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3 minutes ago, dorkyiceprince said:

I looked him up and was too :salty: to check his age. Shoulda done that before.

I feel bit better now. Ain't no one taming Nessie before zuzu

I feel exactly the way I do when I find my dogs with something that is not their toy. And usually something I really need. I hold it up and very sternly ask, 'Is this your toy? Hmm? Is it?'


That's kind of what I wish I could do. :rofl: 

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Question guys, when saying he doesn't have plans for 2022, was it a sincere look, or something similar to the look he gave about "for now I'm not going to put a 4Lz in my program" over the summer? Serious question, the boy says he's "not decided" a lot of times when he's freakin' decided. 

5 hours ago, MrPudding said:


Well, I must say I'm all for Yuzu running the ISU at some point. That's what Ulrich Salchow did, if I'm not mistaken. Won a couple and then went ahead and ran the thing. I do fondly recall Dick Button roasting the ISU in some speech, where he mentioned the last time the ISU stood up for figure skaters was when the president was a figure skater, and they stood up to soviet block judging. And of course, now there hasn't been a single figure skater as an ISU president for a while. Who knows, ISU might need a figure skater to save it from itself again. 


As for Brian's reveal of Nessie and harness jumping:

- We knew for a while right? But yeah, poor Brian's hair, it seems like his main job is to ensure Yuzu gets what he wants efficiently. So while Pooh might be Prime Minister, Brian and TCC seems to be the rest of the court chancellors and advisors. 

- Harness training: for a lot of the harder jumps, having a harness helps, but it would be most beneficial to help cushion falls and ensure that the skater doesn't get severely injured when trying new jumps. So if Yuzu has managed to land Nessie without much additional help from the harness guy, then he's probably okay. Granted, I'm scared, because to get Nessie, he has to either rotate significantly faster, or increase his airtime significantly. Not sure which is safer to be honest. 



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Does anybody remember how it was with 4Lo? Krasnozhon landed it one week before Yuzu, but with negative goe. We didn't knew if it was going to be ratified until next week. And then Yuzu landed a clean one and it was ratified immediately.


I think there is still a long road to positive GOE 4A for everyone who attempts it. 


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12 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:



:rofl: omg Brian's face hahahaha i love it.


20 minutes ago, Xen said:

Question guys, when saying he doesn't have plans for 2022, was it a sincere look, or something similar to the look he gave about "for now I'm not going to put a 4Lz in my program" over the summer? Serious question, the boy says he's "not decided" a lot of times when he's freakin' decided. 

My Fanyu heart wants to think he is leaning towards staying, based on his reaction when faced with the possibility of being forced to retire bc of injury, like "what am i going to do now". I think he loves to skate a lot to seriously think about going away. Someone mentioned that without the pressure of getting more titles he might experiment with his programs and iirc he mentioned that he wants to skate to various types of music and idk, he said he was satisfied with Seimei but i don't think that was his ideal skate. So there's still that. And with the change of rules, i want a "YOU CAN CHANGE THE RULES BUT YOU CAN'T CHANGE WHO'S THE BEST:darklordyuzu:" in the most Hanyu way possible.

Now onto what you really asked, if he's fit to do it, i don't know if he would pass the opportunity to represent his country at the Olympics one more time, so there's that too.

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59 minutes ago, Floria said:

He is Russian skater with quite a good 3A. And he is one of whose who actually tried to jump 4A more than once. 


But please calm down. It wasn't an international competition, he fell and the jump was downgraded to 3A. 


I am watching him like a hawk. :laughing:

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55 minutes ago, dorkyiceprince said:

I imagine this to be zuzu's face if he finds out there's others out there trying to conquer and tame his Nessie :hachimaki:


I'm pretty sure Yuzu knows who else is trying 4A. He keeps a list. Max Aaron, MCM, Dmitriev, I think Brendan Kerry too? (an Australian, I think). This list he delivers to his Kikuchi-san to do his magic on, like the good warlock he is. And he bides his time.

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1 minute ago, xeyra said:


I'm pretty sure Yuzu knows who else is trying 4A. He keeps a list. Max Aaron, MCM, Dmitriev, I think Brendan Kerry too? (an Australian, I think). This list he delivers to his Kikuchi-san to do his magic on, like the good warlock he is. And he bides his time.

You had me at Kikuchi-san :rofl:
We're either very sleep deprived or very unsure of where to place our emotions atm

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