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sallycinnamon said:
Altie said:
Sendai people seem to be very classy, judging by these two representative :smiley-love017:


Seriously, though, am I alone in thinking that Yuzuru and Shizuka have much in common in the way they behave ? A kind of charismatic restraint, eloquence and refined dignity they both share ?

I wonder if it's a cultural thing, or if it's just a Sendai rink thing (or if it's just in my head :D )


I noticed the refined dignitiy, too, but I don't know if it's a cultural thing or Sendai thing.


Oh sendai people is really cool. They getting things done quietly but not rushing things. And strong mentally. Very strong. When i'm study in sendai i have the chance viciting the place affected by tsunami, and it was a very special unforgettable moments for me. Until now, whenever i feel depressed, or slacking of, i will tru to remember them, and i will ashamed of my self for feeling weak ir not doing more- and then able to pick up my self.

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meoima said:
the50person said:
meoima said:
I love that Shizuka fought back the Nagoya group’s attack on Yuzuru with such little effort. She only tells the truth and it works. Not to mention she's the Olympic Champion and World Champion, her words weigh much more than others, she is not some skaters who only medalled at WC just once (Sorry I have to throw this shade, I can't help myself).

LOL your avatar helps in the shade throwing xD

Akiko and Kozuka are like: "Hanyu is blah, Shoma is great" 

Shizuka: "Hold my beer!


:clap: :clap: :clap:

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ummm ...so what did they do? (whispering)

Um... due to rules and respect I will not disclose names here, but things are like: in a competition in 2012, Yuzuru was having serious problems of stomach ache during an OP on ice rink, he was so painful at that time but the senpais just kept talking around themselves and no one to simply ask him if he was OK...and recently one "senpai" had commented on Yuzuru's Hope and Legacy, saying it was having flaws such as not skillful and no emotions (I totally cannot understand why because I am moved by this program every time), and there are also some more serious stuff...(better not to say here I am still afraid of what happened back in GoldenSkate)

However there are still good senpais to him such as Nobunari Oda, but a lot more were...


That's why sometimes I feel so bad for Yuzu. He is such an angelic person and treats everyone so nicely, but not everyone treat him nice in return.


:0 I didn't know about the 2012 thing. That's not good sportsmanship tbh

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yolo4a said:

Oh sendai people is really cool. They getting things done quietly but not rushing things. And strong mentally. Very strong. When i'm study in sendai i have the chance viciting the place affected by tsunami, and it was a very special unforgettable moments for me. Until now, whenever i feel depressed, or slacking of, i will tru to remember them, and i will ashamed of my self for feeling weak ir not doing more- and then able to pick up my self.


That's nice to hear :)

I went to Sendai in 1997 for Tanabata Matsuri - it's the only place in whole Japan where we actually befriended people. Well, people were super nice and polite everywhere we went, but there they were friendly.

When I think that I may have met a 3 years-old Yuzuru then 


Btw, perhaps we could make a pinned post for "how to donate for tsunami victims" on the forum ?

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meoima said:
the50person said:
meoima said:
I love that Shizuka fought back the Nagoya group’s attack on Yuzuru with such little effort. She only tells the truth and it works. Not to mention she's the Olympic Champion and World Champion, her words weigh much more than others, she is not some skaters who only medalled at WC just once (Sorry I have to throw this shade, I can't help myself).

LOL your avatar helps in the shade throwing xD

Akiko and Kozuka are like: "Hanyu is blah, Shoma is great" 

Shizuka: "Hold my beer!"




Got to love her!

And considering Akiko is promoting Shoma's perfect jumps, please, don't anyone even try to tell me Nagoya's PR machine isn't at full swing. It's only going to get messier. But props to Shizuka, I am so happy that Yuzuru has at least some people in his corner and that she is speaking out!

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Yatagarasu said:
Got to love her!

And considering Akiko is promoting Shoma's perfect jumps, please, don't anyone even try to tell me Nagoya's PR machine isn't at full swing. It's only going to get messier. But props to Shizuka, I am so happy that Yuzuru has at least some people in his corner and that she is speaking out!


Where has Akiko promoted Shoma's jump ? :scratch2:

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Yatagarasu said:




Got to love her!

And considering Akiko is promoting Shoma's perfect jumps, please, don't anyone even try to tell me Nagoya's PR machine isn't at full swing. It's only going to get messier. But props to Shizuka, I am so happy that Yuzuru has at least some people in his corner and that she is speaking out!



Yeah I'm so glad Yuzu's not fighting his battle alone, at least not as much as his starting days :cry:

But has Akiko actually verbally praised Shoma's jumps before? I can't seem to recall the exact moment she said that :shakehead:

Because if she actually did.. well then their PR game is getting way too obvious if they have to even go that far to stretch the truth >:(

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