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General Yuzuru Chat

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Is it only me who thinks Yuzu and his team are just trying to have as much positivity as they could going into the Oly as the reigning Olympic's champion? Hence no SC and keeping Chopin? I mean Yuzu said he would have 2 new programs for Oly season, but he said it last season, so it could mean he won't keep both LGC and H&L. He also said H&L wasn't liked as much by the public, or judges tbh, and i bet he realized it affected his GOEs badly. Thus, it's just normal for him to choose among his programs which one is working with the judges, because well his taste and the judges' are just that different. He went into Sochi with a repeat SP and it honestly concerned me before when I thought he would go with a new SP into the Oly since he said he wouldn't keep LGC bc we all knew he never really did that well with new SP. He needed time to adjust and beat the program to become his and he doesn't have that time in the Oly season. 

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