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1 minute ago, Figure_Frenzy said:


Well yeah, that's what I exactly meant with Sherman's BBQ 😏apologies for using such an oblique reference 💀🔥🔥


Now the real issue is how to realize this beyond mere venting on the internet. We know that the IOC could push the regulatory body of a sport to...well...regulate (and in this case) reorganize if they are found to not be able to do so. It's just that, it would take too long if we have to rely on IOC to change things up 一 there has to be a quicker way even if only relatively speaking 💀


At least for now, we'll have to keep the heat on by keeping on talking about how ridiculous the current judging situation is 💀, and inform other people (casual FS watchers for instance) the importance of fair FS scoring (and the gnarly consequences if this kind of judging shenanigans is left unchecked). That's all I have from the top of my head for now...

Lol, I'm sorry! 😂😅. Total miss there...I know Dick Button called them out once...and well...look what happened after...honestly, more coaches amd retired skaters have to be the ones. The current athletes have too much to lose-in any country. ISU has proven they dont care about anything beyond money and shading dealings.

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49 minutes ago, Yuzurella said:


And yet Yuzu got his second Olympic gold medal against all odds.


I seriously don't get it. What could possibly be the ISU's reasoning to push out established skaters with large fan bases? Any other sports federation would thank the universe for having athletes who successfully compete over many years and are very popular. After all, they are the ones who draw in people and money.


The ISU should worship the ground Yuzu walks on and send prayers of thanks to the universe for giving them such a unique, precious star in Yuzu. Instead, they treat him like dirt. I wonder if they're really so delusional and disengaged from reality that they seriously believe that once Yuzu should decide to leave, they will continue to have as many people who are willing to pay all that money and go to watch competitions.


I feel like they realize that figure skating is a sport where athletes have a generally short "lifespan", and they're trying to find a way to replace him with someone else before he retires naturally?? They're trying to hold on to the money but instead just pushing it further away. 

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1 hour ago, yuzuangel said:

I've been thinking, after seeing how Yuzu has been treated and even other olympic champions like Plushenko, Yuna Kim....why would any Olympic Champion continue skating after winning in the future? It is clear message, don't even try....


I know this sounds glib (so apologies in advance) but I got why they did that to Yuna, but Plush?? Someone from the powerful Rusfed?? Got shafted???


Like, fine, I get that not everyone in Rusfed favored Plush, but hell, imagine* the kind of intrigue that ended up getting you shafted like that...


*no not really, I don't wanna imagine, just taking a peep on the revealed Rusfed drama nowadays is already exhausting my emotional state 💀

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1 minute ago, hananistellata said:

I think that what the ISU is trying to do is replace Yuzuru with their faves and push him as far away as possible from the gold to make him look like he is no good any longer and maybe result in him retiring.


What they probably don't realise (even though it's obvious to the naked eye) is that despite the bribing that feds make, Yuzuru is the one that brings in all the money. When Yuzuru eventually retires I undoubtedly think that ISU will lead it's own way to bankruptcy and will realise that no fed money will be able to top what Yuzuru has brought to the sport.


But in the end, Yuzuru will remain a historical skater. No matter how hard anyone tries, they will never be able to fabricate what he has offered to the sport. Even if they somehow find another man to get as many achievements as Yuzuru did, that man will never top Yuzuru Hanyu. He is the one and only GOAT of the sport.

That said faves they trying to push..i believe will retire after winning the olympic.So its their lost...

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14 minutes ago, hananistellata said:

I think that what the ISU is trying to do is replace Yuzuru with their faves and push him as far away as possible from the gold to make him look like he is no good any longer and maybe result in him retiring.


What they probably don't realise (even though it's obvious to the naked eye) is that despite the bribing that feds make, Yuzuru is the one that brings in all the money. When Yuzuru eventually retires I undoubtedly think that ISU will lead it's own way to bankruptcy and will realise that no fed money will be able to top what Yuzuru has brought to the sport.


But in the end, Yuzuru will remain a historical skater. No matter how hard anyone tries, they will never be able to fabricate what he has offered to the sport. Even if they somehow find another man to get as many achievements as Yuzuru did, that man will never top Yuzuru Hanyu. He is the one and only GOAT of the sport.

After years and years of bullshittery, I'm starting to think that they really don't care about the money Yuzu brings in. Sure, they do in the sense that they'll milk him for all he's worth until he retires, but the feds probably bring in a lot more than we know. Either that or they have some flawed logic that Yuzu will retire eventually, but feds won't.


The two main audiences for figure skating right now are Japan and Russia. I think that figure skating will remain popular in Japan even after Yuzu retires (I think ice shows sell out regardless of whether or not he's in it), but Russia seems to give off US vibes, where the general public only really cares about the sport when they're dominating. I remember figure skating regularly being broadcasted here in the US in the early 2000's when Sasha Cohen and Michelle Kwan were competing, but it pretty much fizzled out once the ladies retired. The US is now trying to re-create that with Nathan, and honestly, props to him for being so technically proficient and consistent, but guess what, he's pretty much won everything this entire quad and no one here still cares about figure skating or has even heard of him. Meanwhile, as long as Russia dominates skating, it will be popular in Russia, which means more money. They can't fizzle out the way the US did.


What I think they don't understand is the worldwide appeal Yuzu has. He has enough charisma to attract people from all over the world to watch him skate. I'm mainly talking about the US, but the feds themselves can benefit from his popularity and can make figure skating popular in their own country, but since they're so obsessed with needing it to be someone from their own country, they'd rather miss out on a diamond, who has a natural, authentic charm and doesn't need it to be manufactured for him. Yuzu himself was inspired by Plushenko, who isn't Japanese, and grew up to be a legend. Yuzu can inspire others, too, if they stop pulling him down at every opportunity to prop up their own.

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57 minutes ago, Figure_Frenzy said:


I know this sounds glib (so apologies in advance) but I got why they did that to Yuna, but Plush?? Someone from the powerful Rusfed?? Got shafted???


Like, fine, I get that not everyone in Rusfed favored Plush, but hell, imagine* the kind of intrigue that ended up getting you shafted like that...


*no not really, I don't wanna imagine, just taking a peep on the revealed Rusfed drama nowadays is already exhausting my emotional state 💀

If you don't wanna imagine, I'll put one method under spoiler.


I read that ISU had a video to instruct future judges just before 2010 Olympics, which, while it was forbidden in their rules to use examples of skaters still competing, featured Plushenko, saying his programs had become empty to allow for his quads, and it had to be acknowledged in PCS. This seems to have been in order to give PCS advantage to Lysacek, who won.

The irony that only years after, and while the scoring principles were the same, they started showering Nathan Chen's then completely empty programs with undeserved PCS "because he was jumping a lot of quads"...


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5 minutes ago, citrusjunos said:

After years and years of bullshittery, I'm starting to think that they really don't care about the money Yuzu brings in. Sure, they do in the sense that they'll milk him for all he's worth until he retires, but the feds probably bring in a lot more than we know. Either that or they have some flawed logic that Yuzu will retire eventually, but feds won't.


The two main audiences for figure skating right now are Japan and Russia. I think that figure skating will remain popular in Japan even after Yuzu retires (I think ice shows sell out regardless of whether or not he's in it), but Russia seems to give off US vibes, where the general public only really cares about the sport when they're dominating. I remember figure skating regularly being broadcasted here in the US in the early 2000's when Sasha Cohen and Michelle Kwan were competing, but it pretty much fizzled out once the ladies retired. The US is now trying to re-create that with Nathan, and honestly, props to him for being so technically proficient and consistent, but guess what, he's pretty much won everything this entire quad and no one here still cares about figure skating or has even heard of him. Meanwhile, as long as Russia dominates skating, it will be popular in Russia, which means more money. They can't fizzle out the way the US did.


What I think they don't understand is the worldwide appeal Yuzu has. He has enough charisma to attract people from all over the world to watch him skate. I'm mainly talking about the US, but the feds themselves can benefit from his popularity and can make figure skating popular in their own country, but since they're so obsessed with needing it to be someone from their own country, they'd rather miss out on a diamond, who has a natural, authentic charm and doesn't need it to be manufactured for him. Yuzu himself was inspired by Plushenko, who isn't Japanese, and grew up to be a legend. Yuzu can inspire others, too, if they stop pulling him down at every opportunity to prop up their own.

Thats what i been thinking.I dont think they care about the money Yuzuru bring in.As long as big fed like Russia and US dominating they get their money.They don't care about popularizing the sport globally..Regarding Nathan winning everything but still have not popularize the sport in the US ..i think thats why they are bank in for him to win the Olympic.They are hoping with an olympic champion status maybe then he will be able to do that


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1 minute ago, hananistellata said:

Honestly it looks like the only thing that could save this sport now is just a whole new organization, like someone who could compete with the ISU but of course there is no way any new governing body would become succesful in such a short amount of time, or probably in general.


Basically this sport is doomed. Can't we go back to skating on frozen lakes for the aesthetics? That would be ten times better than whatever is going on now.

Honestly, I'd be down for an HSU (Hanyu Skating Union) :laughing:


Once his thesis was revealed, I had actually imagined him hosting smaller, local competitions as one of his pet projects after retirement, using AI as a judge.

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4 minutes ago, hananistellata said:

I've had that thought too but I thought that maybe it was a but unrealistic so I didn't really mention it. :tumblr_inline_mg16f1RxCn1qdlkyg:

It could be quite successful if he tried it but I think the ISU has a whole separate rule of not allowing people to compete at their competitions if they have taken place in non ISU competitons so that would probably be an obstacle.

Oh, for sure. Even if there wasn't already a rule, I think they'd make one just for that. I think it is pretty unrealistic, since there won't be any incentives for young skaters to join, but hey, I can dream. It's the only way to stay sane nowadays :laughing:

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57 minutes ago, KendallKlaire said:

So this is going to be a dumb question... but what is the most solid evidence that the ISU is pushing Yuzu out? Or how the JSF has mistreated Yuzu? 


Not doubting or anything since something seems odd, but genuinely curious!

So. Factual sources are hard for me to dredge up. But here is a link on some things/reasons-take with a grain of salt. These are things I have heard and seen spread around. Sources are another matter...but then again, who ever goes on record to say? Some is observation of differing treatment and draw conclusions as we do with the ISU.




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1 minute ago, hananistellata said:

True, dreams and imagination are the only two things keep me going recently (also including Yuzu of course). :laughing:

I hope that whatever Yuzuru choses to do after his retirement makes him happy, it's what he deserves. A happy Yuzuru is worth more than every gold medal in the world for me.

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What if we get to see Yuzuru as the president of the ISU one day? What are the requirements? :hihi:


I actually would rather Yuzu stay out of ISU politics completely. I don't think you can be in any important position in the ISU without being corrupt though, so I guess he's immediately disqualified :laughing:

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Yuzu won't mess with ISU.  He's destined to mentor younger skaters and then become Prime Minister of Japan.


Also - there is speculation that the US will boycott the Beijing Olympics because of the massive human rights abuses (the Uyghurs) and their horrific destruction of Hong Kong's independence and democracy while threatening Taiwan.  And incursions into the So China Sea.  Wouldn't it be something (and really sad for the athletes) of we did boycott? 

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