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1 hour ago, Sombreuil said:

Skaters have more often than not reused programmes, especially during Olympic seasons - this is the norm, two new ones would be more unusual.

Thanks for your reply. Yes I know that many skaters use their programs on two seasons and for me that is fine. I was wondering could the quad era make many skaters reuse programs for three times like Yuzu is doing and what that would mean to figure skating in general. 

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4 minutes ago, Lyyli said:

Thanks for your reply. Yes I know that many skaters use their programs on two seasons and for me that is fine. I was wondering could the quad era make many skaters reuse programs for three times like Yuzu is doing and what that would mean to figure skating in general. 


Keep in mind that there's going to be a rule change post Olympics, with one jumping pass less, 30 seconds off the FS program length, GOEs scale widened and possibly the ceiling on PCS is going to be raised. We have to wait and see exactly what they'll decide but considering that, we're probably going to have a whole lot of adjustments come 2019 anyway.

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For Yuzu using Chopin 3.0, initially, I was surprised and confused as it was used for 2 seasons.

Then, up till now, the feelings in my minds are only ‘worried + positive + best wishes to Yuzu’. 


I feel worried as:

1) I understand that reusing Chopin is not an easy or even a difficult decision to be made by Yuzu (and his team)

2) that program has already been done to perfection, making it even more prefect may be huge baggage

3) gloom and doom expressed by many of his fans


Is this decision the most controversial one in recent years or his career so far??:party0035:


I am also very surprised that some/many of his fans even said that they feel ‘disappointed’ though I understand why they feel so.

To me, ‘disappointed’ is a word that never associates with Yuzu.


Though I feel worried, I also feel very POSITIVE for the ultimate result that Yuzu will get in this season. :heart: :SunFace:







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2 hours ago, swanbeau said:

i hope he brings back the waltz jump in the original chopin! :loveeyes: 


I have to say, this is the first time I'm seeing the original Chopin. 


The beginning of that Step Sequence gave me chills, and I had to cover my mouth. 
The thing he does at 2:25-2:27 is my new favourite thing. 


I can only imagine what an incredible masterpiece this will be, performed to perfection from a 23 year old Yuzuru Hanyu, with skating skills and transitions as polished and as ambitious as ever. 


Sorry not sorry this is probably going to become my favourite Short. I already know it. 

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2 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


I have to say, this is the first time I'm seeing the original Chopin. 


The beginning of that Step Sequence gave me chills, and I had to cover my mouth. 
The thing he does at 2:25-2:27 is my new favourite thing. 


I can only imagine what an incredible masterpiece this will be, performed to perfection from a 23 year old Yuzuru Hanyu, with skating skills and transitions as polished and as ambitious as ever. 


Sorry not sorry this is probably going to become my favourite Short. I already know it. 


Why aren't more people excited about this wonderful news? 

Tanoshimi 5000!

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 I will be fully behind the Chopin number again..especially if there's some new choreo/steps, costume... just so that it feels fresh. I don't want it to always be compared to the perfection that was already achieved, and i especially don't want the judges to do that. Bottom Line:  Whatever it takes for him to feel comfortable and compete well... use any advantage you can.

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Hace 7 horas, jinabee said:


depends on if he can get the 4lz stable in time. 4lz gives extra BV, as could the 4s3t, but if his lisfranc has healed, he's altered his technique to avoid re-injury and is confident he can land to combo in the second half consistently it's the better option. His 4lo is pretty stable and has good potential to get decent GOE, he gets good GoE on his 4t3t...it's a safe option that pays off. the 4lz is a risk and he's maybe a bit wary of 4s3t at this stage :P 

I'm always afraid of quad toe, that injury was so bad for Yuzu... i was at Boston at Worlds, i didnt know he had an injury at that time, but it was clear something wasn't right :confused: he was so tense, you can feel it! I dont want Yuzu risk his health again... its sad he didnt master the 4l-3t in the SP last season, but im sure if he is going for 4t-3t in the SP and two 4t in the FS is because his team is sure that is ok for his health! Im also confident he has learned to be more careful with his heath from that experience :snpeace:

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1 minute ago, Murieleirum said:


Why 5000? Is that an expression I don't know? xD


I wouldn't call it an expression, just a silly thing from ridiculous marketing strategies of making products sound new and improved and powerful by tacking numbers on the end of their names. Any random number in the thousands will do.


(It is very late and I need sleep.)

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3 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


I wouldn't call it an expression, just a silly thing from ridiculous marketing strategies of making products sound new and improved and powerful by tacking numbers on the end of their names. Any random number in the thousands will do.


(It is very late and I need sleep.)


:consoling2: I laughed at loud tho. 

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13 minutes ago, liv said:

 I will be fully behind the Chopin number again..especially if there's some new choreo/steps, costume... just so that it feels fresh. I don't want it to always be compared to the perfection that was already achieved, and i especially don't want the judges to do that. Bottom Line:  Whatever it takes for him to feel comfortable and compete well... use any advantage you can.


I am hoping for this and considering Jeff's unavailability, I am hopeful that by the time the program is actually done, there will be enough new touches, apart from the layout of course, to give it a fresh, new feel. It'll still hold the feeling of a 'supreme' program and be intimidating as it was suggested, but it'll also be just different enough to lessen the baggage that it holds. Fingers crossed :smile:

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20 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:

The thing he does at 2:25-2:27 is my new favourite thing. 

same. why did it initially got taken out tho? was it because it didnt fulfill the requirement for stsq anymore bc of rule change? :sadPooh: bc that means we have to say goodbye to that.... :smiley-sad016:

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