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I would be happy if Yuzuru can resume his on ice training by late May/early June, just do some stroking and crossover is enough. After PC, everything he does will be a big bonus. I dont care about quad or 4A. He could stand in the middle of the rink and bow and would receive 100 pcs from me :laughing: 


(Tbh i only think about 4A because he want to do it and its his dream. The same with the 2nd OGM)

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2 minutes ago, Katt said:

I would be happy if Yuzuru can resume his on ice training by late May/early June, just do some stroking and crossover is enough. After PC, everything he does will be a big bonus. I dont care about quad or 4A. He could stand in the middle of the rink and bow and would receive 100 pcs from me :laughing: 


(Tbh i only think about 4A because he want to do it and its his dream. The same with the 2nd OGM)

I don't care either, I just want to see him continue to skate for as long as he wants to 

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6 minutes ago, yuzuonice said:

I read this as "fan dance" as in making his fans dance with him :1: (only the folding fans part made me do a double take :p)

(don't judge, I am tired, and jpop idols sometimes do this at their concerts ok! :laughing: )


That said, I'm sure Yuzu fans would have no problems learning the pre-determined routine beforehand! Just imagine a Yuzu dance that everyone in the arena does with him though, what an experience it'd be, I don't think anyone has done this before at an ice skating event, if anyone, Yuzu can do this :smiley-laughing021:



Totally!!, I just remembered his control of the audience at the end of the gala of the WTT last year. Amazing !

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9 minutes ago, yuzuonice said:

I read this as "fan dance" as in making his fans dance with him :1: (only the folding fans part made me do a double take :p)

(don't judge, I am tired, and jpop idols sometimes do this at their concerts ok! :laughing: )


That said, I'm sure Yuzu fans would have no problems learning the pre-determined routine beforehand! Just imagine a Yuzu dance that everyone in the arena does with him though, what an experience it'd be, I don't think anyone has done this before at an figure skating event, if anyone, Yuzu can do this :smiley-laughing021:




Lol, but I'm not against this idea either. His interactions with the audience and getting them to scream for LGC is a wonder. I'm sure it'd be even more amazing with something proper.


Reminds me of that gif of him bowing at the end of his programs as if he's conducting the audience rather than just bowing.

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2 minutes ago, Neenah said:

Few thousand years maybe :think: 


There is always new music and new fans :biggrin:

On the whole, I wouldn’t mind, but even Yuzu would probably find it’s stretching his love of ice to the limits :) 

he can skate to whatever he prefers - I’ll even take Bieber from him. Thank goodness, it’s never going to be Russian pop music...

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5 minutes ago, Neenah said:

I asked this before but I have to bring it up again


Is there really no fan project to congratulate Yuzu for his second Olympic gold?!!!!


We had a 100+ projects for his birthday, which happens every year, and nothing for this historic achievement? :rubeye:


Let's send him this


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3 hours ago, xeyra said:

I'm not sure if it's been shared here (I don't remember reading this yet!) but english translation of this video:


can be found at the YHIFG FB:



It's good! He talks about his protocols! And about his fears and hopes for the Olympics. And more.


Edit: I have seen snippets of translations of this but not the whole thing yet. 


It's probably been talked about before, but I've just had the time to watch and read the translation.


From the translation:



Yuzu “On the day before I flew into Korea, my condition finally reached the level that I aimed for. I was feeling disappointed until that day, thinking 'Oh no, I can’t win when my jumps are so bad’…but on the previous day of my departure I finally could jump alright. So I was confident.”


Soooo, if this is not an exaggeration on his part, basically 'the practices before the SP and the practice the day before he flew' were the only times his jumps were at the point he was confident with? :13877886: I mean, of course, his standard is way higher, so when he said he could 'jump alright', it means +3 GOE jumps, but still.




"So you need to build up technique for the beautiful artistic performance?”

Yuzu “Yes. Technique itself IS the artistry.”



You tell them, bby!!!



Yuzu “Yes, especially for the last lutz jump, I was fighting with some anxiety and pain, and I almost fell. I think the fans literally 'supported’ me.”

Oh Zu, if only you knew how my jaw felt when I finally unclench it when you manage to save that jump... 


(I think I need to stop copy-pasting quotes now, as it would count as reposting. I am so sorry...) 


I love how they finally talk about the technical scoring, and how Zu emphasized that the non-jumping elements are important too, and the jumps with high GOE, as opposed to jumps with high BV, is how and why he won.


When he said that 3A is his new starting line... This is why even Brian is rather, albeit reluctantly, surrendering it to him.


And Yuzu 'I'm not necessarily thinking about 2022, but if I am going I will win'. I've seen the report he said it before but I haven't seen his expression when he said it. I can't decide whether to laugh or cry at that, so I am doing both.


Lastly, 'I know my coaches set "total package", but watch me up the ante by setting "perfect package" instead. Cz yeah 4A is fancy and all, but I want to be perfect in EVERYTHING'. Yeah, I did make the right choice to stan the right person. Or did I truly? My hair might want to have a talk with me.

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34 minutes ago, Neenah said:

I asked this before but I have to bring it up again


Is there really no fan project to congratulate Yuzu for his second Olympic gold?!!!!


We had a 100+ projects for his birthday, which happens every year, and nothing for this historic achievement? :rubeye:



we have this :9:



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43 minutes ago, Neenah said:

I asked this before but I have to bring it up again


Is there really no fan project to congratulate Yuzu for his second Olympic gold?!!!!


We had a 100+ projects for his birthday, which happens every year, and nothing for this historic achievement? :rubeye:


It just feels like...what could we possibly do that would be worthy of such an achievement?! 

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