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11 minutes ago, GreatLakesGal said:

Yuzu would be fine doing Carmina Burana.


One Winged Angel?  Can't imagine it.





The beginning for OWA is a bit frantic, but I think it settles in better later. But the beginning IS where you gotta establish the character which can be riskier.  I'm still partial to Omnis myself for this reason (though I am a party of one, I know :headdesk:) because it doesn't really require a character to live up to.  But I think Yuzu can pull it off if he is committed and if it has the right type of choreography.   

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On 6/9/2017 at 4:13 AM, Anony said:

Meanwhile, I dreamt he skated to something from Fatal Frame :laughing:. He doesn't seem like a horror game person tho so I think you're safe also I never got out of lurking in GS so... from this at least, can't say about One-Winged Angel I lowkey support that idea, yes Yuzuru DO IT 

I wouldn't mind Scars of Time from Chrono Cross.  But I think it'd be better as a short to avoid being repetitive. I actually think this could be a good one for Jason. Could revive his Riverdancy mojo a little. 


On 6/9/2017 at 4:34 AM, Yoa said:

He has wings on his new blades...  Swan lake? Black swan? those blades are also black... Other bird-related program? Or maybe like mentioned before one-winged angel?



You are right but doesn't have have to do with his name? 


ETA: I love that this board automatically merges posts when you double post!  

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As much as I love Final Fantasy, I can't picture Yuzu and One-Winged Angel together. Like idk I don't think it fits??? 

The music possibilities scare me so much I'd rather have Seimei 2.0 at this point :243: 


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On 6/9/2017 at 4:36 AM, Danibellerika said:

I wouldn't mind Scar's of Time from Chrono Cross.  But I think it'd be better as a short to avoid being repetitive. 

Generally speaking, if he wants to do something from a video game wouldn't a medley work better anyway? Then he'll have tons of options :laughing:


:offtopic2:The Chrono series makes me sad sometimes. I loved Chrono Trigger as a kid so much and rediscovered my copy of Cross a little over a year ago, whatever happened to Chrono Break still makes me bitter... yes I know it's been over a decade.

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20 minutes ago, Danibellerika said:

I wouldn't mind Scar's of Time from Chrono Cross.  But I think it'd be better as a short to avoid being repetitive. 


You are right but doesn't have have to do with his name? 

Yes, it has. But he also recently chose kanji for "to soar". Yuzu is extra so it wouldn't surprise me if everything was on purpose 

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:68556365:         There are 2 types of 'Yuzu-Maru'          :68556365:


According to this twitter, apart from this terribly cute

'Yuzu-Maru' who's the character of Yuzuruha Shrine 

in charge of conveying your letter of wishes to the

God there, in fact there is another 'Yuzu-Maru' who

has no HOLE where you can never insert any paper

/letter into :67512117:


Yes, it turns out that there're 2 types of 'Yuzu-Maru',

i.e.the one with a hole and the one without any hole !


So to say, Yuzu did dedicate the one with his letter

of wishes in to the Shrine and did bring home the

other one, the one without hole.


Also with the info from those chats in the twitter,

she herself confirmed that with an authority at the

Shrine in respect of the difference between the two

after realizing that there were 2 types of 'Yuzu-Maru'.


Then, she did the same thing as Yuzu did, bought the

one for the Shrine and the one for herself to pray at home.

She also showed her consideration for the others, by

buying some more the ones without hole for her friends

as she considered that it should be crowded particularly

when FaOI was going to be held soon in Kobe, not that

far from the Shrine due to the spread of this new fact.


Well, as a matter of fact, the other day there was a story

seen on a twitter about the popularity of Yuzu and so as 

'Yuzu-Maru'. It was about a Chinese fan who brought

back 3 shopping bags filled with 'Yuzu-Maru' !!!!!

She made a comment to someone who asked her to the

surprise of the quantity that there were so many Chinese

fans (more than 1,000.... Later she made a correction to

more than 10,000 in her twitter:laughing:, though) so those

Shrine's cute things are for them then.


For anyone who may haven't read yet about 'Yuzu-Maru',

please refer to the below details from the previous post.


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4 minutes ago, yuzuthebest said:




:68556365:         There are 2 types of 'Yuzu-Maru'          :68556365:


According to this twitter, apart from this terribly cute

'Yuzu-Maru' who's the character of Yuzuruha Shrine 

in charge of conveying your letter of wishes to the

God there, in fact there is another 'Yuzu-Maru' who

has no HOLE where you can never insert any paper

/letter into :67512117:


Yes, it turns out that there're 2 types of 'Yuzu-Maru',

i.e.the one with a hole and the one without any hole !


So to say, Yuzu did dedicate the one with his letter

of wishes in to the Shrine and did bring home the

other one, the one without hole.


Also with the info from those chats in the twitter,

she herself confirmed that with an authority at the

Shrine in respect of the difference between the two

after realizing that there were 2 types of 'Yuzu-Maru'.


Then, she did the same thing as Yuzu did, bought the

one for the Shrine and the one for herself to pray at home.

She also showed her consideration for the others, by

buying some more the ones without hole for her friends

as she considered that it should be crowded particularly

when FaOI was going to be held soon in Kobe, not that

far from the Shrine due to the spread of this new fact.


Well, as a matter of fact, the other day there was a story

seen on a twitter about the popularity of Yuzu and so as 

'Yuzu-Maru'. It was about a Chinese fan who brought

back 3 shopping bags filled with 'Yuzu-Maru' !!!!!

She made a comment to someone who asked her to the

surprise of the quantity that there were so many Chinese

fans (more than 1,000.... Later she made a correction to

more than 10,000 in her twitter:laughing:, though) so those

Shrine's cute things are for them then.


For anyone who may haven't read yet about 'Yuzu-Maru',

please refer to the below details from the previous post.



Thank you so much for giving us all these translations! ^_^

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1 hour ago, Danibellerika said:

You'll likely get your wish, though I don't really see why classical style video game music can't be skating music. I'll swear by Omnis and the Zanarkand theme till I die, not necessarily for him but for skating in general .  I would rather see people skating to new stuff than the same recycled pieces over and over again when there is perfectly suitable material elsewhere.

I'm not saying it can't be skating music, there are a lot of lovely pieces out there. But eeh is more of a personal thing I guess... I'd elaborate but I'd rather keep that to myself :) is just something I wouldn't like to see happening FOR YUZU. Anyone else skating to videogame or anime music is perfectly fine for me.

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I'm one of those who mentioned about a magazine which had assumed Carmina Burana and Tchaikovsky for his new programs.  And Ballad was chosen for his SP, and Shae-Lynn is the choreographer of Rika Hongo's SP last season, just IMO, Carmina might have been out.  No idea about Tchaikovsky.


As The Planets was one of my dreams, I'm a bit sorry as it was chosen for Jun.  Next my hope is Tristan & Isolde :10636614:


Kissing You is used for this film too.



But no one seems to be mentioning this music in GS :facepalm:



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"Yesterday(8.6.2017), a friend of this twitter went to

Yuzuruha Shrine and reported that you could ONLY

have for each person "


Even "Yuzu-Maru", there is a limit now :laughing:

I think because of his popularity, perhaps the Shrine

is about to face the problem of running short of "Yuzu-Maru" 

and is in time of trouble of how to make up for the shortage :laughing: 



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8 minutes ago, meoima said:

There is this girl who trains at CC: https://child-of-irony.tumblr.com/post/161593508817/somebody-just-tweeted-about-it-so-i-dont-have-to

She said this: "somebody on goldenskate already guessed Yuzu’s freeskate correctly. It’s eating me up not being able to tell them they are right, haha."


Anyone is still on Golden Skate to check all the guesses there? 


seimei has been guessed i think :xD:

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