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50 分, Frescaさんが言いました:


It's from 4chan. :9:


Nathan was caught by the Olympic demon.
Kolyada succumbed to the Olympic demon.
Boyan slayed the Olympic demon.
Javier charmed the Olympic demon.
Shoma didn't notice the Olympic demon.


Thank you !!!! :thanks:


You cleared the clouds over me.

:tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:


I have not seen the link.  Should I keep away? :dry:



It seems the part of Javier was translated wrongly into Japanese.

And Boyan's part was omitted.


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8 hours ago, robin said:

Hey guys :peek:

just a post to calrify some things that I have a feeling might still be a little unclear. We do say that discussions about skaters other than Yuzu may be held here as long as they are tangentially related to Yuzu but you can also talk about Yuzu in the General Skating Chat. So if you feel like what you are adressing has more to do with other skaters (such as Gogolev) than Yuzu you may post it on the other thread, too. But ofc this is more of a suggestion. We have been having more OT transgressions on this thread than usual lately and a lot of posts get rightfully reported. So this is just a gentle nudge from me that if you feel like your post could be OT you might as well post it in the more appropriate thread instead of running danger of derailing the Gen Chat


And I'd also like to remind you guys that the Random Thought Theatre exists where you're allowed to go astray and OT and random to your heart's content. (I am guilty of posting some more personal stuff here instead of on the RTT, too, but I'll try not to from now on:13877886:)

Oh, so personal Yuzu-related stuff should go to RTT? Should i move my posts to RTT? Sorry about that. Umm, i don't know how to find my posts. Sorry! :headdesk2:

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2 minutes ago, Erin said:

Oh, so personal Yuzu-related stuff should go to RTT? Should i move my posts to RTT? Sorry about that. Umm, i don't know how to find my posts. Sorry! :headdesk2:

It's more for random stuff or barely-Yuzu related stuff that you find/think/experience :9:

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6 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

It's more for random stuff or barely-Yuzu related stuff that you find/think/experience :9:


6 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:

No if it's Yuzu related it can stay here... just use your best discretion when posting xD

I'm still kind of confused so just kindly inform me when i go OT and where to put it. Thank you! :10742288: 

(Gonna add a Yuzumoji here because, why not?) :devilYuzu:

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3 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


Mine went from fanyu to Fanyu to Queen of all Fanyus. Before "good morning" or "hello" it's now "any news about my boy?!" 

What have I done? :facepalm:


Now I can't say I've gone that far. My mom's gone from passively listening to me gush about him to actively wanting to talk about his performances and watch past programs of his. The other day we spent a full hour just watching past FaOI stuff. 


She's also a musical theater junkie and her face absolutely lit up when I told her he did a program to POTO. 

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29 minutes ago, SuzyQ said:


Thank you !!!! :thanks:


You cleared the clouds over me.

:tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid::tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:


I have not seen the link.  Should I keep away? :dry:



It seems the part of Javier was translated wrongly into Japanese.

And Boyan's part was omitted.



Boyang erasure is no joke. o_o


And, yes, keep far, far away. You can't unread things. :facepalm:

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