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                                                   was that a 4A ?                                



             :knc_brian2:           :knc_tracy2:

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31 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:




                                                   was that a 4A ?                                



             :knc_brian2:           :knc_tracy2:



I figured we could use this :knc_brian3: as well

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3 hours ago, MrPudding said:



So was anyone here a fan of Yuzu since Sochi 2014? I became a fan after the Olympics so I need advice from those who experienced the olympic season. The anxiety I get is too much reading about 4 Lutz and more combo, 10 pairs of skating boots and maybe 5/6 quads, training 4 Flip like a beast, training and perfecting 4 Loop, better skating skills and more quads... and all we get for Yuzu is that we know he is training hard and that nothing is concrete yet... I mean.. I like that Yuzu is on the low radar so he can focus but at the same time reading about the other skater's preparation is really hard..

And since its the Olympics I know that every skater will go all out to fight for it but the stress and anxiety is too much. Maybe anyone of those who were fans of previous olympics like from Torino or Vancouver could help. How did you guys survive this! :crazyshit:

Not sure I can give a clearcut answer but I can just share my general experience and feelings.  So I've been watching the Olympics since the 90s, but I became super invested starting around 2002 with Plushenko...where he lost.  And I was hoping for Sasha to make the podium...and she didn't.  I honestly can't remember exactly what it was like in the olys seasons. But 2006 was definitely more stressful of a season because I'd been staying the course for 4 years already. Of course he won and she didn't. I think at the time her winning was more important to me than if he won (probably because I knew he'd be unchallenged).  I can't pretend that I took  that well. I guess real life eventually worms its way in and provides enough distractions. And then by 2010 I hadn't really followed skating as much for that quad, but I rooted for Plush. I was more disappointed a quadless skate won than that Plush lost. I guess part of me didn't feel as mad as I could because he already was a champion and had 3 olympic medals at the time which was still hella impressive.  And I found the fallout with platinum medal hilarious. But again, I sort of fell out of keeping up with it until the 2013-2014 season where I discovered Yuzu. I took to Yuzu because he spoke my language (beautiful jumps and charisma to boot), but I was not as invested as I am now, so the feeling is different.  And he is a unique case because even though he is Oly champ I've been invested for 4 years again. I've never been invested that long for a reigning champ. So on some level, knowing he already has an Olympic Gold brings me some level of comfort compared to if he didn't have one at all. And seeing him deliver like he did in Helsinki in person also takes a little of the edge off.  Doesn't mean I don't want him to get another gold of course and with two magestic performances on back to back nights in the men's event. But yeah, this is uncharted territory for me despite all my years of watching and having favorites.  

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13 hours ago, MrPudding said:


Guys watch from 09.16 and onwards! You'd forget that he's the champion and world record holder. He's just too adorable :knc_yuzu2: confused-fluffy-jumping-swan! :13877886:

The result of watching this vid..."We should totally invite Medvedeva to this planet....she's totally a Fanyu....then we can get sneak peeks and stuff..." Then it occured to me, what if she's already joined, or secretly lurks here....?


Do we have any facepalming emotes for Brian and Tracy? That's appropriate for any layout memes we throw around here...

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Sorry for suddenly being:offtopic:, but I remember someone posting about a post in Facebook about two guys playing piano and suddenly there is this part that resembles Hope and Legacy. I just...want to correct that it was actually from a song called "For the Love of A Princess" from a movie called "Braveheart".


Sorry if this is really OOT!:text-line-smiley-002:

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5 hours ago, Hydroblade said:




                                                   was that a 4A ?                                



             :knc_brian2:           :knc_tracy2:




                                                                                          Hehehe I landed it with +3 GOE








Its not an emoji but it suits the reply :10636614:


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