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9 minutes ago, xeyra said:

I am somewhat skeptical these bids will keep because we've done into :eek::dbana: territory, but I'll be glad to be proved wrong!


someone should tell them that he's not actually going to be in those boots when they get them. Just boots. No human attached to them.

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1 hour ago, MrPudding said:



This article is extremely well written and poetic, almost, towards Yuzuru's achievements. Sorry if I don't translate it all, but I will translate the last segment, which is a summary and the meaning of all the article itself:



Quando la natura ti dona tutte le capacità tecniche, e sei in grado non soltanto di svilupparle ma anche di collocarle in una dimensione ancora non nota (E l’esempio del quadruplo loop realizzato nel corso dell’Autumn Classic International, il 30 settembre del 2016 ne è un’ampissima dimostrazione), allora sei destinato non soltanto a dominare, non soltanto a diventare il numero di ogni tempo (Probabilmente già ha messo una grossa V ad entrambe le voci), ma anche di essere considerato uno dei migliori atleti di ogni epoca nello sport in generale; l‘esempio più classico di come dalla semplicità possa nascere la grandezza ai livelli più estremi.


"When nature gives you all the technical abilities, and you are able not only to develop them, but to visualize them into a not-yet-known dimension (For example, the realization of quadruple loop during ACI, on the 30th september 2016 is evident proof of that), then you are destined not only to dominate, not only to become the greatest of all time (he probably already checked both items), but to be considered one of the best athletes of all time for the sport, as a whole; a classic example of how greatness pushed to the extreme can be born out of simplicity."


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5 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

Maybe it's an investment... Inb4 he wins a third ogm and now they're worth 300mil yen


Oooh no! Guys I've got it! It's probably not privates who are betting so much, but maybe corporations that want to use it as publicity?? do charity to get notoriety?? Idk

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Hi everyone:),

I just got home to the beautiful blue—flower— shooting thing, and perhaps beautiful is not the right word..:dpooh:,


and it got me thinking: he seems to be a born model, but modeling is a profession and hard to do. What else is he..greatest skater ever, did acting..perhaps it comes all together somehow..


As he thinks about his skating not merely as a sport achievement but as performances. And I remember some comment after Helsinki, how even his bows are part of the choreography. 


As were his bows at the Olympics: classical bow after Chopin, Japanese fighting bow after Seimei( or so it looked to me:laughing:).


What I mean with all this rambling: my god, what an artist! What talents! I am awestruck once again!



This happpens quite often when I look at the things he does, and today is one of these evenings..my heart is sometimes so full of joy:)


Happy greetings:)


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