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29 分ぐらい, yuzuthebest said:



RE: "Winnie the Pooh":POOH: Hairband 

According to this twitter, this hairband looks like the one

that Yuzu wore last night at FaOI in Niigata.

But it's on sale only at "Tokyo Disney Resorts" !!

The price is ¥2,990 (tax included).



It's also available on Amazon.

But alas, it's out of stock!!! 

https://www.amazon.co.jp/ヘアバンド-プーさん-ディズニー-くまのプーさん-ディズニーリゾート限定/dp/B071CL6WWY/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1497880173&sr=8-1&keywords=プーさん ヘアバンド


Most probably available on Ebay as well.  Anyone wish to check it?

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43 分ぐらい, kaerb said:

Okay, since I already almost finished the Ep 2 translation of Kenji's Room, I went ahead and finished it so I can sleep well at night :10636614:

  • He kind of gets tired here so there were swathes of conversation where he rolled his words together and then just like...stopped making noises at the end of his words LOL I still can't quite catch some of it so I'm sorry for that!


Great job done!!  

If you can identify the parts you cannot catch well, like "from 0:00 to x:xx".  I might be able to help it. :)

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18 minutes ago, sister555 said:


Great job done!!  

If you can identify the parts you cannot catch well, like "from 0:00 to x:xx".  I might be able to help it. :)

Thank you, that would be brilliant - there were many parts where I was like ??? and typing phonetic sounds into Google translate and getting nothing haha. I'll do it tomorrow morning ( :

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38 分ぐらい, kaerb said:

Thank you, that would be brilliant - there were many parts where I was like ??? and typing phonetic sounds into Google translate and getting nothing haha. I'll do it tomorrow morning ( :


Hahaha.  Most probably phonetic trial will only bring poor results in Japanese, which has so many homonyms (although intonation may vary).

I'll be expecting your post tomorrow!!  :D

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1 hour ago, Danibellerika said:


Well, I for one am infuriated.  That's two extra days I gotta stay in town or near town or wherever for these festivities.  I wanted to travel to Japan or Hong Kong after the men's was over. And I was not looking to try to camp out in the bitter cold to get a decent view (because you KNOW that's what's going to happen with it being so close to Japan) >:(>:(>:(>:(:hachimaki::hachimaki::hachimaki:

I thought the tickets for the medal events were more expensive because we'd actually get to see the medal ceremony at the same time?


Was it like this in other Olympics as well? Nevertheless, it's kinda sucks for the audience grrrr.


Though I wonder if this is preferable for the athletes? 


It'd help though if they could do it on the same day at least. 

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6 分ぐらい, katonice said:

Was it like this in other Olympics as well? Nevertheless, it's kinda sucks for the audience grrrr.


Though I wonder if this is preferable for the athletes? 


It'd help though if they could do it on the same day at least. 


I hear they will present "flower ceremony" after Men's FS.


Most probably the reason they (Sochi and PyeongChang) want to hold a medal ceremony another day is for financial purpose.

After all they need so much money.

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8 minutes ago, katonice said:

I thought the tickets for the medal events were more expensive because we'd actually get to see the medal ceremony at the same time?


Was it like this in other Olympics as well? Nevertheless, it's kinda sucks for the audience grrrr.


Though I wonder if this is preferable for the athletes? 


It'd help though if they could do it on the same day at least. 

Sochi was the first one to do this.  As for medal events, there is the flower ceremony at least.  I think athletes probably want their medals right away.  I know I'd be itching for it.  On the other hand, if you're upset about your finish maybe you have time to collect yourself to not look too depressed on the podium. But still a medal occasion is supposed to be a happy one for all. 


And I can definitely see money being a reason to drag this out. I would have to stay an extra day each time, so that's money there.  You have to actually PAY for the ticket, so that's money there (though nominal). Like, this is way too expensive for me to go to the event and maybe not even see the medals.  

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@Hydroblade reading your post made me feel so warm inside. Once again I want to thank you and all other admins for creating this place and making it so friendly, easy to use and beautiful. I just can't express it well enough how much I love this forum and what it has been for me :thankyou: I used to think forums were an outdated concept but woah, they really are not. This one is immense fun :bliss-smiley:

I have learnt so much here thanks to everyone. Not only about Yuzu but also about everything else. I can finally tell all the jumps apart thanks to everyone's explanations ( couldn't figure it out for years), which makes watching fs 100000 times more interesting and exciting. I have discovered so many wonderful pieces of music thanks to our music discussion thread... And most importantly, I can't stop smiling whenever I visit the forum, it gives me so much positive energy. The overall positive and friendly atmosphere here just makes me so so happy. 

Our streaming parties have definitely been the highlights of this month for me, it has been so much fun and I feel like they allowed us to sort of bond and get to know each other better. I am very much looking forward to more streaming parties with all of you :grouphug: 


Oh god, now I'm all emotional again   

Long live this Planet :smiley-happy105:


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8 hours ago, kaeryth said:



After all this time Episode 2 of Kenji's room has been posted! :10636614:

Anyone can give bullet points? Seems he's professing his love of axels.


ETA: Seems like they're talking about jumps? Hopefully someone can translate :tumblr_inline_mg15qnUpxW1qdlkyg:


25:28 to 25:54...

We should bookmark it for when we get the news of his FP. I... I am not sure how to translate it haha (someone pls help, i can't put it into english) and weeeell... he did say that Olys isn't his ultimate aim (which is what he's saying here? That he's/was "aiming for PyeongChang"?) recently but i don't think the feeling has changed too much from what he was saying here in the timestamp i wrote.

(Also i have a lot of feelings about the entire video but again my curse of "i get almost everything but i can't translate" strikes again and i don't want to make mistakes lololo. 

I'm just going to say again that i love the way he speaks, and i looooooove the way he speaks here. And i get the feeling that you can see that he really is an introvert, hard to explain x3)

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3 hours ago, Floria said:

This tweet seems to be about  GPF related TV program to be aired on 20th of June.



Yep, "Figure skating legend programs", they will air Yuzu GPF? Not sure which ones since it's a 15 min long thing... Since it's short we could comment it here if you guys want to :)? It's on BS Asahi 2, in about uuh... 7 hours?

5 hours ago, Dara said:

One of the photos was scanned. Thanks to that kind fan!




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35 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

25:28 to 25:54...

We should bookmark it for when we get the news of his FP. I... I am not sure how to translate it haha (someone pls help, i can't put it into english) and weeeell... he did say that Olys isn't his ultimate aim (which is what he's saying here? That he's/was "aiming for PyeongChang"?) recently but i don't think the feeling has changed too much from what he was saying here in the timestamp i wrote.

(Also i have a lot of feelings about the entire video but again my curse of "i get almost everything but i can't translate" strikes again and i don't want to make mistakes lololo. 

I'm just going to say again that i love the way he speaks, and i looooooove the way he speaks here. And i get the feeling that you can see that he really is an introvert, hard to explain x3)

Love his hair!!  

What year was this taped? And, please forgive my ignorance, but is this host Kenji? Is this a daily/weekly show?

I have watched an interview with them before. Maybe it was part 1. 

He seems to have a lot of respect for Yuzu, which is wonderful to see. 

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1 時間前, Hydroblade said:

25:28 to 25:54...

We should bookmark it for when we get the news of his FP. I... I am not sure how to translate it haha (someone pls help, i can't put it into english) and weeeell... he did say that Olys isn't his ultimate aim (which is what he's saying here? That he's/was "aiming for PyeongChang"?) recently but i don't think the feeling has changed too much from what he was saying here in the timestamp i wrote.


Well Hydroblade, have you checked kaerb's post?  I wonder if the above part was not included in her translation, because she said she had some points which were hard to catch.  She said she will clarify the parts (timestamps) her "tomorrow morning".


Meanwhile could you check kaerb's translation of Episode 2 she has just uploaded, if you have not yet done so?  Because the above part might well have been translated by kaerb.  Thanks!! :)

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