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54 minutes ago, rockstaryuzu said:

But I  like the energy  of his "Hobbies: None"

It hilarious isn't it? I love it! Hobbies: NONE! :LOL: (....but of course! as if Yuzuru would even bother with HOBBIES !!) Oh I love him!  I can hear Javi saying  "Yuzuru is a mystery and he'll stay a mystery because he hasn't got ANY Hobbies!! NONE at all!"  NONE is so mysterious...

(ummm ... Yuzu, heads up,  we KNOW you love earphones music and gaming, sweetheart :english1:


(Kazuki says his hobbies are : ramen chasing!! and shoe polishing!! I love him too!)

Nam's are interesting as well! I think they all had a conflab about how to give us all a laugh on bio update day!


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1 hour ago, Kadova said:

That's mean. Imho, you should say I hop he fails rather than falling and maybe get an injury. Karma may come back at you

You bolded statements of mine that I DID NOT BOLD. You edited MY comment.  And I sure didn't say I hope he gets injured.  Why would I want any athlete to get an injury?  Yes, I hope he is unable to get inflated, overinflated scores.  If that means he does what almost every other skater has done in competition, including Yuzu - and it's cost him Gold, i.e. fall.  I do not want any athlete, or anyone for that matter, injured.  Or for them to get sick at this competition.  I don't dislike NC - I just hate seeing him getting overscored.  And I'm not worried about Karma.  I've had multiple serious falls and a lifetime of broken bones, rods, pins, screws and chronic pain. Clearly, I would never wish that on anyone.

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53 minutes ago, barbara said:

You bolded statements of mine that I DID NOT BOLD. You edited MY comment.  And I sure didn't say I hope he gets injured.  Why would I want any athlete to get an injury?  Yes, I hope he is unable to get inflated, overinflated scores.  If that means he does what almost every other skater has done in competition, including Yuzu - and it's cost him Gold, i.e. fall.  I do not want any athlete, or anyone for that matter, injured.  Or for them to get sick at this competition.  I don't dislike NC - I just hate seeing him getting overscored.  And I'm not worried about Karma.  I've had multiple serious falls and a lifetime of broken bones, rods, pins, screws and chronic pain. Clearly, I would never wish that on anyone.

Sorry dear, I bolded the part I was answering to. And it looks like the admins agree with me. Let's say you just had a bad moment. Everyone can have a bad moment. No worry.

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57 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

on another note, would anyone be interested if we stream worlds, so wouldn't have to give ISU views.



I don't know. I'm torn. Not about you streaming it, because I love every chance I get to go against the ISU, but my hypocrisy would still be very much there and my conscious would still be tainted :14066882: 

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58 minutes ago, Kadova said:

Sorry dear, I bolded the part I was answering to. And it looks like the admins agree with me. Let's say you just had a bad moment. Everyone can have a bad moment. No worry.

Sorry/not sorry,  I understand that it was not "sportsmanlike" to write what I did, but I was likely putting into words what so many of us are thinking in our heads.  I will not make any more comments about this or NC or falling or Worlds or probably anything else on this thread for a while.  If you or the admins had an issue, perhaps a DM rather than a public shaming would have been a better, kinder way.

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I also abhor NC's blatant overscoring.

And then he came out and complained about the 4L having the same score as 4Lz....

I truly hope Yuzu gets the scores he deserves for his skates, and that NC and every other skater does as well, for their SP and FS...

No justice, no peace

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It's fine if no one likes the over scoring, so long as no one actually hates the skater. Not their fault judges are corrupt.


At this point I"m just biting my nails about this whole competition. It seems far too risky to have gone through with it, but well...corruption. 🤷

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I like NC as a nice, well educated, hard working athlete who always shows outmost respect for Yuzuru. Imo, he is one person we should thank for pushing Yuzuru skate in competitions after PyangCheong. 

BUT I despise how he is being overscored by ISU. This is very unfair on not only Yuzuru but other competitors as well. This is not his fault, yes, but we are human. Under the current biased and corrupt ISU scoring, there is only one way that he will not be "gifted" the 1st place even if Yuzuru skates perfectly clean: if he commits a serious mistake or falls.


Let's not be naive, because ISU is NOT. They have proven that they are corrupt (2002 Winter Olympics couples scandal) and they have proven that they are biased (2018 PyeongChang Ladies Scandal). Now they are polishing Nathan as their new pet to fill the stadiums after Yuzuru,  trying to "create" a new legend, a new idol who will make thousands follow ice skating. They couldn't care less about just and fair.


[admin edit]

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2 hours ago, Kat said:

It's fine if no one likes the over scoring, so long as no one actually hates the skater. Not their fault judges are corrupt.



We are mere humans, we have feelings, we have eyes and we can see the bias. We love and we hate, that is what fans do in any sports on this planet. We cheer and we boo watching football, tennis, handball, baseball and no one gets offended by it, right? We root for our faves and hope for their victory, and of course for the failing of their oponents, it would be impossible any other way. Some well financed parts of media  and sns try to insult our intelligence by making us believe whom we should root for and that our eyes and knowledge betrade us and they (those parts) are the only ones to show us the right way and to point to the chosen one to support. So people choose to rebel and stand up for their own preferences. Some get quite infuriated (like myself sometimes) and phrase their thoughts accordingly. I think it`s ok. We should not feel intimidated for the way we feel or think because it`s not in compliance with some powerful media or sns streams. They are not intimdated by the good old common sense and do their tricks proping whom they have been instructed to, so no big deal. May I remind you hat we applaud and boo even at classy opera and concerts, so dont be shy to let it out of your chest, guys. At least here. I think we are very polite and too kind to those who insult our intelligence and feelings. And biased scoring is not just judges fault. Biased judges, favored athlete and media support are all in the same bed together, let`s not fool ourselves!

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I have mixed feelings. I can't watch NC because of the overhyping, but I don't like or dislike him, just indifferent. What he achieves or not achieves does not concern me.


At this point in Yuzu's career, I am personally zen about whether he gets one more World title. If Yuzu wins only because NC falls, the narrative won't change much and the haters will discredit his win. Yuzu himself probably doesn't like this kind of winning either. Therefore, my dream scenario is where Yuzu skates perfectly, smashes the world record and takes the title, how NC skates doesn't matter. Whether this is possible with the current scoring trend is another issue.


The case will be different for Beijing Olympics. I will shamelessly root for Yuzu to skate well and his opponents to fall. (no injuries or sickness though) :yucky:

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