.. one negative thought or hesitation might end up making a mistake!!  Hanyu also said he knows the judges that don't like him, so imagine entering the rink and seeing their faces there -___-

After they changed the scoring system and made it stretchable - not to reward skills but to backup feds fave- Hanyu was confused and for a little while lost confidence, but then -thankfully to who ever was there for him- he came back strong and said that he trusts his skills.  And the best think is he stuck to his own style of skating and belief.

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37 minutes ago, Mary_kyo said:


Heart-warming <3 


I'm sure most of us noticed during these JNats how the relationship has developed between Yuzuru and the woman trainer/supporter/demicoach (do we know her name?? She was at SOI too I think in the summer, the person who looked at his bruised knee). It's so good to see, given no Brian Ghislain and Tracy at competitions. She seems lovely, my relationship with her has developed too lol!! She makes Yuzuru smile and laugh and she looks after him which makes all of us happy :)

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Link for poll in Japan about the best male figure skater ever....

I won't spoil who won!! But:

Reasons for voting for Yuzu: (Google translate)

"It 's a good-looking guy with a small face, but it's also cute and makes a picture. The style is also good, so it's arranged like a doll."

"I don't think it belongs to this world! It seems that existence has jumped out of the anime."

"The beauty of style, the splendour of acting, it's amazing!"



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3 hours ago, Orsa2017 said:

Tout à fait d'accord avec cela. Je ne regarde pas NC, mais les informations qui apparaissent sur ma timeline, il se concentre uniquement sur les sauts d'atterrissage, même pas parfaitement. Je pense qu'une fois SB a fait sa choré SP, et il a trouvé ça très difficile !?

Alors que mentalement, lorsque vous entrez dans une patinoire, vous savez que les juges attendent que vous fassiez une seule erreur pour déchirer votre score !! Vous finirez par en faire un. Surtout que les programmes de Hanyu sont emballés.. une pensée négative ou une hésitation pourrait finir par faire une erreur !! Hanyu a également dit qu'il connaissait les juges qui ne l'aimaient pas, alors imaginez entrer dans la patinoire et y voir leurs visages -___-

After changing the scoring system and making it expandable - not to reward skill but to safeguard Federal Government favorites - Hanyu was confused and lost confidence for a little while, but then - luckily who was there for. him - he came back strong and said he trusts his skills. And the best idea is that he's stuck with his own style of skating and his beliefs.



:wave: the fanyus, ah here I read "the judges" and I post this fresh youtube today of a top 10 scandals / corruption etc (you will understand better than me) and around 3:35 pm the young Tracy speaks about it and I remember S Bonaly very well and his refusal to climb on the podium and it had made a noise in France  :unsure2: and even Yuzu also passed there by his victory in 2014 and having fallen on FS and his COC 2014 and insulting comments that 'he is skated with his injuries and having fallen 5 times and having had the money and you will see and understand EVERYTHING better than me yet ...... and I understood that this also speaks of Yuzu's thesis 



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1 hour ago, Pammi said:


Link for a survey in Japan on the best figure skater of all time ....

I do not spoil who won !! Corn:

Reasons for voting for Yuzu: (Google translation)

"He's a   handsome guy with a small face, but he's also cute and makes a picture. The styling is also good, so it's arranged like a doll."

"I don't think he belongs in this world! It looks like existence has come out of the anime."

"The beauty of the style, the splendor of the acting, it's amazing!"




And here is what strengthens the poll and the reasons, of course, that Yuzu is THE BEST and the 1st class YES 



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10 hours ago, Mary_kyo said:

No, agree to disagree. Unfair scoring is the most powerful psychological weapon. It is similar to doing a running competition but the overscored one starting much closer to the finish line. The overscored skater such as Nathan would gain an incomparable confidence that let him just focus on “landing”. Meanwhile the underscored skater would consider himself a loser before the start of the competition. Yuzu literally said here that he had given up on winning in the past. and no it's not just because of training alone and confinement lol. If anything he said his family helped him a lot in the dark times and he stayed in Sendai when he could come back to Canada. Read Yuzu interviews, he said last year that he thought everyone else was improving except him. This is exactly a mental abuse, making a very capable skater doubt himself and his abilities.

Now, he has overcome that doubt and is in a much better place mentally but he was indeed affected negatively. 

Yes, Yuzu said he had issues with his jumps last year and he went into depression. But he could go through this and be successful again in training, both with his 4A and 4F (before last injury). For someone you believe is under mental abuse, such achievements would not be possible at all. I don't know if you know people who are actually under mental abuse? I do. This is why I am more optimistic than you about Yuzu abilities to handle unfairness in scoring and I will never consider him as a sportsman unable to cope with underscoring. And briefly about Nathan we could all see his confidence can be shaken like Worlds 21 SP and SA 21. Nathan knows the OG22 is his last chance to get a medal and that will put a huge pressure on him + the OG are less likely to succumb to the lobbying of the US Fed and US TV because they're not depending on figure skating for their financial well-being because this is not the winter sport that will generate the biggest amount of revenue for the OG.

Anyway, we will see what happens. I would say I'm cautiously optimistic.

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14 hours ago, jier said:

This is way tooooo optimistic. Chinese Fanyus are all crying inside right now, because we know the only thing that we can support him is to write postcards. There is no chance for real hardcore fanyus to be in the venue. I am sure many people in the venue know Yuzu is a star, but really, that's it. The best case I can think of is to have some figure skating experts guide the audience. But considering there are already too many things for organizers to worry about for Covid prevention (the audience, if any, need to be isolated and quarantined in some ways, there is huge logistics around it), I wonder if there is any spare capacity/mentality for it.

Sorry for posting a silly question, I surely missed something. Why the Chinese fanuys cannot buy OG tickets and attend the figure skating competitions?

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14 hours ago, turquoiseblue said:



Shizuka: What you've accumulated and your achievements to date won't change so –


There's one word that's missing in the translation which makes Yuzu's response even more meaningful. Shizuka said one more word after "so" before Yuzu replied and that word was: "OMOIKIRI" which means "give it your all", "don't hold anything back", "take the plunge" or "go for broke" (risk everything in an all-out effort).

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