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7 minutes ago, robin said:


No but my angst around Yuzu's well-being increases exponentially every day so I honestly can't promise surviving it again!! sry guys!!!  :tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

Oh well, then probably you guys will have a new admin team next season :rofl:

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11 minutes ago, Anony said:

You're awfully confident there will even be survivors left here :rofl:

...eh, I've got enough work to distract me into surviving...note to self to bring smelling salts for others just in case...

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1 hour ago, robin said:


planethanyu.com will turn into ghost town after olys :rofl: 


Good point. I'm already planning for Milano 2018 but who assures me I will survive Olympics??? no one. Our destiny is the same of Brian's hair. One after the other, falling from grace. 

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8 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

People who have already seen him and survived to tell the tale?

ETA: @hamaguri kindly asked on the japanese thread, but i will ask here too :tumblr_inline_ngf9reiLYS1qid2nw: is anyone planning on going to NHK or GPF?  @yuzuangel, hamaguri and i are working on a small but meaningful secret project that will be unveiled in september, i am not sure if before ACI or at ACI :devilYuzu: but we need people at NHK and GPF to help us :tumblr_inline_mg16egIXKr1qdlkyg:


 "planning" ... what a nice sweet word :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:  So many Yuzu fans want to "plan" to go there...but who knows.:tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:

Now, I am going to join the lottery and try my luck for NHK, GPF and Nationals. I think I am extremely lucky if I could get one day.

Though I am a member of Ice Crystal, I couldn't get any tickets for NHK Nagano and got only one for NHK Sapporo, which tells me I shouldn't have high hope. 

Anyway, if I am miraculously lucky and manage to get the precious ticket, yes, I will do anything whatever your secret project is:tumblr_inline_n18qr7hmfk1qid2nw: (but what is it? OK, I will wait till September.)

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