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12 minutes ago, katonice said:

CiONTU tickets are sold out (at least last that I checked). But not sure about the movie theatre tickets though. 


For the merch, I know I'm raring to buy some. But I guess none of us are worried about that part lol. 

Yeah, I was really alarmed when I heard about the 66 theaters. I can’t think of many stars out there who could fill that many seats on such short notice when the star isn’t even performing. If the theaters sell out, I think Yuzu will truly cement his God status and any potential backers for future projects will literally shower him in money, because this is literally INSANE! 

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3 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

I'm afraid all the Japanese young skaters put together, skating, wouldn't sell half as much as Yuzu just standing around doing nothing much.

:rofl:I'm not in Japan but I think people may accept anything just to see his face. 

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Just now, Gaby said:

Wheeew  , finally   I 'm able to  catch up with the  thread !  The folks who have dissected his  speech patterns : I'm your fan.:thanks: It was  the  most fascinating  read  for  me :)) It's  equally  as  exciting from  the linguistic  point  of  view,  especially  for the ones  who have  just started  their  first  baby steps  in  conquering  Japanese, and  from the    personal point  of  view.  It's  like another  layer  of  his extraordinarily   personality has  been added  for me . So    fascinating. 

Considering he's the reason why i finally decided to take formal lessons in japanese, i agree. The way he talks is amazing and you can get a lot from the way he speaks in different situations.

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The worries about 'will they sell out or will they not' are essentially groundless.  Since we know that part of the proceeds are going to help the earthquake victims who even after all these years may still not be in the same situation as before the quake, that alone will guarantee sellouts.  While the quake is distant news for those outside Japan we have to realize that the quake produced the most damage seen in Japan since World War II.  Also remember the damage was not so much from the quake itself (there was some, of course), the thing is Japanese building codes are the most rigorous in the world and after the Kobe quake several decades ago they were  strengthened even further.  The Japanese take earthquakes very seriously.  It was the tsunamis that really did the damage, though, leaving the Japanese coast in certain areas looking like landfills, but landfills mile after mile in length.  Recovery from situations like that are not overnight events so it's quite believable that the Japanese still regard the earthquake damage as a current problem needing addressing.  For Americans, just think how long it took for the affected areas to recover from Katrina, and the Japanese tsunamis were a disaster of much greater proportions.  Remember also, nowadays the Japanese are a mobile society, so that families are frequently spread over large areas.  The chances are that  most Japanese know people directly affected by the quake, so the quake is an event that personally involves a large portion of Japanese society.  The end result, if you add Yuzu's star power to the Japanese consciousness of the earthquake, you can be sure there will be no empty seats anywhere.

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Just now, Toni said:

Yeah, I was really alarmed when I heard about the 66 theaters. I can’t think of many stars out there who could fill that many seats on such short notice when the star isn’t even performing. If the theaters sell out, I think Yuzu will truly cement his God status and any potential backers for future projects will literally shower him in money, because this is literally INSANE! 

lol . It  reminds  me  that  the   day    after  his second   OGM      I read   a  comment at  some  Russian  forum  , don't  remember exactly  which,   something like  "OMG, he will be  canonized  in Japan  now! "  . I'm not  sure  it  sounds  as  funny  in English   as  it was in Russian,  but  you get  the  idea.


4 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Considering he's the reason why i finally decided to take formal lessons in japanese, i agree. The way he talks is amazing and you can get a lot from the way he speaks in different situations.

Same here :)  I'll see  how it  goes..

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I thought CiONTU tickets are all sold out (just checked Lawson and it is sold out), how do they managed to squeeze out some tickets for sales on actual day? 







It will be sold 30 min before door open time. 


Why am I not in Japan... I need to make friend with Doraemon...  :13877886: 

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12 minutes ago, yumeaki said:

I thought CiONTU tickets are all sold out (just checked Lawson and it is sold out), how do they managed to squeeze out some tickets for sales on actual day? 







It will be sold 30 min before door open time. 


Why am I not in Japan... I need to make friend with Doraemon...  :13877886: 

I'm not sure, but it might be because of the lottery. For NHK and GPF, there were three rounds of lottery, I think. Because there were always left-over tickets, I guess people not confirming payment or people who tried to get more than one ticket and the system didn't find seats together, or whatever. No idea. But these might be such left-over tickets. Also, I think they also added standing tickets, which might allow for some reshuffling.


Getting any will be tough, though. At NHK, on the first day there were people there from 9-10am. To try to get tickets from people selling spares. At concerts I've been to, hundreds of fans already lined up when I arrived around 9:30am to get merchandise, when the merchandise booth opened at noon. I stood in line 2 hours plus, for merchandise. And another time, waiting in line for merchandise at a festival over half an hour before it opened, waited for over an hour and a half, and many things sold out. Or people lining up from way early in the morning to get to the very front for a concert starting in the evening. And of course, many here have the ACI experience. Bottom line is: Japanese fans, regardless of fandom, are very good at getting up early, lining up and waiting in order to get what they want. I would be curious to see how early they'd go for tickets at CiONTU. (My own record is 9am for a concert starting at 7pm. But I was the very first :9:)

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49 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

I'm afraid all the Japanese young skaters put together, skating, wouldn't sell half as much as Yuzu just standing around doing nothing much. And despite my idol comment, it's not just about the image, it's about everything he is. Two times Olympic Athlete, tragic hero (earthquake survivor and a symbol of hope for his homeland), accomplished athlete, respectful, charming, smart and yes, good-looking. And because of the way he's been 'marketed' so far, highly exclusive. People will want to see him, even if he's not skating.


Plus, yes, Plushy and Johnny are very popular in Japan. I think Jeff is, too. And figure skating in general.


I understand a tendency to worry, I do it a lot, too, but I really think we have nothing to worry about this time. :9:

I really love that first sentence! I’m so glad I mentioned my fear about those 66 theaters, since everyone is so sure it won’t bite Yuzu in the ass. You’ve all made me feel much better about that.

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47 minutes ago, Toni said:

Yeah, I was really alarmed when I heard about the 66 theaters. I can’t think of many stars out there who could fill that many seats on such short notice when the star isn’t even performing. If the theaters sell out, I think Yuzu will truly cement his God status and any potential backers for future projects will literally shower him in money, because this is literally INSANE! 


I don't think anyone expects the 66 theaters to sell out, anyway. It's a bonus for those who can't participate in person but I don't think it's expected that they get sold out. 

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