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Alexei Mishin strikes again. He gave a long interview I'd translate, but I know it'll appear in fsuniverse anyway. I'll just give the fragment concerning Yuzuru 



Q: What prevents us from developing such powerful male skaters as Yuzuru Hanyu, as other top men of FS? 

A.M:  We have lots of girls and few boys now. If we consider any beginner groups, the ratio of girls and boys is 8 to 2. The competition between girls is much higher and they show progress thanks to that. But if one should think dialectically (LOL), all the processes in the nature have a fluctuating character. Where's that invincible British school of dances with Towler and Ford as its leaders? Where are Swiss Schwarz and Danzer? Where's a French Calmat? Where's a Czech Nepela? An American Peggy Fleming? I suggest we don't panic and we understand that such unique creatures as Hanyu whose magical combination of chromosomes provided him with the fantastic body and agility coupled  with stunning commitment to hard work are once a century phenomenon.


It's all genes, folks, it's all genes... even hard work is in the genes. 

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16 minutes ago, Fay said:

I suggest we don't panic and we understand that such unique creatures as Hanyu whose magical combination of chromosomes provided him with the fantastic body and agility coupled  with stunning commitment to hard work are once a century phenomenon.


It's all genes, folks, it's all genes... even hard work is in the genes. 


Bless him and his genes. No one can be the 'next' Yuzuru Hanyu. :joy:unless its his own child we're talking about here.. :rofl:

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1 час назад, kaerb сказал:

it's the best but the best along the hilariously-ugly-awesome line. Then again, I've been laughing over figure skating faces (and just general sports photography) for years. Utmost respect, of course, but also....... :68468287: :68468287: :68468287:

Well, I almost made it a rule not to make photos during spins or jumps (only landings maybe) cuz faces :facepalm:


1 час назад, kaerb сказал:

Usually with sports photography you end up with a ridiculous amount of frames because it's so hard to get them in the right moment that you just set it on machine gun fire and pray :68468287: 

That's totally me! :68468287:

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31 minutes ago, Fay said:

I suggest we don't panic and we understand that such unique creatures as Hanyu whose magical combination of chromosomes provided him with the fantastic body and agility coupled  with stunning commitment to hard work are once a century phenomenon.


Magical genes happen often, I think, but the combination of a genetic strenght plus mental strenght, a spirit that always pushes forward to change, to transform itself - that's pretty unusual. I 100% agree with him when he puts Yuzuru to the same level of some of the greatest geniuses of human history. 

I feel so happy when Yuzuru's uniqueness gets recognized. A lot of people in the FS world can't even bring themselves to accept that, and see reality for what it is. 

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36 minutes ago, Fay said:

Alexei Mishin strikes again. He gave a long interview I'd translate, but I know it'll appear in fsuniverse anyway. I'll just give the fragment concerning Yuzuru 



Q: What prevents us from developing such powerful male skaters as Yuzuru Hanyu, as other top men of FS? 

A.M:  We have lots of girls and few boys now. If we consider any beginner groups, the ratio of girls and boys is 8 to 2. The competition between girls is much higher and they show progress thanks to that. But if one should think dialectically (LOL), all the processes in the nature have a fluctuating character. Where's that invincible British school of dances with Towler and Ford as its leaders? Where are Swiss Schwarz and Danzer? Where's a French Calmat? Where's a Czech Nepela? An American Peggy Fleming? I suggest we don't panic and we understand that such unique creatures as Hanyu whose magical combination of chromosomes provided him with the fantastic body and agility coupled  with stunning commitment to hard work are once a century phenomenon.


It's all genes, folks, it's all genes... even hard work is in the genes. 

I actually don't mind this, as long as he recognizes Yuzu's awesomeness and it's true that he is "once a century phenomenon" :10636614:

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Many commentators have said Yuzu's body seems to make him ideal to figure skating, because of his soft landings (Kurt goes on and on about his back too lol), but it's a combination of that with Yuzu's unrelenting commitment to training, his work ethic and beliefs that have made everything work together. 


Edit: This is worlds better than Mishin going on about Yuzu's flexibility making him fall all the time. 

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Hello, everyone,

It is my first comment in this site.

The first, please forgive my bad english. Normally, I comment on Japanese site.

It is really great joy that there are so many Yuzuru's fan all over the world.

I want to share my feeling for great skater,Yuzuru with you in this site.

First of all, so many thanks for the person to creat Planet Hanyu Forum.

I became Yuzuru's fan since 2012 Yuzuru got bronze medal in world championship.

Now, I became his fan passionately.:heart:

In new year for skate, let me support him together and pray for his performance.:0006:

Sometime I want to visit this site.  See you soon, everyone:smiley-love017:    


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1 hour ago, Yukiko Sakae said:

Hello, everyone,

It is my first comment in this site.

The first, please forgive my bad english. Normally, I comment on Japanese site.

It is really great joy that there are so many Yuzuru's fan all over the world.

I want to share my feeling for great skater,Yuzuru with you in this site.

First of all, so many thanks for the person to creat Planet Hanyu Forum.

I became Yuzuru's fan since 2012 Yuzuru got bronze medal in world championship.

Now, I became his fan passionately.:heart:

In new year for skate, let me support him together and pray for his performance.:0006:

Sometime I want to visit this site.  See you soon, everyone:smiley-love017:    


ようこそPlanet Hanyuへ! Your English is great ( : 

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AJPS, which stands for association japonaise de la press sportive (Japan sports related press association ) recently has an issue of magazine out in which they chose a list of top ten super star athletes who moves them....and Yuzu is chosen as number 2 right after Christian Ronaldo !

You can click on the link to download the PDF, in which they praised Yuzu so much for his artisitic expression and unique performance skill on ice which is so rare in Japanese people... All the while delivering the atheltic aspect of the sport! They basically think he is  an idol on and off ice and with no enemy other than himself!:joy:


Edit: I added the pictures of pages that contained Yuzu!


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17 minutes ago, AsteroidB-612 said:

Edit: I added the pictures of pages that contained Yuzu!


The portrait of him is a beautiful photo, and how great is it for him to be in the company of names like Ronaldo at such a young age ; u ; (their description is not wrong either lol).


The photo of the slide (what's the official name?) on the other hand........I said this for the person who took this photo of Evgenia too but like........why would you take the photo from that angle. W H Y. You've given him a double chin and failed to show off the move:anger:

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