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2 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:

Srsly that 4T tho... I think maybe I’ll go back to being sensible and not race to the airport to see him like in every ridiculous romantic movie ever.


Sorry to everyone I annoyed to death with my panicking but this kid, I swear, I could make a million toupees for Brian with the hair I’ve ripped out over him.

I'm more like this:


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8 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

I doubt he would risk that after hearing how his focus is on rehabilitation

ETA: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


I mean that’s what I think (hope) as well but also this Olys gave me major trust issues

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19 minutes ago, axelnojutsu said:

If he jumps quads he doesn’t need to surely that means his ankle can’t be that bad? Surely? He can’t be that reckless to needlessly risk making it worse, can he?


(who am I kidding :13877886:)

Maybe yet another childhood dream is to find out exactly how many people can have simultaneous nervous breakdowns because of Yuzu?

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Hace 4 horas, swanbeau said:

last competition, last podium... i.... i just rewatched that video again and i noticed that yuzu grabs the purple fabric first before crying into javi's shoulder, its like his world comes crushing down and he needed to hold on to something ha ha i dont need my heart anyway :13877886:


in writing this i discover a video from the front view of the hug and you could see his face clearly oh my god this is heartbreaking.... he tried so hard to control himself.... but he cried again when javi was called to the podium... and sort of walk backwards and face sideways to not be seen.... gosh why.... i hope at least this isnt the last time they see each other??? but yuzuru would likely not go to ice shows this year due to injury so.... idk idk im gonna cry now 

here's the video 



God dammit I'm crying... He's the number one not just for the WR, medals, technical and artistry, but because he's one of the best sportman I ever see, his kindness, respect and humility will be what I remember the most.

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6 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

:rofl:the sound tho... the sticky paws...

21/02/2018 - Beginning of the Poohcopalypse :angrypooh:


8 hours ago, Maleko said:

This is so cute



Just sponsor him already Disney!! 


5 hours ago, SparkleSalad said:


I'm atomised. I can't take anymore of this emotional onslaught. 


4 hours ago, Hydroblade said:

I really don't know what i would do without this place. It's pretty much the only place i can talk about Yuzu, my friends recently understood the nature of my admiration for him and they are being very supportive but there's nothing like speaking to people who kinda know how you're feeling.

I still remember how desperate i was when i first found out the other place, two months of hell of having all these feelings and no one to talk to.


i honestly don't even know through which miracle I came across this planet. I might have stumbled across some post on tumblr which spoke of this oh-so-mysterious-new-planet and thinking back, I don't know how I did anything alone before this. This place is a treasure truly. It just makes so warm and squishy to peak in during work and see our zuzu being showered in love and the occasional onslaught of worries and murderous pooh bears  Ahhh business as usual on the planet. If Yuzu is my happy place the planet is a close second for allowing me to bask in it :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

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You know, I think Yuzu is bringing Pooh today at practice bc he is getting tired with the media asking him about Pooh hahaha like he’s basically says “here, Pooh san, he’s the reason of the Pooh-valanche, other question please” :xD:

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2 minutes ago, b138oo said:

You know, I think Yuzu is bringing Pooh today at practice bc he is getting tired with the media asking him about Pooh hahaha like he’s basically says “here, Pooh san, he’s the reason of the Pooh-valanche, other question please” :xD:


He already made Pooh talk to PJ once :smiley-laughing021: I wouldn't even be surprised if one day he just went "Would you kindly direct your questions at the Pooh himself, thank you very much"

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